I had the funniest thing happen last week….I coached a number of the African gifters, which was a real pleasure as their energy is rather magical. Anyway, after coaching the last three, I went outside with the dogs and was sitting in a chair in the woods near a stream when a plane flew over. Nothing new there as there is a small airport across the valley. This was a small prop plane that has been flying over our house for years and I boost it each time it flies over. This time, however, it sounded like a small jet! I was so stunned I just watched it fly over (below legal altitude, of course, and with no identifying numbers) and then I had to laugh. What kind of psy-ops idiot thought this would intimidate me? We’ve had some very strange experiences with airplanes flying over, but this one was more than obvious. When does a prop plane sound like a jet? When it’s a Fed! Ha ha! I went in the house and asked Stevo if he just heard a plane fly over and he said he heard a jet. Then I told him it was the yellow and red prop plane we always see. He rolled his eyes. I think the NWO wankers are losing it!
When a plane is a Fed
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