Night terrors? Boost ’em baby!

Everybody in my chat group is getting attacked pretty hard lately. Last night I was sent some disturbing visions and dreams. While I was half awake I was sent the image of someone standing next to my bed who was going to attack me physically. I wasn’t fully alert but I realized right away that I had to boost that image away so that it wouldn’t become real. So I boosted and boosted that image until I couldn’t see it anymore. This is a pretty common form of attack. They come at you while you are vulnerable because it’s easy to go into fear and hard to fight back. So when you are tired or sick, or even just have some mild physical problem that they can take advantage of, they will attack. They will also play upon your fears. For a long time I kept getting an image of a man standing in the back of my closet waiting to attack me. I finally realized that they use my closet to scare me and have been doing that since I was a little kid. Now when I go in my closet I stick my tongue out at the image of that man. I refuse to be afraid of my closet! :-)

I think the trick is to not worry all the time about being attacked, but to develop the ability to respond immediately, no matter what. After I boosted the creepy attacker image away last night, I fell asleep and had an awful dream about one of my dogs being killed. That segued into another dream about my dog Charlie (who died 5 years ago) being killed in some terrible manner. As soon as I woke up I boosted those images. I knew if I didn’t the dreams would haunt me for days.

As humans, we are emotional and heartfelt. It’s okay to be that way. It’s what makes us the awesome, multi-dimensional beings we are. But it means that we are vulnerable to things that hurt our hearts. I’ve been dealing with that all my life and I finally know now that it doesn’t mean there is something wrong with me. It means there is something right. And now I have boosting as a tool to deal with the people (and non-people) in this world who think it’s okay to hurt others.

If you have ever prayed, you know how to boost. If you’ve ever sent good thoughts to someone, you know how to boost. Check out my Basic Boosting exercise (link on the right sidebar) and get a Master’s degree in boosting. Then get busy! :-)

~ Dooney

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