Moving On…again

As usual, I’m behind in my posting. :-) We’ve been getting minor attacks since I last posted, which mean business as usual. Most of the time we take care of these attacks ourselves (Stevo and I) but if it persists we get help in the chat. Francisco, Carol and Don have been getting hit a lot harder than us but we’ve been able to make positive changes in the energy around them. We usually get attacked for helping but that’s normal.

In my last post I talked about how it’s good to get out there in the world to practice your skills, but what I’m finding lately is that it is becoming harder and harder to be around people at all. I’ve always needed a certain amount of social contact but in the last two months I’m finding it to be almost painful to be out in public, like the way you feel when you have the flu and your skin just hurts. Brushing up against someone else’s energy is just painful. I realized that my life is never going to be what you see in movies or read in books, where you have family and friends all around you and maybe they drive you crazy but you all get along and have fun and happy, laughing times with junk food thrown in. I think that’s a meme (love that word) to make most people feel inadequate because no one’s life is actually like that.

I realized that my life has been slimmed down to the things that are really important to me: sending out Love energy, helping other people learn how to do that, keeping my space clear, healing people and all the other energy work that I feel is important to help the world evolve spiritually and taking care of my physical body. Everything else just drains my energy. I’ve been letting go of a lot of energy that doesn’t serve me anymore, and for the most part that means letting go of people. It’s very difficult to be walking the spiritual tightrope right now and it can be lonely, but God gave me Stevo and my dogs and a few friends to hang onto during the tough times.

If you’re really going to do this work, you have to believe in yourself even if no one else does. You have to know that you are a good person and you are doing what you are meant to do. My Dark Night of the Soul experience that I posted about in July got me so much closer to really embracing this in my own life. It’s okay if people don’t understand what I’m doing or agree with it. It’s my life and I get to decide what I spend my energy on. I feel like it’s okay to be a bit isolated now because I can do more good for more people by focusing on the energy work instead of relationship dramas or other energy distractions.

Lately I’ve been having crystal-clear realizations about why things are the way they are, and why I am the way I am. And it’s all good, you know? This reality is a huge learning experience and it’s only a fraction of what is happening in the universe. When I can lift my awareness from 3D concerns, I get a really good feeling about what it means to be a spirit in a body at this time. I’m sure I will get knocked off my path again, because I still have a lot to learn, and it’s good to have an ego-check once in a while. :-)

One other thing that I’ve noticed lately is that it’s much easier for me to get into a 13D space…I just have to think about it and I’m there. I think that’s a reflection of how many times I’ve had to fend off bug attacks. I’ve developed my etheric chops! :-) I know many of you who read this blog and read the EW forum are struggling with a lot of the same things. So, all I can say today is, don’t give up! It’s a cliche, but it’s true. You can’t give up trying. Get up tomorrow and try again!


I’m still kicking…

I can’t believe it’s been more than a month since I last posted here. Time goes by so fast I just can’t keep track anymore. I’ve been busy with 3D life and also trying to integrate my new awareness of energy into that life. I also had to make an emergency trip to help my mom, who was ill, deal with my grandpa and grandma, both of whom ended up in the hospital at the same time.

Now there is another world. The hospital. I’ve managed to mostly avoid hospitals my whole life. The hospital my grandparents were in is the same hospital where my dad died last year, so that was hard to take. I had to use all my recent energetic training to get on a plane, get to my grandparents’ house then spend the next six days in the hospital running from one room to the other, keeping everyone updated on my grandparents’ condition, quizzing the doctors and nurses and making sure my mom didn’t slide from bronchitis into pneumonia. Can you say GROUNDING? I grounded so many times I was pretty much just running my energy all the time.

And amazingly, I did pretty well. I didn’t get sick with the cold/bronchitis that everyone else had and I didn’t just crash from the stress. I managed to step up to the plate and make sure the doctors didn’t kill my grandparents. My grandma was released after just four days, and my grandpa is now in rehab getting his strength back so he can go home.

The tests just keep on coming and this was a big one. For me to leave my home is like blasting a crab out of it’s shell. I like it here. I feel safe here (except when the NSA invades in secret). But, I was able to do it without too much angst. Like I said, I just keep running my energy and being aware of what was in my space. I was able to do some energy boosting for my mom and grandparents to help them overcome their illnesses. It was like being in a parallel universe, and I talked to Stevo each night to remind myself that my universe still existed in Montana. It’s really hard to be out there in the world at large. Sometimes it’s good to stretch your boundaries, though, and learn to handle your energy in the face of more difficult circumstances.

Having said that, though, I am so glad to be home!

~ Dooney

The Aftermath

Things have settled down in my house quite a bit in the last week. They aren’t attacking me anymore…finally! I do expect more attacks, however, so I am continuing to do the daily work of grounding, boosting my chakras, sungazing, looking at fear pictures and getting rid of them, etc. I have been forced to move to a new level of awareness and vigilance, but it’s all good. Good things are coming to us because we are both allowing for the possibility of bad things, but not dwelling on it. I find I have more conviction, more courage, finer-tuned psychic abilities, and more of a “go with the flow” attitude. I give thanks to my Creator every day. I am so lucky and so blessed. I am living much more in the present instead of the past (guilt) or the future (fear).

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Mavericks boosting

After getting through the daily attacks, which are much milder now, I asked Carol for some advice on getting them to back off more. She told me that when I boost my attackers, to make it a really strong boost, much more than I normally do. She said to imagine the energy going out as an ocean wave instead of a stream of energy. It takes more focus and energy but it doesn’t take as long to neutralize your attackers. I tried it later that day as they were still attacking my 3rd chakra every few hours. I’m quite used to boosting these attackers in a group, where the group dynamic provides the big energy needed to affect the high-level darksiders. Doing it on my own, I needed to step up to the next level.
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More thoughts on attacks

My last post was really long (sorry) and I didn’t get a chance to put all my thoughts in, so here’s another postmortem. :-)

• I am relying a lot on my Grounding and my 3rd Chakra Rescue bracelets. I either wear them on my wrist or lay them directly on my 3rd chakra. I ask the stones to help protect the chakra. It’s helped. [Edit] After I wrote this I talked to Carol to get some help in figuring out how to stop them from getting into my 3rd chakra so deeply every morning. She told me to put her Crystal Harmonizer right on my 3rd chakra as much as possible. I took it to bed with me and as soon as I woke up the next morning, I felt the attack. I had fallen asleep holding the Crystal Harmonizer in my hand, and I could feel energy hitting it. I immediately put it on my 3rd chakra, and I could almost see the attack energy hitting the top and scattering. The attack couldn’t reach my 3rd chakra! I had to spend maybe 15 minutes this morning (July 8) getting rid of my attackers, so it was a much improved experience. Thank you Carol!

• I’m relying a lot on dowsing to get answers. I didn’t used to dowse a lot because I didn’t feel I was clear enough to get accurate answers. It’s been getting easier over the years, especially when I hold a Lemurian SP in my left hand while dowsing with the right. This was Don Croft’s idea, and he calls it Turbo-Dowsing. :-) I also have been using one of the Merkaba pendulums that Carol sells on her site (the rose quartz one) and it is definitely more accurate. I highly recommend getting one if you are into dowsing. I also sometimes hold my Herkimer diamond to dowse, as it is a stone for clearing your energy. The clearer and more neutral you are, the more accurate your dowsing will be.

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Anatomy of an attack

I’ve had a humbling lesson this past week, just when I thought we had our last severe attack figured out (see the post before this one). Turns out that was nothing compared to what I’m going through now. Since July 1 I have been undergoing the most severe attack on me personally, specifically my 3rd chakra, that I have ever experienced. They got to me by threatening Stevo, naturally, and got into my 3rd chakra so completely that I was a basket case of fear for about 48 hours. Looking back on those first two days now, it’s easy to say “oh yeah, I should have done such-and-such”, but let me tell you, when I was in the middle of it, it felt like the end of the world.

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The point of it all

I think Stevo and I have discovered why we experienced the aforementioned energy upgrades. The last two months have been some of the most intense, directed energy attacks we have ever experienced. It started with a local person who got to us through Stevo’s business, and once we realized what was happening, it took all of our tools to just get the energy deflected a bit. We had to place Apache Tears every three feet around the foundation of the house to get some breathing room. Then we had to do a focused, homemade, radionics-type boosting using a reptoid repellent, a Slim Spurling environmental harmonizer and a combo of Ultra High C tone and the emerald singing bowl recording. The thing that really stopped this person’s energy attacks for good, though, was 13D heart boosting.

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The Fuss About Coils

Apparently there is some controversy on the internet about the coil that Carol Croft uses in her Harmonic Protector pendant. She’s been selling these pendants for more than a decade with very few complaints. Those who do say it makes them uncomfortable are folks who are resisting the spiritual growth that the pendant inspires, due to the Ruby Zoisite gemstone included in the necklace. 

The coil is an ancient, possibly Celtic, design that has been around since about 3000 B.C. Carol saw the coil design on the wall of a tomb in Newgrange, Ireland, which is, according to Wikipedia “… a prehistoric monument in County Meath, Ireland, about one kilometre north of the River Boyne. It was built about 3200 BC, during the Neolithic period, which makes it older than Stonehenge and the Egyptian pyramids.”
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Energy Upgrades

The other interesting thing that has happened in the past few months is a marked change in my energy, aside from the energy of the singing bowls. In late February, I suddenly became more attuned to people’s chakras. It happened after an intense week and a half of snow storms that kept Stevo and I busy plowing and shoveling snow. I was physically exhausted most of the time just from keeping up with the snowfall to keep our property clear for business and just to be able to get around on the property.

What I noticed one day while watching my dog Sammy is that I could psychically see all his chakras at once, and I could see what state they were in. In the past I have had to concentrate much more to see/feel someone’s chakras. I don’t see them with my 3D eyes, but with my 6th chakra/Third Eye. I saw that Sammy’s 3rd chakra was huge, which didn’t surprise me because he is a very energetic and willful being. :-)

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It’s About Time!

I have been feeling under pressure to get a blog post up…I didn’t realize it has been almost three months! Oops….

So much has been going on here etherically, I have a lot to post about, so I’ll do it in several posts. The first thing I want to talk about is the emerald singing bowl that Carol Croft gifted to us and delivered personally. What a good friend! It’s made an amazing change in our lives. Several months ago we started using emerald energy in our group chats and we joked the it would be great to have an emerald singing bowl to play with. About a month later, Carol found them at a gem show. She ordered one for us and we’ve been using it every day since.

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