The Powers That Ain’t attacked both my dogs last night in the middle of the night. Luckily, my insomniac husband and I were still awake so we were able to deal with it. Honestly, do those wankers really have nothing better to do?? It started with Sammy getting hives on the top of his head. Then Molly went outside several times to vomit. Then they were both shaking. Usually we have to deal with one shaking dog at a time but last night was a double whammy (isn’t that a great piece of slang?). I started playing my emerald singing bowl mp3 through our Slim Spurling harmonizer, and we each got hold of a dog and started helping them run their energy. They were both wagging their tails slightly so I knew it couldn’t be too bad.
The funny thing is that when they get attacked, Sammy gets really quiet, and slinks around and his eyes get really big. Last night he was looking around like he expected a monster to jump out at him at any minute. Molly, on the other hand, gets really agitated. She won’t sit still and she wants constant petting. Another weird thing that happened is that she started frantically sniffing Sammy, all over his body, like she could smell something bad (or interesting, it’s hard to tell with a dog). We figured she can actually smell the energy of the attackers, who were alien insects in this case.
So we did what we usually do. We run a hand down their back, from the top of their head all the way to the tailbone. At the same time we talk to them about grounding and bringing in golden suns and send them images at the same time. This time it only took about 20 minutes to stop the attacks. I put on their collars that have an HP and a piece of danburite taped on, and I also played our singing bowl in real time and that seemed to settle them down quite a bit. I didn’t panic this time, I just dealt with it. I wonder if TPTA are getting really desperate. Why else would they expend so much energy to hassle us by attacking our dogs? That’s the best they can do now, and it’s really pitiful. Remember, TPTA hate to be laughed at or scorned in any way. If you can make fun of them you are coming from a stronger position. DON’T GO INTO FEAR! If you learn one thing from reading my blog, learn that. Practice it. Bring golden suns into your 3rd chakra until you can laugh about the whole thing. Get a bigger perspective. Then boost!
~ Dooney
Do these clowns realise that when they attack you guys and we all find out about it, then they can expect some additional boosting magic. I certainly give them a boost. Have been practising boosting up through the dimensions as per your exercises. Also now boost through my chest, back then everywhere as if a sun ball of energy. I also target the whole chain of command and anyone else linked to an attack, also their ancestoral line and also their karmic line (if I remember).
Hi Pip,
Thanks for your boosting help…we need it! I’m always surprised at how these attackers are such dolts. They never seem to figure out that attacking us just makes us more determined.