The wonders of danburite

Stevo and I have recently been attacked quite heavily, especially his business, and one of the things that has really made a difference for us is danburite. It’s a clear stone and really beautiful. We had a lot of help from Carol, Don and Ben in boosting for our biz, and we also boosted all three of them since all of our businesses were being attacked at the same time. Carol also told us of an underground facility in the south part of our valley that needed gifting, and they generously sent us the EP’s and TB’s we needed to do that. We spent a Sunday afternoon gifting and that helped but didn’t quite get us over the hump.

danbpendantWe visited Don and Carol a few weeks ago and went to our favorite rock shop in Spokane where we picked up some danburite. Stevo got a piece of white danburite and a piece of yellow danburite, and he bought me this beautiful pendant which is clear danburite and pink tourmaline. We got home and the biz was still slow, so I glued a bail (hanger) on Stevo’s white danburite to make it into a necklace. He put it on at about 1:00 in the afternoon, and suddenly he got calls and had a full afternoon of patients. Business has picked up since then, although it’s not back to normal yet.

The properties of danburite are: angelic communicaton, channeling, interdimensional travel, peace, freedom from stress. It’s supposed to help you evolve spiritually and clear the chakras, and it’s good for processing grief. I have felt very calmed by wearing my pendant. The pink tourmaline in my pendant is a high-heart stone, an unconditional love stone. Good combo as danburite also helps open the heart, especially the yellow danburite. I think this is a good stone for anyone in these times. It’s kind of expensive, but you can get small pieces for not too much. The beauty pieces tend to cost a lot more.

~ Dooney

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