Strange Sightings II – ships in the sky

We’ve had several encounters with what we believe were alien ships, so I thought I’d document them here. Once, walking back from our mailbox down our long driveway, a small plane way flying parallel to us, maybe two or three hundred feet in the air. I looked up and noticed that the plane was flying extremely slowly, too slowly to sustain flight. It was like watching a slow motion movie of an airplane. This is the type of thing that lets you know you are seeing something other than what is being presented to your 3D eyes. As soon as I commented to Stevo about the plane and we started boosting it, it veered off and flew away.

Another time I was standing in front of our house talking to a woman who had brought her dog over for me to communicate with, and a B-52 bomber flew over, the kind the forest service uses to put out fires. It was again flying so slowly that it was hard to imagine how it was staying in the air. I looked up and commented to my visitor about it and she was also astonished how how slowly the plane was moving. She said it looked like a slow motion movie (her words).

The most obvious sighting for me was when Stevo, Carol, Don and I were our in their boat gifting Yellowstone Lake. I was in the front of the boat looking back at the others and scanning the clouds to see the weather changes. I was staring at a cloud and suddenly realized that I was looking at straight lines and 90-degree corners. This was not a cloud. It looked like part of a ship. It was the same color as the clouds, but I’ve never seen a cloud that looked like a parallelogram. I opened my mouth to tell the others to look and as I watched, the clouds around the parallelogram literally boiled up and covered it from view. It was like watching a time lapse movie of cloud movement, only it happened in seconds, in real time. I told the others what I had seen and we agreed that it felt like friendly visitors.

Once we gifted a weatherball up at Flathead Lake, a few hours north of us, and as we drove home, we noticed a dark, triangle-shaped cloud following us. It followed us all the way home and Steve felt like he was being beamed the whole time. I don’t think a triangle-shaped cloud, with definite straight edges, is a normal sky phenomenon.  :-)

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One Response to Strange Sightings II – ships in the sky

  1. happyjim says:

    I don’t remember how I know this but I learned somewhere, that the NSA has and flys triangle spacecraft.