Missoula Weatherball
I posted all this weatherball info on Etheric Warriors, but it was all lost in the last two server crashes.
About five years ago we noticed a weatherball in the mountains above Missoula. For those of you who don’t know, a weatherball is a huge round ball, usually white, that is placed on mountaintops supposedly to monitor the weather (they’re officially called “radar stations”). What they are really used for is to control the weather through HAARP technology. Well, the one above Missoula is huge and black and very nasty-looking. It’s located at the Snowbowl ski area just north of the city. We found out that we could ride the ski lift off-season and get pretty close to the weatherball, so the last day they offered these rides in September, we rode up with a couple of backpacks full of orgonite.
When we got to the top, we asked the kid at the top of the lift how to get to the weatherball. He said, “What weatherball?” I said, “The big black ball right over that hill.” He said he had never noticed it! Just goes to show how deeply asleep some people are. He gave us directions to get to the general area and we hiked over there, sometimes in snow that hadn’t melted over the summer. When we got to the weatherball we realized that the kid who gave us directions had been skiing in that area for years (he says) and he still had no clue about the big black ball sitting on the mountainside. Mkid programming? Who knows..
Anyway, we gifted it thoroughly, and when we got back to the lift, the kid asked if we had made it to our destination, like we were two old fogies who couldn’t hike a few miles. When we got to the bottom of the lift, the girl running things there said how great it was that we made it to our destination. Obviously, we must have seemed like old farts to them to warrent so much attention.
In March of 2007, we decided to gift all the other weatherballs we could find in Montana, which we located using the Nexrad radar station website (www.nexrad.com). This doesn’t show all the weatherballs, but it shows a lot of them. We found ones in Great Falls, Billings, Glendive and Glasgow. So we packed up the dogs and did a four-day gifting trip around Montana. Our first major stop was Billings, where we gifted all the towers and the weatherball we found there. When we woke up the first morning to start gifting, there was chem/HARRP all over the sky.

The beginning of the Billings chemspray
They were spraying right over our hotel. By the time we got to the first tower, the spray was starting to spread out and become a white-out. After doing about half a dozen towers, including a bunch of HAARP towers on the outskirts of town, we noticed the sky clearing and the puffy clouds starting to march in. It literally happened before our eyes, in about half an hour. We gifted this huge array on top of a hill, and you can see the chem white-out in the background.

Billings tower array
By the time we got to the other side of town to continue gifting, all the chemspray was gone and these puffy clouds were all over.

Puffy clouds!
Here’s what the Nexrad weatherballs look like…some of them are a lot smaller than that nasty weatherball above Missoula.

Billings weatherball
I keep coming back to edit this post and I notice that the pictures and text are not really lining up very well, so I won’t add any more pictures. Suffice it say, we had the same experience, on a less dramatic scale, in Glendive, Glasgow and Great Falls, Montana during this course of this trip. The really interesting thing is that a few months later, we happened to notice that we have much less HAARP activity in the skies above us. I would say it has dropped to about 10% of what it was. It’s actually fairly unusual for us to have HAARP clouds in our sky now. I believe the HAARP that is left is due to some towers in the mountains west of us that are inaccessible except by airplane. Don has volunteered to take care of that gifting for us. What a guy!
The other weatherball we gifted in the area was above Flathead Lake. We spotted it when we were in Don and Carol’s boat gifting the lake, so they came back a few weeks later and we drove up to this weatherball. It was located at a ski resort (thanks guys) so it was easy to get to and the snow wasn’t too deep. We passed a fedmobile just as we turned up the road to the tower. They were pulled over to the side and they looked at us with exasperated expressions as we passed them. Here’s a rule of thumb when you’re being followed by the feds: smile and wave. Take a picture of them if you get a chance. The next time we went up to Flathead, the energy had totally changed there.

Stevo, Jeff, Carol and Don. Stevo left his personal signature in the snow with, well...you know :)