I managed to haul the last two cartloads of rock out to the labyrinth today to complete it…finally! The interesting thing I noticed while building it was that many of the rocks embedded in the ground here happened to fall exactly in line with the rock border of the labyrinth. It must have happened a dozen times. Also, when I was finishing today, I happened to choose exactly the right number of stones that I needed to finish the last path. I didn’t have to shove stones together or move them apart just to avoid going and picking up more rocks. I placed the last stone and it fit perfectly, as if I had counted out beforehand the number of stones I needed. I ended up placing three heart-shaped stones on the path near the entrance…very cool. Here are some pics:

The full labyrinth

Close-up of the middle with the 108

A circle of sylphs showed up after we put the 108 in the middle. This is only part of the circle.
Great energy!