Infinity Meditation

I recently traveled to the L.A. area to see my family. While it was wonderful to see them (especially the new baby!) it was very difficult to be back in the energy of the big city. I don’t know how you city dwellers do it full time!  :-)  It started in the car, with me going the speed limit and everyone getting mad at me as they zoomed by. I spontaneously started doing what I’m calling the Infinity Meditation, which I realized later was something that Stevo taught me years ago. I’m not sure where he learned it, or if he made it up himself. I needed to get myself grounded quickly and I wanted an element of protection as well since I was approaching a massive amount of energy – Los Angeles.

Basically, to do the Infinity Meditation you imagine a very large vertical infinity symbol, with your heart chakra as the center where the loops cross. The bottom loop goes down into the center of the earth. The top loop connects above the earth to whatever your belief of your creator is:  God, Universe, etc. Then you just imagine energy running through the symbol. Start at the top loop above the earth, run it through the front of your heart chakra, out the back and down through the bottom loop, then back up again. Breathe in as you bring the energy up from the earth, and breathe out as you approach the top loop and start back down again. You can also try reversing the breathing if that feels better to you, and breathe in at the top loop. This meditation feels really good and it’s pretty energizing too.

Another good use I found for running energy this way was a few days ago when I realized that Stevo was being corded in his third chakra (again) with a huge energy cord that I couldn’t remove. I simply ran the infinity energy with his third chakra as the center where the loops cross instead of his fourth chakra. The energy cord immediately dried up like a raisin. I still was not able to fully remove it but I was able to stop his energy from leaking out of it. The next day he said he had slept for 6 hours that night after not sleeping for many nights. Success!

You can also try running the infinity energy through each of your chakras. I think it’s a great healing tool that I will be using a lot now that I’ve remembered it.

~ Dooney

A bouquet of roses

I did a coaching recently with someone who had been attacked really hard in the 3rd chakra, probably the worst attack I’ve ever seen. A man with dark hair and dark glasses was cording her 3rd chakra. I saw an image of him and even got his name, which has never happened before. I boosted him pretty strongly through the cord before I cut it which is how I got the intel on him. After cutting the cord, I did some healing work on the chakra.

In the course of the healing, I asked the client to do the Rose Technique on their own 3rd chakra to help with the healing process. They had the great idea of using a bouquet of roses to pull out the negative energy from the chakra instead of using a single rose. I thought it was a great idea and it worked really well. I love getting ideas like this from clients! When people use their imaginations like that it not only makes my job easier, but it adds so much to our knowledge of ways to work with energy.

I always encourage people to take my exercises and techniques and make any changes or additions they feel are right for them. My methods are a starting point. It wouldn’t make sense for me to dictate absolutely how your energy experience should happen. There are as many ways to use energy as their are heart-based beings on the planet. Have fun!

~ Dooney


New EMF Protection bracelet

The EMF Protection bracelet

I just got a hold of some Shungite, which is the gemstone used by the Russian space program to protect astronauts from EMF’s. So I made up an EMF Protection bracelet which is now available on my site for $35. Here’s list of the stones and what they do:

Shungite – protects against all EMF’s, used by the Russian space program
Amazonite – protects against all EMF’s
Aventurine – protects against all EMF’s
Hematite – blocks EMF’s
Flourite – blocks computer EMF’s
Sodalite – blocks and clears EMF’s
Unakite – blocks EMF’s and helps recover from the effects (wonderful healing stone)
Smoky Quartz – absorbs EMF’s
Malachite – clears and protecs against EMF’s
Black Tourmaline – clears and protects from EMF’s, especially heavy EMF “smog”

The Shungite is an interesting stone. It feels like a cross between Hematite and Obsidian and it has a really good feel to it. The bracelet is a bit dark because several of the stones above are dark colored, but I think it’s a very functional bracelet and the look of it is almost secondary to me. I didn’t include any metal beads for decoration because I wanted to be able to include all the EMF stones I could.

If you order one, I’d love to hear your feedback!

~ Dooney

Interesting link…possible interesting book

Stevo sent me this link the other day:

It’s about the story of a guy who was in a coma and had some interesting experiences, including becoming aware of other universes and dimensions – and heaven. We don’t have the book yet but Stevo will be downloading it soon. The article linked above was interesting enough to pursue reading the book. Stevo also mentioned to me that he read that mainstream Quantum Physics now recognizes the existence of at least 10 dimensions. You don’t hear that on Fox TV of course. :-)  You can do a Google Scholar search and find all kinds of scientific papers on the higher dimensions.

I think that’s why I was given the information about accessing higher dimensions. I know that other people have done it long before me, but maybe I was supposed to bring that knowledge to the orgonite crowd. It was good to hear some confirmation that things I’ve experienced are being experienced by others as well. Sometimes I feel like I put stuff out there and no one can relate. :-)

~ Dooney


New Life

My oldest niece had a baby girl the other day, and next week I get to go visit and hold her. I think babies are simply amazing. They are as close to pure spirit as you can get on the planet without going out of your body. Stevo has a particular facility for connecting with babies and kids. They will spontaneously smile at him and are drawn to him. I think they recognize his spiritual signature as one that they are familiar with. When kids get to be about 6 or 7 they start forgetting where they came from, unless they have exceptionally aware parents. :-)  When they’re young they still have full use of their imaginations and no one has shut them down yet. Stevo and I started boosting my grand-niece a few hours after she was born. It’s fun to boost kids because they really respond to the energy – it’s familiar to them.

I think boosting kids is a great idea. They have it a lot harder these days than when I was a kid, what with violence, the EMF soup of technology, the political/NWO climate, etc. So do a good deed….boost a kid! :-)

~ Dooney

Disabling radionics attack

As I’ve blogged about recently, Stevo and I have undergone attacks on our businesses for quite a while now. Steve’s happened quite suddenly after a month of really great business flow. With Carol and Don’s help we realized that someone who had come into the office had been the channel for some really bad energy, bringing a halt to the flow. So we worked on that person and the people who were controlling them, and it got a little better but not back to normal. The other day I had an epiphany about it and realized that they had gotten a hold of Stevo’s patient paperwork and were using it with a radionics machine to chase away new patients.

It was one of those moments where a thought came to me and I knew immediately that I was right on track. It’s always funny to me when I have that kind of certainty. I used to dismiss it, but I learned to trust it. So, yesterday while I was helping Carol at the psychic fair I spent some time on my computer altering Stevo’s new patient paperwork. When we got home last night, I printed out the new papers and had Stevo burn the old papers. We both immediately felt a change in the energy in the house. We’ll see if it translates to better business flow in the next few days.

Carol pointed out to us that all we needed to do was make a small change in the paperwork – a new font, or change a few words, etc. The same thing is true of a meditation that doesn’t feel quite right. Make a small change and make it your own. I realized today that I probably need to make a small change to my web pages to get rid of any radionics that are being done against my web-based business. Radionics work because they have taken something of yours and are using it against you. So, make a small change to that thing, whether it’s a picture, or papers, etc., and the energy will change and their radionics will no longer work.

Another thing that helps with radionics attacks, in my experience, is using the Farday Dodec technique, which you can read about on my website. Radionics can be hard to defeat, but the dodec does help.

~ Dooney

The Golden Age

Carol is still working hard at the Hamilton Psychic Fair, doing aura photos and readings. A lot of folks have a gold aura this time, which is really interesting. Gold represents divine information and truth. Someone with a gold aura is honest, and can’t tolerate someone who doesn’t tell the truth. I think it’s a sign that more and more people are waking up to integrity and high spiritual information. I’ve noticed in the last few months that consciousness is polarizing more and more (I’ve probably already blogged about this). So I think those who are drawn to truth and honesty are coming into their spirituality. And I think the fact that she is seeing so many gold auras just means that Truth is able to come out more…the energy on the planet is supporting Truth.

When we did the psychic fair in June a lot of auras were green, and everyone’s heart chakra was really big. So that means to me that the energy on the planet is also supporting Love. I think we are just going through a lot of stages of changing energy and it’s interesting to see what shows up in people’s auras. I’ve also noticed several people with really large crown chakras, which is where spiritual information comes into your energy space. I think just being at the psychic fair probably opens up a lot of people to more information.

If you get a chance to have an aura photo done, go for it!

~ Dooney

What a beautiful world!

I took this picture over the summer as I was coming out of the store after doing my weekly food shopping. Everyone else was just going about their business and not looking up at this amazing sky. I always wonder why people don’t look up more often.

This is the kind of scene that reminds me of how beautiful our world is, even with all the evil and madness and destruction. This is what I am fighting for, because this beauty is our birthright. A friend of mine once said that people need to look at art to remind them what beauty is. I think we need to look at natural beauty to remember what Love is, and what God is. I’m not a religious or preachy person, so you can translate that into whatever your version of Creator is. My advice is to look up more often.  :-)

~ Dooney

Laura with the Aura

Dooney here blogging on my iPod from the Psychic Fair in Hamilton, Montana! Carol is doing aura photos and readings this weekend, and once again she’s a popular attraction at the fair. I’m manning the information booth, talking to folks about auras, orgonite, zappers and my gemstone bracelets! So far it’s a lot of fun and I’ve talked to some really nice people. Maybe someday I’ll be ready to do public readings. :-) Carol keeps telling me I’m ready but it’s kind of scary. She does a great job of talking to people and encouraging them, and putting them at ease. I want to be just like Carol when I grow up! :-)

We did this show in June also, and this time I feel much less awkward and nervous about talking to people, so I’m making progress. I overheard an astrologer here saying that Cancers are having the challenge of their lifetime right now and they are going through a lot of growth. She said that Cancers need to let go of things that no longer work for them. It explains a lot about what Stevo and I have been going through lately (both Cancers). So keep breathing crabs!

By the way, I feel like such a techno-geek here, iPod blogging. My sister would be proud of me!


Zombies – Just Say No

Steve recently pointed out to me all the attention on “zombies” these days. He said he’s read probably 6 stories on BBC news about “zombies” attacking people and biting them; one case involved a woman who’s nose was bitten off! Really?

You may notice there are a lot of movies, TV shows and video games now that are centered on zombies. We were watching a Season 3 episode of Warehouse 13, and the Warehouse agents came upon a zombie in a park eating a deer. Stevo just zipped right past that episode as he’s had his fill of zombie news.

This is how things become accepted. Look at how vampires became popular a few years ago and now it’s vampires everywhere! This is training/brainwashing to get people to accept negative energy. This gets people thinking “Oh, that’s not a big deal, it’s just a zombie.” They start with things like vampires and zombies and school shootings, which are just kids programmed to kill. I’m sure that the “zombies” reported in the news are also programmed people. This is not normal behavior for a functional human being. But everyone begins to accept that school shootings and having your nose bitten off are a normal part of life!

It helps to be aware of these trends so you can decide whether to support them. It’s like voting with your dollars to support companies that you believe in. You can support or not support ideas by putting your energy there or not putting your energy there. I think this is a personal decision that we all have to make.

You know, it kind of makes me mad (breathe, Dooney). They are working really hard to take away your physical freedoms, and now they want your soul. They want to infect you with negativity and death energy. So I guess my point of this mini-rant is….spend your energy dollars wisely. :-)

~ Dooney