Multidimensional Me (and you)

It’s been a busy spring, hence the lack of blogs…I’m trying to revitalize all the garden beds around our house that went wild when I neglected them for almost two years while trying to get healthy again. I’m happy to say that I’m now healthy enough to do the work. It is rather exhausting, but it’s so great to be out there in the dirt. I’ve been wearing my Nature Connection bracelet when I garden to help develop my green thumb. We’ve had so much rain that I don’t know if it’s working yet.

We had a visit a few weeks ago from our friend Ben Morton, who is making some truly “next generation” orgonite products. Ben brought us some of his new toys to play with, being the generous person he is. One of these is a pendant with a selection of crystals that is being called “M17″ for lack of a better name. It’s a Morton (M) mix of 17 different crystals. Some of them are crystals that you will find in the book “Stones of the New Consciousness” by Robert Simmons. When I put on the pendant I immediately felt my aura expand, and Ben and Stevo both saw that happen. I felt the way I feel when I deliberately go into the higher dimensions. After sitting with the pendant on for several minutes, I realized that I was able to access the higher dimensions without having to really think about it. I was just there. How cool!

The next thing he showed us was a wand, similar to the Etheric Laser Wand, that has the same mix of crystals. After playing with it for a bit, I discovered that if you point it at someone or something, it does the same thing as the pendant. It makes that person or thing go multidimensional! We had also bought a small cloudbuster from Ben and he had put a TB in the middle of the pipes that has that same mix of crystals. We have found that small cloudbuster to be as strong as our bigger ones in terms of changing weather patterns. Several times we have pointed it into a strong wind and the wind has calmed considerably.

The multidimensional thing is fairly subtle and you have to be pretty energy-sensitive to know you are accessing higher dimensions. I was coaching someone a few weeks ago about how to do this and in the course of answering questions it became really clear to me (again) that we are supposed to exist in multiple dimensions simultaneously. That is our natural state. The idea that most people are “stuck” in 3D is a fallacy, I think. More and more, people are going multidimensional without even knowing they are doing it. To do is consciously is the challenge. I think Ben’s tools are a great way to help people get there consciously. I really appreciate his creative talent in making orgonite tools. You can check out his stuff by clicking on the Morton Orgone Art link on the right side of this page.

~ Dooney

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