For years I haven’t really browsed around the internet for information since there is so much dis-information out there. I got kind of burned out after coming out of the New Age fog I was in. I’ve relied on Stevo, who’s opinion I highly respect, to tell me about the interesting things he’s come across. One of these interesting tidbits has kind of re-ignited my interest in reading more. You always have to be discerning when taking in any information, of course.
There’s a blog called Stillness in the Storm –
A lot of the information here sounds fantastical and reads like science fiction, but much of it is similar to what i see in the group chats. I haven’t been reading other people’s stuff, so what I see in the chats isn’t influenced by what I’ve read. It’s just what I see. From reading stuff on this site, it’s apparent that a lot of other folks are seeing the same things The site has a lot of links to a lot of other information. They also stress discernment, taking action, using your heart and forgiveness/compassion. They want you to think for yourself instead of blindly accept, as do I.
One of their links is to a guy named Mark Passio, who is a former satanist who is now speaking out against the dark occult (he refers to himself as a “de-occultist”). I’ve been watching his Natural Law seminar on Youtube and it really strikes a cord with me. I get a lot of people asking me why the world is the way it is, and Mark Passio has put together a really comprehensive presentation on just that question. He’s very methodical, so watch all of it (almost nine hours).
Here’s a link to the first part of the seminar:
A brief bio on Mark Passio:
Mark Passio’s website:
Another site that has good info is The word “ascension” triggers some New Age alarms, but if you read his info you will find he also stresses discernment, action and heart energy. He also has some good meditations you should try.
Maybe this info will resonate with you, and maybe it won’t. The great thing is that we all get to choose for ourselves.
Happy reading!
~ Dooney