The Golden Age

Carol is still working hard at the Hamilton Psychic Fair, doing aura photos and readings. A lot of folks have a gold aura this time, which is really interesting. Gold represents divine information and truth. Someone with a gold aura is honest, and can’t tolerate someone who doesn’t tell the truth. I think it’s a sign that more and more people are waking up to integrity and high spiritual information. I’ve noticed in the last few months that consciousness is polarizing more and more (I’ve probably already blogged about this). So I think those who are drawn to truth and honesty are coming into their spirituality. And I think the fact that she is seeing so many gold auras just means that Truth is able to come out more…the energy on the planet is supporting Truth.

When we did the psychic fair in June a lot of auras were green, and everyone’s heart chakra was really big. So that means to me that the energy on the planet is also supporting Love. I think we are just going through a lot of stages of changing energy and it’s interesting to see what shows up in people’s auras. I’ve also noticed several people with really large crown chakras, which is where spiritual information comes into your energy space. I think just being at the psychic fair probably opens up a lot of people to more information.

If you get a chance to have an aura photo done, go for it!

~ Dooney

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2 Responses to The Golden Age

  1. dooney says:

    I agree Wayne…thanks for your comments!

  2. Wayne says:

    I was happy to read your most recent blogs. I am neither a psychic nor energy reader, but I also feel that many people are waking up to the Truth and their spiritual potential. This process has similarities to the idea of the Stages of Grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and finally acceptance. All individuals must work through their own process of awakening in their own way, and in their own time. But these 5 Stages do not fully explain what is happening now on the entire planet. I believe that a higher level of love and compassion is starting to grow. More humans are starting to develop their long forgotten abilities to interact with the energy of the planet and their abilities to interact with others in a peaceful and supportive way. This is a very exciting time!