Time tunnel craziness

I can’t remember if I have posted previously about the time tunnels we have discovered in our group chats. These are tunnels that I believe are part of the Multi-verse, the multiple dimensions that exist simultaneously in parallel to each other. What we have found is that boosting these tunnels and filling them with energy, we can subvert things like false flag attacks that were in one possible future. We have recently found these tunnels attached to ourselves in our chakras, as a means of directing our futures to a bad outcome. Luckily, the energy signature of these tunnels is pretty easy to pick up once you have noticed them, so a lot of our work in our group chat is now directed at filling tunnels all over the planet.

Right now, they are trying to start WW3 in Syria, so I am currently boosting tunnels in the Mid-East like crazy. I frequently boost all the way through the tunnel to the end, and most times end up on another planet and get to do etheric battle with whoever lives there. Our enemies have become really adept at hiding out dimensionally so we have been challenged to open up our awareness to include all possible dimensions. I think that’s why the Lemurians, Atlanteans and dolphins gave us the information about accessing higher dimensions. It’s coming in really handy during this battle. You can read about how to access higher dimensions on my website.

My next post will be about the 13D Holographic Heart boosting technique that Stevo came up with, and that we use all the time now, especially when boosting tunnels. Anyone who can boost and learn how to go to the higher dimensions will be helping the whole planet if they start boosting time tunnels. In most cases, the boosting collapses the tunnel so it can’t be used to manipulate our future, and the future can play out more evenly as it is meant to. Have fun boosting!

~ Dooney

When a soul passes on…

My dad, Jim Weise, recently died while my family was gathered in my hometown to celebrate my grandparents’ anniversary. It was an awful, terrifying and enlightening experience – almost indescribable. This is the first member of my close, immediate family that has died, and I believe I am still in shock about the whole thing.

My dad was fighting cancer for many years, and had finally found an alternative chemo treatment that was working (look up IPT for cancer treatments on the internet). His tumors had decreased by 60%. However, the five previous conventional chemo treatments that didn’t work really damaged his liver. He ended up dying from a massive blood clot in the portal vein of his liver.

My family is not what I would call spiritually aware. They are wonderful, intelligent, loving people but I’ve always felt that I operate on a different frequency. :-)  However, together we experienced some amazing things during the week my dad was in the hospital, and I believe it opened everyone up a little more to the wonderful and strange synchronicity of a spiritual life.

Events conspired to have my entire immediate family in Illinois together the exact day my dad went into the hospital. My whole family was born there and my dad ended up dying there. We were together for my birthday, which hasn’t happened in about 25 years. I share a birthday with my cousin Marla, and we hadn’t been together on that day for at least 40 years. My hotel, which I didn’t want to stay at because it was too far from my grandparents house, ended up being only a few minutes from the hospital.

On the day my dad died, we sat with him, squeezing his hands and letting him know we were there. We played all his favorite music and told funny stories from our childhood. Although he was on massive painkillers, we knew he heard us because he would occasionally respond. We ended up taking turns telling him that it was okay to let go, that we would be okay. Finally around 7pm, I told my family that we needed to leave so that he could let go. I thought they’d all be mad at me for the suggestion but they understood.

My brother, sister and brother-in-law left with me, leaving my mom alone with my dad. We were wrung out and hungry so we went to dinner. On the way back to my grandparents’ house after dinner, my mom called to tell us to come back to the hospital. My dad was near the end. By the time we got there, he was gone. My mom said when he died, his favorite song was playing (“Leader of the Band”) and when he took his last breath, the nursery rhyme that the hospital plays on the PA system when a baby is born started playing. My mom is convinced that my dad is in a baby body now. :-)

My brother told me later that when we left the restaurant that night, he felt what he described as raindrops on his forearms, although we were still inside. It would have been just about the time my dad was leaving his body. Later, after we left the hospital we passed the corporate park where my dad worked for 25 years. While we were stopped at the light next to the park, it suddenly started raining, deluge-style. We took it as a sign.

I think my dad finally learned about being a spirit in a body, just as he was leaving his body. He visited Stevo later that night to tell him to let me know that he was okay. A few days later, my 7-year-old great nephew (my dad’s great-grandson) said that Grandpa Jim had come to him in a dream that same night and said, “It’s okay Evan, I’m not in pain anymore.”

I’m still processing the whole experience, and I know I’ll be grieving for a long time. As awful as it was to watch him die, in a way it helped to witness it and to remember that the body is just a shell for a soul that goes on and on.

Take it easy, dad…


Pyramid Power

I got an email from someone just before Christmas last year who is from Canada and doing some gifting and experimenting with orgonite. She had an interesting experience with orgonite and a pyramid that I thought was worth sharing, and I’m just now getting around to doing it. :-)

There are small glass pyramids you can buy that help keep fruits and veggies fresh longer. Carol has one and she says it works great. I think they also sell them as decorations. Anyway, the pyramids have one side that opens on a hinge so you can put things inside. What the gifter from Canada did was put TB’s inside in a specific pattern: one in each corner and two stacked in the middle, all touching, for a total of 6 TB’s in the pyramid. She did this because she was getting majorly hassled by flyovers after moving to a new house and gifting it. There was a blue hole over the house all the time after gifting (gotta love that!).

Immediately after putting the TB’s in the pyramid, her spouse and cat became affectionate right away, she was followed to the store about an hour later, and the energy at her house became magical. The next day she saw blue holes and blue streaks in the sky and then (in her words): “…it was like the clouds puffed themselves up and opped up higher into the sky instead of hanging low and flat. For a while it was like they were slanting upwards towards where I was, like they were rising up the face of a pyramid!”  She also said the sylphs were really active, and farther away the clouds were puffing up in a pyramid shape as well.

In the next few days, a lot of other wild stuff happened including surveillance and sylph wars in the sky, but there was also a massive amount of energy coming into her space and lighting up her 6th chakra. She described some other experiences that sound like visits from her guides and a hellish dream that sounds exactly like some of our chats where we were fighting dracs (the giant ones). Then she was followed to a restaurant by a lady who looked like a alien in the middle of shifting, much like Don has described in his adventures.

Wow! This is a whole lot of happenings just from putting some TB’s inside a pyramid. Of course, many gifters have been experimenting with pyramids for years. Carol makes a lovely, large orgonite pyramid which she sells on her site, as do other orgonite vendors, and Don and Carol built a large copper pyramid with orgonite in the middle, which is currently sitting in our backyard. I’m thinking I’ll put some TB’s in there in this pattern and see what happens. I don’t know what happens if the TB’s aren’t touching. For example, the pyramid in our backyard is really big, so I’m not sure if I should arrange the TB’s all together in the middle so they are touching or spread them out to the corners. It will be fun to experiment. :-)

The other interesting thing is that a few weeks ago I was driving home from the city and saw this interesting cloud shape pictured at right. Can you see the pyramid shape in the sky? I was amazed and took this pic with my iPod while I was driving so the quality is not the best. I’ve seen some other weird angular cloud shapes lately, one of which I am positive was a spaceship (see my post about cloudships on EW). We have also been hassled by some beings who are disguising their bad juju in the form of transparent energy. For instance, they put an energy cord in Don and I could feel it but I couldn’t see it. Usually energy cords are filled with dark energy (to my etheric eyes) and since I didn’t see that dark energy I thought there wasn’t a cord. Stevo saw that the cord was indeed there, but it was transparent. Just more weirdness we learned about…

Well, if anyone has experimented with pyramids lately, let me know or post a comment here.

~ Dooney

Spring Sale & New 3rd Chakra Bracelet

3rd Chakra Rescue Bracelet

Check out my Energy Bracelet page for some Spring specials and a new 3rd Chakra Rescue bracelet. I have been thinking about doing this new bracelet for a while since Stevo and I have been getting attacked quite a bit since the beginning of the year. It’s chock full of fiery 3rd chakra stones that will help keep your etheric fire alive. This is a really hard time for those of us who are awake and aware, and lately it’s taking all our energy to keep ourselves on the right path. However, it’s a really exciting time as well. We get to witness some incredible changes in the world. This new bracelet can help you keep your energy system energized and your willpower strong to keep doing the important work.

The new 3rd Chakra Rescue bracelets includes: Red Jasper, Amber, Citrine, Yellow Jade, Mookite Jasper, Sardonyx, Red Aventurine, Lemon Quartz, Carnelian and Red Agate.

Through the month of May 2013, you can get a Grounding bracelet at 50% off with the purchase of the 3rd Chakra Rescue bracelet.


More on how to kill implants

I’ve had several clients lately with lots of implants, so Stevo looked up where to buy neodymium magnets (also called rare earth magnets) that you can tape on your body to kill the physical part of an implant. He found this site: www.forcefieldmagnets.com. I’ve used ones that are 1/2-1 inch in diameter, and I think the bigger ones work better. I usually recommend that you keep the mags on 24/7 for a week, and you also need to get rid of the etheric part of the implant. If you don’t do both, chances are good the implant will eventually reactivate.

If you are energy-sensitive enough, you can remove the etheric part yourself. Run your hand over the area where you think you have an implant. You will feel something “not right” when your hand comes upon the implant. I sometimes feel an ache in my 4th chakra. You may feel a tingling or pain in your hand. Once you locate the implant, just imagine you are scooping out the etheric “goo” (my highly technical term, ha ha) around the implant. I actually making scooping motions with my hand when I am doing this. Then breathe out and touch the ground with the hand that did the scooping. Imagine you are sending the nasty implant energy back into the earth to be transmuted.

When you feel like you’ve gotten all the goo out, do some healing on the area where the implant was, either will a ball of light or a rose or your hand, whatever works for you. You may have to do this process more than once before the implant is totally dead. If you need help with this, schedule a coaching session with me.


Green Selenite

Carol and I were at a rock and gem show in a little town in Washington state a few weeks ago, and we came across Green Selenite, which I had never heard of. Apparently, it comes from one location in Australia, near a copper mine that leached into a selenite deposit and changed it’s color. So it’s not strictly natural, but it sure is beautiful. It comes in the green and white combo pictured here, and also a solid green color, with the distinctive shape of selenite crystals.

I looked it up on the web and here’s what I found regarding it’s metaphysical properties:

“Green Selenite has a lovely friendly vibration…that will help anyone who wants to be able to make friends with others. It is also a stone that will help you to make choices, and to adapt to change. These green crystals vibrate within all of the chakras from the heart chakra up, but their main action is within the heart chakra and thymus chakra. They have a vibration that is very similar to White Selenite…but the addition of the copper to these stones makes the Green Selenite crystals have some different metaphysical properties.

It is a lovely stone to aid you to create a sense of community. They have a strong energy within the heart chakra… and the higher heart chakra… that encourages compassion and forgiveness.

Green Selenite is said to bring harmony between people after rifts have caused them to become parted. It helps you to feel good about yourself and aids you to always work towards the highest good of yourself, and others.

They have a high vibration, and aid you to work towards your personal highest good. It is a smooth tranquil vibration, and this is a helpful energy to aid you to make friends with other people. This is especially helpful if you want to deal with people who are having difficulties in their life… and need someone to take a personal interest in them.”

– Source: http://www.healing-crystals-for-you.com

I like the fact that this crystal works on the higher heart (thymus) chakra. We need more compassion and forgiveness in the world, and the higher heart chakra (located between the 4th and 5th chakras) is the unconditional love chakra. If you ever come across Green Selenite, buy yourself a chunk!


Tesla Coil for psychic attack

As Don mentioned on EW, we’ve been using a Tesla coil to help break a pretty heavy psychic attack/black magic attack that has been going on for many weeks. They’ve been putting a cobweb pattern over us to make us invisible to our customers and attack us financially. The weird thing is it’s like a frozen spiderweb, hard and crackly. In the past, they’ve used a dome over us, kind of like a really thick eggshell. This is something new they’ve been doing since the beginning of the year.

When we run the Tesla coil, we feel immediate relief. It feels like a fog clearing out of my head. It feels like the air around us is clear. It’s easier to think, and it’s easier to boost. It seems like this technology works great against radionics too. Carol and Don bought ours for us (very generous!) and you can get one here:


Staying neutral – a big challenge

Being neutral is probably the biggest challenge and most important part of being an etheric warrior. Being neutral can also be defined as love with detachment. Detachment means no attachment to an outcome, not that you don’t care.

For instance, when you boost someone, whether they are “friend” or “foe”, you should not be concerned with the outcome of your boosting. I know this sounds counter-intuitive, but remember that your only job is to send out Love, not decide what is going to happen when the Love vibe reaches it’s target. Even when we are boosting someone who is attacking us, we are not directing the outcome of the boosting. We do watch what happens to the target and adjust our boosting accordingly, and we hope that our boosting has the effect of stopping the attack, but we don’t have any control over that.

Luckily, when you boost someone who is actively attacking someone else, the Love vibe generally stops the attack, at least to some degree. Sometimes you need to do additional boosting to keep the attack from recurring, but that’s not unusual with an attacker who is using some kind of dirty magic or radionics.

When I work with coaching clients, it’s best for me to be neutral as possible. If I start to empathize too much, my boosting and healing work is much less effective. I generally don’t know too much about my clients at first, as that makes it easier for me to remain neutral and objective.

Here’s where it gets difficult for me….when I work on Stevo or on one of my animals. These are spirits that I have a personal attachment to, and I find it so much harder to separate myself from their energy and do effective work. It’s especially hard when working on my dogs. They are so unconditionally loving, and they can’t tell me in words what is wrong with them. A vet friend of ours was recently working on our dog Molly, who hurt her leg while jumping into the truck. This vet is amazing, doing chiropractic, cranio-sacral work, acupuncture and homeopathy. She helped do a miracle on Molly’s other leg last year when she tore a ligament. Well, this vet told me I needed to be neutral while doing healing work on Molly. She could tell that I get too caught up in Molly’s pain and I try to force a healing.

So, my point is that I know how tough it is. I had to really train myself to be neutral while working on clients. I used to take on way too much of their pain, and the people attacking my clients would attack me as well. The dolphins really helped me with this issue. They started communicating with me during group chats and showing me how to use my energy for things like the dodec technique. I watched how they sent energy. It was with total Love, but it was totally neutral. It’s not that they don’t care – they care deeply. But they keep their own energy out of a situation and they simply send out the high frequency Love vibe.

Here’s a technique to help you stay neutral. I read it in the aura and chakra book I posted about earlier (do a search on “aura book” and you’ll find it). Imagine a rose of any color inside your aura, to your left or right. Put a picture of the person or situation inside the rose. You can also do this with an emotion. Move the rose outside your aura and blow it up.

Some people get worried about destroying a rose or blowing something up. Remember, this is an etheric rose and an etheric explosion. It simply represents an image of Love (the rose) and a movement of energy (the explosion). It doesn’t mean you are violent or destructive. It means you can call up Love energy when you need it, and you can move energy out of your space when you need to. It’s okay for you to control your energy and keep your space clear.

~ Dooney


The problem with implants

I’ve found implants on several clients lately, which hasn’t happened much for the last two years. One implant was very tricky, only showing up when my client boosted me. I happened to be looking at the clients’ heart chakra while they boosted, and the implant turned on only when they started boosting. Sneaky, but I was able to deal with it. As usual, I took out the etheric part of the implant, the “goo” as I call it, and the client taped some neodynium magnets on their chest, front and back. A week later, only a tiny part of the implant remained, so I recommended another week with the magnets on the body.

I may have blogged about this before, but I wanted to emphasize that in my experience you have to deal with both the etheric part of the implant and the physical part. I’ve rarely come across an implant that didn’t have both components. If you only deal with one or the other, the implant will eventually regenerate and start working again.

The really hard part about implants is that they will turn on and off so they can be hard to spot. Also, they are typically buried deep in the body and have several layers of energy covering them so they can be hard to spot right away. Other times, implants are easily spotted. I generally like to do a chakra tune-up first, then scan for suspected implants.

When Stevo and I first got into this work, we checked ourselves with the Zapchecker, which is a little device that senses EMF’s. It was a little hard to use and we never fully understood how to use it, but we seemed to get results. We went outside, away from the house so we wouldn’t get any false readings from the electricity in the house. We both showed implants on all our main chakras. It was quite shocking! We both used magnets and after a long time we finally felt the implants were dead. I didn’t understand at that time that the etheric part needed to be removed, so we probably could have sped up the process if we had known that information.

Some people get really skeptical about implants for some reason. It’s common knowledge that tiny electronics can be and are injected into mammal bodies. I don’t know why it’s such a stretch to believe that this technology wouldn’t be used for controlling people. You can use a zapper to help disable an implant in a pinch because there is a small neo-mag in there. You might have to leave it on a bit longer than a week because the magnet is a bit smaller than the inch diameter ones I recommend. They are also called Rare Earth magnets if you are looking on the internet to buy some.

Two crystals that can help locate implants are Amethyst and Seraphinite. I was looking for information the other day on what crystals help disable implants and I didn’t find anything. So if you’re working with crystals, I would say try using the Amethyst and Seraphinite to disable them as well.

~ Dooney

Is it just me….

Or is regular life kinda difficult right now? It seems that just getting through the day is incredibly hard. Making sure everyone is fed, laundry is done, bills are paid, house is clean…you know, the basics. I feel like I’m slogging through mud!

The only easy part is when I’m 1) coaching, 2) blogging 3) boosting or grounding. The etheric side of life is a snap! Seems to me it used to be the other way around, where it was difficult to get the etheric stuff done and I conducted my 3D life kind of on autopilot. Not anymore!

I wonder is this is one of the effects of 2012 energy changes. It’s like everything has flip-flopped energy-wise. It’s very strange. I’ve also noticed that people are either really nice, or really rude. Maybe I already blogged about this, but it’s becoming more apparent in our interactions with the public (mine and Stevo’s, I mean) that people are either meeting the challenge of the energy changes or they are going insane. We have had folks say the weirdest things to us in the past few months. Things that are so insane or rude that your jaw just drops. Has anyone else experienced this?

It’s funny to me that now I have to spend a lot of time dealing with everyday 3D life and making sure that I’m grounded enough to deal with it. I used to have to make sure I was grounded enough for the etheric stuff. The key here is that I have to stay grounded 100% of the time. There’s no room for error with this new energy on the planet, especially with thoughts manifesting so much more quickly. It really teaches you to focus on what you are thinking, and keep it love-based.

Let me know what challenges you are going through!

~ Dooney