Catalog of weirdness

Well I haven’t been able to upload the pics I wanted to post but I thought I’d try to list some of the things that have been going on for us lately. Number one weird thing is the gaslighting that they are trying to do on us. We are being very closely watched now and strange things are happening at home and on the road. For example, my labyrinth HP disappeared several months ago, and while we were traveling in January it showed up in Stevo’s suitcase in a small, clear plastic ziploc. Neither one of us put it there, it just showed up. Then of course the Lucifer spitting thing happened. In the past two months at home we’ve had things disappear and reappear, such as my favorite dowsing tool. These are things that are always in the same place, every day, and one day they simply aren’t there. You look around and after you’ve looked in the same spot three times, it’s there when you look again. Typical gaslighting.

On our recent trip from which we just returned, we did a lot of gifting in the southwest, and we were being followed and chemtrailed a lot. It gets pretty obvious when there is a perfectly blue sky and as soon as you step outside a chemtrail plane goes over. It’s happened to us so many times that we don’t see it as coincidence anymore. I wanted to post pictures of the people that followed us, and the chemtrails but that will have to wait I guess.

Other things that have happened:  Stevo has been hanging out in our Airstream because it protects him from attack, and while he is out there he hears banging on the door (not me) and the trailer rocks back and forth sometimes. While that was happening to him, I was in the house upstairs and hearing noises downstairs, such as little thumps and things moving around. All my animals were upstairs with me so I know it wasn’t them. Also typical gaslighting.

I bought some wine at the grocery store the other day and I picked up one bottle of red and one of white. I distinctly remember checking out with one of each. By the time I got home a few hours later, after hanging out with Carol at a psychic fair, I had two bottles of the red. Just random weird stuff that has no explanation. Why do they do this? It’s dumb.

We’ve been talking about it a lot and we think what is happening is that all these little things are designed to put us into fear. Little pokes and prods and “scary” things. We don’t go into fear because we know that if we respond to things like that, they’ll get in our space,  then they’ll try something bigger and more dramatic. That’s how you can literally manifest all your fears into the physical and we refuse to do that. You have to say “NO” to the fear. They’ll send me pictures of bad stuff that can happen, like finding Stevo dead in the trailer. I just stop the thoughts as soon as I have them. We simply can’t afford to give in to fear at all now because things are so polarized and thoughts are manifesting so much more quickly. We have been warned, and Carol has been warned, to be very, very careful now, not just of our actions but also of our thoughts. We’ve had really good stuff manifest almost instantly lately, like within a day, and we know that “bad” stuff can manifest just as quickly.

Other stuff:  You might have noticed that my website has been down a lot lately. I upgraded to newer WordPress software and it hasn’t been the same since, even though I restored to an older backup that doesn’t include the new software. So, lots of challenges getting my thoughts and experiences out on my blog, and obviously they don’t want me telling you stuff. I’ll keep trying though.

I’m going to do another post about a great book we picked up in Tucson at Carol’s urging: “Return of the Divine Sophia” by Tricia McCannon. It’s sparked something in me and Stevo and in Carol too I think, and we are all really focused on the Divine Feminine right now. I highly recommend it.

That’s all for now!

~ Dooney

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