Hello, sylphs

We tend to get a lot of sylph activity over our house, probably because of all the orgonite on our property, including three CB’s. Today we saw some beautiful ones right over us, while the rest of the valley had just blue sky and puffy clouds. I think they like our labyrinth, too. :-)

There’s been some controversy on the internet about sylphs, mainly because of some successful disinfo artists out there claiming to have a special connection to sylphs. I just see sylphs as another elemental, albeit advanced ones. I think they show up to get us to look up in the sky and see things from a different perspective. It’s easy to get caught up in what the NWO is doing and get all worried about it, but when you look up in the sky and see beautiful clouds, blue sky and sylphs, all seems right with the world. They remind me that’s it’s a big sky, and a big world out there.

~ Dooney

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