New Etheric Warriors

It’s been a week since the attacks started on our dogs, and they are still happening, although the effects are less severe since we put Carol’s HP’s on both the dogs. It seems they are concentrating the attack on Stevo and Sammy, the two males in the house. I haven’t figured that one out yet. They’ve attacked at least once a day. Last night Sammy’s HP string broke and while I was repairing it he broke out in a ton of bumps all over his head and down his back. It started to get better as soon as I got the HP back on him, but the bumps didn’t fully go away until this morning. When I got up, I saw that his HP was lying loose on his dog bed, and he was shaking. The metal hook is broken on that HP now, so I quickly ran some energy on him, got another HP and attached it to his collar.

Yesterday and today I started teaching Sammy how to ground, saying the words out loud while I moved energy from his crown down to his first chakra and out his grounding cord. I sent him images to match the words I was saying since I feel animals respond more to images than words. I showed him how to bring golden suns into each chakra. Yesterday I worked on his chakras, which felt the same as if I was working on a human, by the way, and his first chakra felt absolutely shredded, like it had been ripped at by something with claws. Really bad. I fixed that and I told Sammy what I was doing the whole time, backing up my words with images.

This morning I mentioned to Stevo that I had been teaching Sammy this stuff, and he said he’s been teaching Sammy how to boost! Pretty cool. I am starting to think that maybe these attacks are happening so that we can teach our dogs to be real-time Etheric Warriors with us. Our previous dogs, Charlie and Black Jack, used to go on boosting missions with us as once in a while. Sammy and Molly haven’t done that yet, but maybe that’s the next step. Molly seems to be a little more attack-proof and world-wise and I think she’s an old soul. But I’m pretty sure Sammy is new to this world so he has more to learn.

I believe animals have chakras and souls, just like humans. I feel they live in closer harmony to nature and the energy of the earth, so they would be naturals to join in the etheric fight. This is their planet too. Now I’m going to focus much more on doing chakra work on all my animals and on continuing to teach them how to join the etheric fight. I’ve known for a long time that animals are affected by energy work. See my previous post about our cat Boots, and what Stevo taught her at . Maybe now is the time for humans and animals to work together etherically.

The challenge is to keep aware of what’s going on moment to moment. It’s just getting more intense every day. Sometimes I get discouraged and I wish I could just live a normal life, but really, what’s normal anymore? I don’t think anyone is living a “normal” life. So I take a breath, and keep going, keep doing what I feel is right.

~ Dooney

Only a coward would attack a dog!


Brave Sammy wearing one of Aunt Carol’s HP’s.

It’s been a strange weekend here at Casa Smith-Weise. Yesterday morning Sammy came in from his morning constitutional shaking and gagging like he was about to throw up. We immediately put the zapper on him thinking he may have eaten something outside that disagreed with him. The day before he had developed a couple of hives on his head but they went away overnight. So, zapping, and I ran energy on him and then we gave him some charcoal biscuits to soak up any toxins he might have ingested. After a couple of hours he was much better and that afternoon he was back to normal in every way. Yay!

This morning, it happened all over again. If he had eaten something two days previously that upset him, it would have passed out of him by now since he’d had several bowel movements. So again I put the zapper on him and ran energy. He looked really miserable and I covered him with a blanket as he lay in front of the fireplace. Suddenly, an hour after it all started, he picked up his head, wagged his tail and was perfectly fine! At this point I became suspicious, and after talking it over with Stevo we were pretty sure this was an energy attack.

Since Sunday is our chat day, I got in the chat with Carol, and Don was able to join us from Belize, where he and Francisco are on the first leg of their Costa Rican journey. I told Carol what was going on and that we suspected beaming and she confirmed it immediately. We saw that it was coming from a satellite, not locally, and it was coming from two sources. We put a dome of mirrors up, or I should say Carol’s alter ego Giant Carol did, and I put mirrors around Stevo and myself and all our animals.

Then, we went hunting. Rather than go up a chain of command of attackers like we used to, I simply asked to see the source of the beaming. I got a flash of an image – a praying mantis. I didn’t actually type into the chat window that I saw a praying mantis, just that I saw an insect. A minute later, Carol typed in the words praying mantis. :-)

So yes, my life is weirder than science fiction. We were being beamed with some kind of scalar wave by a giant praying mantis. Oh, did I mention the bug was doing this from another dimension? They can’t attack us from our own timeline anymore because it’s to easy for us to see and disable them, so for more than a year they’ve been attacking us from other dimensions, kind of like hiding in a hunting blind. Luckily, our etheric friends have helped us see this tactic and we are still able to stop attacks and disable the attackers.

Today was no different. I realized in talking to Carol and Don that several things that happened this weekend pointed to an attack. The way Sammy became suddenly ill, then suddenly well, like a switch had been flipped; me waking up with a sore back on Saturday for no reason; a little rosemary tree that had been in the window to get some sunshine was suddenly dead like it had been fried; at the same time Sammy was sick, Molly was wheezing and our cat Boots was throwing up. I think they have been trying to beam us through the windows. They can’t just come through the roof anymore because when we had our roof rebuilt 2 years ago we had the builders put high-grade aluminum foil and orgonite all over the roof. Stevo and I both wear HP’s 24/7 so beaming doesn’t really affect us much, but the dogs were vulnerable when they went outside. So, I rigged up a couple of extra HP’s to their collars for protection.

I feel this was a direct reprisal for helping Don and Francisco on Friday afternoon as they waded through the red tape in Customs in Belize. Stevo and I boosted for several hours. Carol also felt really strange energy at her house all weekend. We found that Giant Carol had already protected her with a mirrored dome. The darksiders don’t want any of the Carribean area gifted, of course, and they don’t want Don to establish any ties in Costa Rica. Too bad, so sad, as Carol said today. The NWO got mad at us for helping and couldn’t really get to us, so they attacked our dogs. Talk about cowardly behavior! Shame on you, you secret handshake wankers!

[Edit: About 10 minutes after posting this, Sammy’s head broke out in hives, but only on the right side, just like the other night. I put the HP on him and the bumps immediately started to go away. We’re boosting bugs now!]

~ Dooney

No more victims

The following is an account by one of my Etheric Warrior compatriots who has undergone years of severe attacks. I asked my friend if I could post this brief account because it illustrates very simply a way to stop being a “victim”. I sometimes work with people who just wallow in being attacked, and they feel they will never overcome the attacks. Guess what, if you believe that, that is what you will experience. Here’s how one person made a profound life change.

“What prodded me [to support a fellow gifter] was an unpleasant attack before Christmas when I was vulnerable due to a big housecleaning of many personal issues. I haven’t been able to share with my family about the bad attacks these past fours years. Felt lonely about it, so several days ago I went into a crisis before my family because I couldn’t get rid of it this recent attack. They calmly supported me and gave me advice. Also I got a message on a website, didn’t catch the article but underneath a picture it said in bold letters (translated) ‘Turn off the tormentors/pranksters’.
Later in the day after another crisis, I decided I needed to focus more on daily things. So me and my brother went off on an errand and bought some groceries. And that’s when I made the decision: I’m going to be really calm about it from now on and just shrug my shoulders from now on if something more happens. Almost immediately after, the confusing voices went away and my mind became completely silent and calm. So I’m no longer a victim of attacks and that will be my intention from now on. I see now for what etheric atracks are; it is nonsense, juvenile behaviour and rude, and I simply won’t allow it into my personal space anymore.”.

This is a great example of how to stop getting caught up in the drama that psychic attacks can cause. I feel that the major attack I suffered in July this past year taught me the same lesson. You have to get to a place where you laugh at your attackers and shrug them off. Nothing infuriates them more than an awake, aware and committed etheric warrior who laughs in their face. Let’s face it, if you are doing this work you are going to get attacked. You have to develop the attitude that no matter what happens, you will not give up. What I project to my attackers is “YOU CAN’T HAVE ME!” I refuse to give up my soul to them.

Thanks to my etheric friend for illustrating this so well!

~ Dooney

Fed Follies

I just had to post something funny that just happened. About half an hour ago I was cleaning some old sheets out of the linen closet to make room for new ones, and my missing Mary Magdalene HP fell out onto the floor! Okay, about a year and a half ago (is it just me or is it really hard to keep track of past events? It’s all happening too fast!) I got an MM HP from Carol. I decided to wear it part time, switching off with my original HP that I had gotten when we first met Carol and Don. I have a sentimental attachment to that original HP. :-) Anyway, while wearing one HP I would put the other one on the end table by the front door. I had left my MM HP there, and the next time I went to put it on, it was gone. I looked all over, under and around the furniture but I couldn’t find it. Stevo hadn’t moved it and no one else had been in the house. Except…

In late 2013 we started getting NSA wankers teleporting into our house via our upstairs closet. Yeah, I know, it sounds bizarre. But we kept hearing footsteps upstairs, which is just a loft over our living room. All residents of the house were downstairs and accounted for. So, it was either my dad’s ghost or someone else who got in by stealth. This kind of thing happens to Don and Carol all the time, but we hardly ever have any agents in the house. In a chat, the psychics helped us figure out that they were porting into our upstairs closet, so I put an HHG up there to close the port. That seemed to work. And guess where the linens are stored? Yep, right there by the portal.

So here I am, Jan. 1, 2015, digging in the linen closet, and out pops my missing MM HP, minus the string! I just started laughing! We have found when stuff like this happens, when stuff goes missing, when they’re trying to psych you out, the best thing to do is laugh. Getting scared or angry just puts you in 3rd chakra fear, which is where they want you. The other funny thing is that about 3 days ago I was thinking about the missing HP and said to myself “it will show up eventually”. And I was right.

Carol generously replaced my MM HP a while ago, so now I have an extra one I can gift to someone else. Thanks agents!

~ Dooney

Another year gone by

It’s hard to believe that it’s already the end of 2014. It seems like only a few weeks ago that Stevo and I were sitting out on our front porch watching some really bizarre lights come flying over the mountains just past midnight. We’ve spent the last few nights up late, neither of us really feeling sleepy or wanting to go to bed. When that happens, we figure we’re downloading information from the etheric realm. I’ve posted about this happening before, and we haven’t really figured out what’s going on. Last night it happened again and I dowsed that we were downloading information about how to protect ourselves.

The night before, Stevo had experienced a particularly nasty assassin dream so the timing was right for us to get some etheric help. When stuff like this happens we tend to roll with the punches, so we stayed up until we couldn’t keep our eyes open anymore. It’s pretty interesting to be wide awake at 2 a.m., feeling like you’ll never to go sleep, then 20 minutes later you’re nodding off over your book or computer. I just have to trust that our etheric helpers know what they are doing and try to integrate the energy as best I can.

It’s not always easy to have one foot in the 3D realm, and one foot in the etheric realm. You basically have to pay attention to everything. You can’t decide “oh today I’m gonna take a day off”. No. That doesn’t work anymore. After many years, I realized that this kind of discipline is better than being asleep. Sure, I have to ground every day, check my energy every day, check the energy in my living space every day, etc. But what’s the alternative? A life of being a sheeple.

Each new year brings a new opportunity to make a change in the world. We were watching the movie “I Am” again last night and I got re-inspired in a big way. It’s not a theosophy movie, despite the title. It offers hope and optimism. We have the power, in each of us, to change the world. You just have to keep trying, and never give up. I spoke to my Grandma two days before she died and we were talking about how frustrating it can be to try and help others. You know what she told me?

Try again.

~ Dooney

Solstice – my new tradition

For most of my life I’ve celebrated Christmas like most people in America: cookies, cards and gifts, wrapping paper and the tree. As a kid, it was all about what I was going to get. I had no idea what the celebration was really all about. As I got older I began to wonder why we all had to go through this incredibly stressful and expensive ritual. Now, for the past 10 years I’ve really tried to step away from the commercial hype and try to celebrate the season in a more personal way. It’s hard to do when everyone else is so caught up in the rituals. I’ve never been comfortable with rituals and with doing things the way everyone says I should. I’ve gone along but I haven’t liked it. Instead of buying presents for everyone I usually donate to a food bank or something.

-1Now, at 50, I’m finally doing what I want to do. And what I want to do is celebrate the Solstice. I just don’t know how! :-) I’ve always been attracted to the Summer and Winter Solstice and I don’t really know why. The Summer Solstice starts on June 21, which is the first day of the Cancer sun sign, and I’m a Cancer. I’ve always been attracted to Sun energy, and this past summer Stevo and I started to do safe sungazing with pretty amazing results. The Winter Solstice is supposed to be a celebration of the coming of Spring. The sun will be shining longer and longer each day after December 21st. It’s a celebration of coming out of darkness and into the light. I can get behind that!

So I want to create some traditions. Stevo and I were going to have a big bonfire on the 21st but it was so rainy and wet here that we knew it wouldn’t work. My sister sent me a Rosemary tree with little lights on it, and I’m using that as a kind of celebration of light with herbs…kind of cool. I’ve been looking it up on the web to find what other folks do for the Solstice but I haven’t found anything that resonates with me yet. Carol celebrates the Solstice instead of Christmas, so the next time I get together with her I’ll be sure to quiz her. It’s a bit daunting to find your own traditions when you are pretty much going against the grain of your society, but Stevo and I have always be iconoclasts so it won’t really be any different from gifting orgonite and doing energy work, right? :-)

I do celebrate the birth of Jesus in my heart, but since historians can’t agree on when he was born I don’t feel particularly attached to December 25th except as a family and societal ritual. Stevo and I give thanks every day for Jesus, God, the Universe and whomever else is out there helping us: dolphins, wingmakers and other entities. We wouldn’t be able to do the work we do without the help of all our etheric friends.

Happy Solstice! If you celebrate Solstice, let me know how you do it.

New Lucid Dreaming bracelet

luciddreamI was inspired by Pip in New Zealand to make a new Lucid Dreaming bracelet. During a coaching session Pip was asking about gemstones for lucid dreaming so I looked them up. I realized that I had several of the stones needed to make a nice bracelet, so I did so the next day and here is the result. Thanks Pip for giving me the idea!

Many of the Lucid Dreaming stones are psychic stones, which makes sense. I think when we are dreaming we are just tapping into another reality, one that can be as real as the life you are living when you are “awake”. I think you need to be just as aware of your surroundings in the dream state as you are in your waking life. Stevo has to be on his toes in the dreamtime because many times the darksiders will send assassins after him in his dreams. He has had to learn how to avoid being killed and how to fight back. Once he started fighting back, they pretty much stopped trying to kill him in his dreams. Once in a while, though, he has some crazy dream where someone comes after him with a gun, or a sword or knives, or they try to choke him to death.

My lucid dreams tend to be much milder. I’ve often dreamed of my dogs who have died, and in the dream I’m very aware that they are gone and that this is a visitation. I know that I will only have a short time with them, so I tend to grab them and hug them, and I don’t let go until I wake up. Those dreams are bittersweet. I’m so happy to see them, but I know it’s only for a few seconds. I hope with the new bracelet maybe I will be able to extend the time I spend in lucid dreams. Like anything else, it takes practice.

For years I’ve slept with a big chunk of Green Apophyllite next to my bed and a small piece of Sugilite in my pillowcase, both of which are said to facilitate lucid dreaming. I’m looking forward to seeing the effects of the new bracelet! You can view it and buy it
on the bracelet page.

Dealing with grief

My grandmother died recently, the second close member of my family to die in the past 18 months, and I’ve had to deal with a lot of grief. Amidst making travel plans and funeral plans, and comforting other family members, it’s easy to forget to do the basics. I’ve had to remind myself to ground, to makes sure each chakra is open, and to bring golden suns into my body. One day I really couldn’t do the whole program, so I just simply imagined the suns coming into my 3rd chakra, over and over. After about 10 minutes I was able to ground, make a new grounding cord and check in with each chakra.

Sometimes all you can do is bring energy in, and that’s okay. Start with that, then the rest will happen when you are ready. The other thing I learned is that you really can’t hold back the grief, you have to let it out. When I was traveling to see my dad for the last time, I held it in because I didn’t want to cry in front of everyone in the airport and on the plane. Well, I just about lost my breakfast and then had a mini-panic attack in the airport. After that, I just cried and I didn’t care who saw, and I felt so much better. People understand, and if they don’t it doesn’t matter one bit.

You can deal with fear the same way, which I think I wrote about this summer. Bring golden suns into your 3rd chakra until you can deal with whatever has put you into fear. The important thing is to not become frozen with it. Keep your energy moving in any way that you can. Then you will get to a point where you can move forward.

The other thing to remember is that if you can get yourself out of the grief energy a bit, you’ll be able to help other people who are not as aware of energy to keep their heads above water too. By working on your own energy, your calmness and strength will rub off on everyone else and that will make is easier for them to get through a tough time. You will also be better able to boost other people. I also realize that it may be nearly impossible to do all of this if you lose a spouse or a child, neither of which I have ever experienced. Just do the best you can, and hopefully you’ll have someone else there who can remind you to breathe.

The other night I couldn’t sleep and I was thinking about my grandma, and I got an image of her in my head. She was about 40, wearing a flowered dress and white gloves and she was waving at me. Then I saw her at about 20 years of age and she was riding a horse. She looked happy. She was 94 and I know she was ready to go because she said as much to my cousin a few weeks before she died. It made me happy to think she was probably with her first husband, a grandfather I never got to meet. Souls move on, and that’s okay. Those of us who are left behind grieve, and that’s okay too.

~ Dooney

My new look

As you may have noticed, I have totally re-done my site in WordPress. I hope you all like the new look and functionality. If anything seems amiss with links or ordering products, please shoot me an email so I can fix it. One thing that is new is that you can now submit a testimonial online. I’d love to hear from you!

In the midst of all the etheric stuff going on, I had to hunker down and spend a week or so converting and tweaking my site. I had fun installing widgets, though, and decided to totally upgrade Stevo’s website too. Check him out at for some great health info.

Sometimes you have to do a lot of 3D stuff to make the etheric stuff work. We all have to make a living, and it can be hard when you’ve got one foot in each world. So much of what happens in our 3D life is affected by our etheric life. I think the trick is to keep breathing, stay grounded, stay aware and be grateful.

~ Dooney

Giving thanks always

I find myself becoming more and more cynical about holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas, Valentine’s Day and all the made-up holidays in between. I keep wondering…why can’t people give thanks all the time? Why do we have to wait until Christmas to be nice to each other and help those in need? Why wait until February 14th to show someone you love them? And why do we celebrate people like Columbus, who committed genocide?

One thing that has really changed my perspective on the world, besides orgonite, is gratitude. Stevo and I give thanks every day, just because we are alive. The other day I was walking around outside, smelling the fresh air, looking at the blue sky and I felt so much joy just because I’m in a body on Earth. I went back in and said to Stevo “no wonder so many beings want to come to Earth and be in a body.” Sometimes life is so beautiful and precious, you don’t want to waste one minute being anything but joyful.

I think the key is to remember times when you feel like that, so that when the hard times come you will be able to withstand whatever happens. It’s the same with energy work, too. If you keep your energy system strong you can withstand the battering ram of negative energy that flies around the Earth. Those of us who are doing the energy work are anchors of light on the planet and we’re beacons of light too. We’re standing strong and firm on the Earth, so that anyone else who wakes up will have somewhere to go for help. If you’re doing the energy work on yourself and sending out Love, you are one of those anchors. I am so grateful that I have the ability and opportunity to help people become an anchor through my coaching work.

And as frustrated as I sometimes get with the PJ people out there, I’m grateful for them too. They are the reason we do this work. They have hearts and an incredible capacity for Love, if they would just wake up. I see more and more folks waking up all the time, so I have a lot of hope. It’s no use going into despair. I’ve been there and it wasn’t a good place to be. So my advice is to give thanks….and don’t give up!

~ Dooney