I take it back!

One of the reasons I really enjoy coaching is that it helps keep me on track, because as I’m coaching someone I’m also being reminded of what I need to work on. For instance, I was coaching someone today who said they get impatient with people sometimes and it comes out in anger – words or thoughts. Welcome to my life! I try really hard but I do get impatient with the general population out there. It’s frustrating to do all this work on behalf of people who will never know or care that you are trying to save their lives and the planet. Sometimes it comes out in the wrong way – nobody’s perfect, least of all me!

What I told my client is that what I do when something comes out that’s not appropriately love-based is that I immediately say out loud “Sorry universe, I take it back!” and I literally envision my negative energy coming back to me and I take it back into my space. Then, I immediately ground it out of my space so that I’m not left dealing with my own negative energy. This is what it means to be self-responsible with your energy. If everyone would do this the world would be a much nicer place to live. :-)  But really, all you can control is your own energy, and you being responsible will help other people because you won’t be adding any negative energy to the world.

~ Dooney

A good aura & chakra book

I picked up a book last summer called “Your Aura and Your Chakras: The Owner’s Manual” by Karla McLaren, and I really like it. It’s a basic guide to your energy system, much like I teach folks when I’m coaching. I wasn’t aware when I bought the book but the author was trained at the Berkeley Psychic Institute, which is where Stevo was trained. So no wonder her methods feel comfortable to me – Steve has taught me a lot of BPI techniques. The author does some things differently than I do, but that’s okay with me. If I discover something new and it feels right to me, I’ll add it to my routine. I think it’s good to keep an open mind and learn new things.

This really brings up a good point, which is that you should go with information that feels right to you, not just what you think you should be doing or what someone else says you should be doing. I always tell clients to take what I teach them and expand on it if they want, or go another way if they want. My way isn’t the only way, it’s just one way. I like to explore other options too, but I will always listen to my heart to know if it’s right for me. I hope you will do the same. You need to be your own guru instead of relying on someone else for all your information. The challenge is to be discerning and not get caught up in someone else’s reality.

Having said that, I think this book is a good one to start with. See if the information resonates with you. Chances are good that if you like what’s on my site you’ll like this book.


~ Dooney

Atomic Meditation

Yesterday I was reading some metaphysical information on the web, and later when I was in the hot tub it got me to thinking (I do my best thinking in water!). Did you ever see the movie “Mindwalk”? Filmed in 1990, it’s about three people who come together at Mont Saint-Michel in France and have a wonderful philosophical discussion about the nature of life and the universe. Part of the conversation is about the structure of the sub-atomic world and how there are vast spaces between the atoms that make up matter, and how the atoms in your body are intimately connected to the atoms of everything around you.

I started thinking about trying to connect with the atoms of the objects around me, so I focused on the water, the air, the hot tub, the trees, the grass, the deck, the wall of the house, etc. I imagined the spaces between my atoms, and connecting those spaces to the spaces between the atoms of these other objects. Within a few minutes I did feel very connected to everything around me. I felt peaceful and fulfilled, and I could feel the energy of all these objects. It’s kind of like our atoms were resonating at the same frequency. I imagined my body kind of melting into everything around me.

At the sub-atomic level, all matter is in motion, right? So it makes sense that you can tune into that motion and resonate with it. That’s how my coaching works. I’m tuning into your energy and resonating with it. There is no time and space when you are working with energy. Anyway, it was an interesting meditation! If you want to watch a movie that will make you think….rent “Mindwalk”.

~ Dooney

Travels and trials

Since the last time I posted, Stevo and I drove down to L.A., with the dogs, for my brother’s birthday. It was an amazingly easy trip compared to the one I took in November. The energy of the big city didn’t affect me nearly as much as it did a few months ago. Now, maybe this is because of the new year, the end of the 2012 cycle and such – I don’t know. Maybe it was because we were together and had the dogs with us – more of a support system. In any case, we had a great time with my family so it was well worth the trip.

After getting home we realized that we are still under attack, mostly in the form of our businesses being slowed down. We’ve chatted with Don and Carol about it a couple of times as their businesses are also being affected. It seems we are being targeted by NWO folks who really don’t want us helping people to wake up. The great thing is that the waking up part is happening for a lot more people a lot more easily. I don’t think they’ll ever stop punishing us for doing that work, but we’re getting better every year at defending ourselves, so the trial of being attacked all the time basically keeps us focused on the etheric work we are meant to do.

Someone I was coaching asked me the other day how I am able to send out unconditional, neutral love energy to my attackers….to people who would love to see me dead. He wondered how I could do it without being angry. I guess my best answer to that is…practice. I had to practice – a LOT. I also learned a lot from the dolphins, who are excellent at sending out neutral energy. Connecting with dolphins and feeling their energy helped me a lot. I see a lot of folks I coach with dolphins around them, so I know the dolphins are just waiting to be contacted.

When I boost an attacker, I don’t really think about them. I mean, I keep them in mind so the energy goes to the intended target, but what I really think about is Love. I think of my family, or my dogs, or the dolphins. I think about things that make my heart glow, and then I send the energy with no expectations. I simply let Love and the Universe decide what to do when the Love gets to the target. It’s not my job to decide what happens to the target – it’s my job to send out the Love. It’s not as mindless as it may sound. Being neutral means you aren’t attached to the outcome of your boosting. It’s really rather freeing, because you can enjoy the sensation of being a Love-based being using their energy properly while you are doing a really good service to the world. Boosting feels great!

If you have trouble being neutral while boosting, do some chakra work first. Imagine your 3rd chakra as a ball of yellow light, and your 4th chakra as a ball of green light. Get those chakras glowing really brightly before you attempt to boost. Keeping your 3rd chakra strong will help you stay out of Fear, which is detrimental to boosting. Keeping your 4th chakra strong keeps the Love energy strong, which is vital to boosting.

~ Dooney

Energy experiments

Stevo recently bought some products from www.earthcalm.com for neutralizing the effects of EMFs. We’ve had a whole-house conditioner of theirs for a few years, and I have a small unit on my cell phone. Stevo has a personal pendant for EMF protection. We got a few more phone units, a unit to put on laptops, Kindles or iPads, and a unit to plug into our router, which is both wired and wireless. I “shut off” the wireless function on our router and we use wires but I’m convinced that it still puts out a strong EMF. This is a secondary router that we are using to play music from my laptop.

A few days ago, I left the secondary router on 24/7 instead of unplugging it when we were done using it. Suddenly, my blood sugar went above 250 and wouldn’t come down for two days, no matter how much insulin I took. This is not the usual pattern for me. So, Steve muscle-tested me and while standing next to the router a strong muscle weakened. We plugged in the EMF protector and a strong muscle stayed strong, and a weak muscle strengthened. This indicates that the EMF protection device was working. In a couple of hours, my blood sugar was back to normal and has been normal ever since.

This supports the theory we read about that there is a Type 3 diabetes caused by EMFs. I’m pretty sure that this is a major contributing factor to my need for insulin. So, we tested me with my laptop, my Kindle and my iPod Touch. Both the laptop and Kindle needed the EMF protection. The iPod Touch did not weaken me. So now I have an EMF unit that I will use on my laptop and Kindle. The EarthCalm company does say that different people will have different needs as far as how much protection their body requires. It’s obvious that my body needs a lot of help with EMFs.

We also muscle-tested all these devices using my EMF Protection bracelet and I’m happy to report that the bracelet has the same effect as the EarthCalm units. I’m using both things, though, just to make sure I’m covered. It’s good to know that the bracelet will give me the protection around other devices when I’m out in the world.

So, the etheric part of all this is that if your energy is affected by EMFs, it not only weakens your physical body but weakens your etheric energy, your aura, your chakras and your ability to use your energy effectively. With the electronic smog that is now present everywhere it’s really important to protect yourself.

~ Dooney

Moving forward in 2013

Happy New Year! I’ve had several interesting emails from folks who are experiencing some amazing things and perceiving an overall increase in energy on the planet. I enjoy hearing what folks out there are going through. I think things will continue to polarize as we move into 2013. You’ll probably hear a lot of bad stuff and you’ll also hear about some really amazing good stuff. The trick, I think, is to focus on what you want to manifest. We will continue to be bombarded by the NWO brainwashing tactics in the media, the domination tactics of our governments, and the economic warfare tactics of the banksters, but the important thing is to stay focused.

As I’ve said before, thoughts are becoming reality at an even more accelerated rate these days. I’m really working on my thoughts. For instance, we were driving home from town the other day and there was a lot of HAARPy cloud cover over our valley – you know, those ripples and waves that look totally unnatural. So instead of getting in a twist about it,  I just kept looking at the clouds and sending out love and thinking about a non-HAARPy sky. Sure enough, within minutes the worst of the ripples started to fade. The clouds began to look much more normal. It just reminded me that we have more power than ever these days, and you just have to remember to use it. That is the big challenge – stepping out of your 3D thoughts and using your etheric power.

It may sound kind of Pollyanna-ish to only think good thoughts, but I think we need more people to hold the possibility of things like world peace in their hearts and minds so that the energy of those thoughts can manifest in the physical 3D world. If we don’t do it, how will it ever happen? I feel a real responsibility to do this as a service to the world. It’s the etheric part of the service, like gifting orgonite is the physical part of the service. I think you need both to make the big changes the Etheric Warriors are going for.

Sometimes I wonder what the purpose of my life is, and then I think about the people I have helped, the gifting I have done and the etheric work I continue to do. And I know that I am on the right path. “Stay on target….stay on target…”  (Star Wars fans will know that quote).

~ Dooney


Since the world didn’t end….

Much like the Y2K hype, the end of the Mayan calendar turned out to be no big deal. I think the energy changes on the planet will be much more subtle than anyone thought. I also think there is probably a new Mayan calendar for the next 26,000-year grand cycle, and no one has bothered to find it. I doubt the Mayans actually thought the world would end yesterday. :-)

We did have an interesting thing happen here, which pointed out to me the level on which the energy changes are probably happening. Our very stressful roof project, which has been going on since mid-July, came to a sort of conclusion yesterday when our contractor walked in and said “the roof is all buttoned up”. This is a moment we have been waiting for, for months, and I thought it was so perfect that we got our resolution on 12-21-12! So maybe folks were just looking at way too big of a picture for 12-21 changes. Energy changes always seem to me to happen very differently than you’d expect. Of course, there are times when you have big, scary life changes or something happens to you that totally changes your perspective. But on a planet-wide scale, I think it’s more subtle.

I think we’re supposed to breathe and live through the changes and incorporate them into our daily lives, not go crazy and run around shooting each other while the world burns down. (The NWO would love that, wouldn’t they?) I think the real challenge is to consciously bring the awareness of everyone on the planet up a few notches. The best way to do that is to work on yourself. Get your space in order, use your energy properly, get rid of your fear, and you will change others simply by being a beacon of light. You are more powerful than you know. Your light will illuminate the path for those around you.

And since the world didn’t end, I’m gonna have a bonfire today! :-)

~ Dooney


Keep breathing!

I just wanted to post a little reminder to keep breathing. Things are really ramping up now and we just have to remember to breathe and ground. Do the basics. It may seem that things are just too much to handle right now, but this is the time that you have to remember where you come from and where you want to go.

Keep breathing!

~ Dooney

12-12-12 & 12-21-12 Perspective

I have been wondering if anything momentous would happen today, considering the date. As I’ve stated before, I don’t believe the end of the world is near, but I think we’ll see some interesting energy changes this month.

Below is part of a post from Fernando Vossa on Facebook that sums up things pretty well, with a rational perspective that makes a lot of sense. There doesn’t have to be a lot of high drama around these dates, unless you really want that. I think one of the main things that will happen in the next few weeks is that manifesting is going to become easier and easier, including anything you think or want. So as they say, be careful what you wish for.

Keep in mind a few numerology facts, if you follow that kind of thing. The date 12-12-12 adds up to a 9, which is a completion of lessons number. If you look at it as 12-12-2012, it adds up to 11, which is a powerful master number. 12-21-2012 also adds up to 11.

“The 11 is the most intuitive of all numbers. It represents illumination; a channel to the subconscious; insight without rational thought; and sensitivity, nervous energy, shyness, and impracticality. It is a dreamer. The 11 has all the aspects of the 2, enhanced and charged with charisma, leadership, and inspiration. It is a number with inborn duality, which creates dynamism, inner conflict, and other catalyses with its mere presence. It is a number that, when not focused on some goal beyond itself, can be turned inward to create fears and phobias. The 11 walks the edge between greatness and self-destruction. Its potential for growth, stability, and personal power lies in its acceptance of intuitive understanding, and of spiritual truths. For the 11, such peace is not found so much in logic, but in faith. It is the psychic’s number. ”  -Source, www.decoz.com

This kind of goes along with what I believe has been happening all year. We are being asked to choose: dark or light, evil or good, low or high consciousness. Everyone I have talked to who is aware of the change in energy has had a tough year. They have faced some of their toughest challenges. Their weakest areas are being tested. Stevo and I have definitely found this to be true. This is the time to really focus on staying on your right path, whatever that may be. Personally, we fought a battle for someone’s soul the last few days, and I’m happy to say we won. :-)  Our lesson was to stay on the path, no matter what.

Thanks to Georg at www.orgonise-africa.com for posting about Fernando…I think his words are appropriate:

“Many friends have asked my opinion on Dec 12 and Dec 21.
I have been deeply researching the entire 2012 thing for about 8 years. This includes scientific, political, esoteric, archeological, and spiritual aspects of this 2012 shift.

Here are my current conclusions:

No one is able to tell us what is going to happen tomorrow much less in 2-3 weeks. What we can explore are the potentials we sit in as this very moment and the many documented cultural traditions that have identified this shift in humanity.

We are have been in a decade of human history that is beyond scripture, any prophets, seers, or remote viewers. This means we are in uncharted territory and we seem to have evaded the end of the world scenarios.

There are many many galactic, solar system and planetary cycles that are completing on the Dec. 21 date. These cycles include the procession of the equinox of our Earth wobble that takes just over 26,000 years. We also have one full revolution of our galaxy that is just over 220 million years. I am not sure how they calculate that one!

We also have the traversal of our solar system through what is known as the galactic plane of the milky way. What this means is that we have entered into a heavily charged area of our galaxy and a new area of space we don’t know much about.”

See the rest of his post here: https://www.facebook.com/fernando.vossa


~ Dooney

Renew your grounding cord

The energy on the planet is ramping up so fast now as we approach the winter solstice, it’s getting harder and harder for people to stay in their bodies and stay grounded. I’ve been recommending to people to renew their grounding cord more frequently. To do that, just imagine your old grounding cord falling away and a new, bright one taking it’s place. Remember, you’re grounding cord is the size of the circle made when you put your thumb and forefinger together on your dominant hand ( the hand you write with ).

Your grounding cord runs from the first chakra, at your tailbone, to the center of the earth. This is the primary way to rid yourself of any energy that does not belong to you. That’s what grounding is. It’s more important than ever to keep your space clear as things become more and more polarized as the solstice approaches. I don’t believe the world is going to end on Dec. 21, 2012, but I think we are undergoing a profound shift in consciousness that may continue to have repercussions into the summer of 2013. Carol indicated to me that this would be the timeframe, and other folks who follow other information have said the same thing. So I don’t think the winter solstice will be the end of it, although it might be the peak of energy.

Email me if you have any questions about grounding!

~ Dooney