Calling All Goddesses

I guess I’m gonna need some Goddess help to get my website working! I’ve been trying to get it fixed with no success so I apologize for the spotty performance of my site. I haven’t been able to post for.a month. What I’ve been working on is calling in Goddess energy any way I can. One thing that has helped is that we got a gorgeous Mary Magdalene statue and put it in our front yard – and got attacked immediately! It’s pretty routine for us to get attacked daily but it’s interesting to notice what makes them really mad. Apparently, Mary Magdalene energy really pisses them off. But having her energy on our property in that way has helped us get better at defending ourselves. I’ve also been reconfiguring my labyrinth so that the entrance is on the East side. I read in the Divine Sophia book that you should always enter a sacred circle from the East, and my entrance was on the South side. In the two days I’ve been moving rocks to change this, my head has been hurting like it’s going to explode, so I must be on the right track. I noticed right away, as soon as I began the new configuration, that the energy was much better.

They’ve been making Stevo’s head hurt a lot too, lately, so he’s been taking refuge in our Airstream. I’ve had to go out there for some relief as well. Another thing we’ve discovered is EM-1, which is an amazing microbe product that you can use to fertilize plants, clean anything, detox anything, including your gut. And I’m pretty sure we’re being punished for getting that and telling people about it. Look it up and see what you think. I also want to say a quick work about Clearwater Cultures, which is a small company that makes probiotic soaps, shampoos and creams. Lovely, wonderful products that are all organic, natural and very high quality. Visit their site at I’m not paid to say this, just want everyone to know about them because they have high integrity products.

I’m trying to cram a bunch of stuff into this post because I don’t know how long it will be before I get to post again. :-) I haven’t been coaching or making bracelets yet because I am just not up to it. It’s been a stressful, weird year so far and I’m not in a good place to coach people. So I hope you are reading and practicing my exercises and using the Etheric Rescue Tips. There are a lot of good things happening on the planet, so please don’t lose hope. This is a tough time to be awake, but I think all our work will be worth it. Stevo and I are doing our best to hold the Love energy on the planet, and the best thing you can do is work on yourself and radiate Love!

~ Dooney

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One Response to Calling All Goddesses

  1. KatherineA says:

    You have my support. Hope this gets through. :)