Those Amazing Golden Lemurians

Golden Lemurian double twin

Last year Stevo and I went to Quartzsite, Arizona with Carol and visited all the gem shows. Carol had found a guy selling Golden Lemurian clusters, and we bought one, which I posted about. This year, Carol and I found a ton of Golden Lemurian wands in Tucson, and I bought four big ones for Stevo and I to use. I really just started using mine recently and am amazed at how strong the energy is. I’ve used one of mine a couple of times in my coaching work to heal chakras, but just recently I picked up the one in this picture and used it in a group chat. The energy was simply amazing. Everything happens more quickly when you are using a Golden Lemurian, whether you are doing energy healing, physical healing or just boosting in general. The wand pictured here is one I got for Stevo, thinking it was a twin, but it has two more tiny points on one side, so it’s actually a double twiin. Holding it in my hand is like holding the heart of a very special being. It’s hard to explain. The Goldens are also called Golden Healers and Radiant Hearts, but they do have the lines and ridges on them like the regular Lemurians, and they have the high pitched sound when you clink another crystal against them.

Carol picked up a bunch of Goldens to sell and you will find them on her site at on the Caro’s Choice page. She also got a few personal pieces, one of which has a perfectly symmetrical point, which I now know (see previous post) is a generator crystal, which uses the Earth’s energy to recharge, and will also broadcast energy through the Earth’s energy field (or aura). I realized the other day that one of my golden wands is also a generator crystal, but with a slightly imperfect tip. However, this is the wand I have instinctively used in my coaching sessions and it works really well. Carol picked hers up in our group chat the other day and we all boosted through it with, you guessed it, amazing results!

I think the Golden Lemurians are not too well known by most people but they have a very big presence and these large wands almost feel like you have a good friend visiting your house. If you can get one I highly recommend it. I don’t think there are too many of them around and the prices Carol is charging are really fair.

~ Dooney

Don’t underestimate the power of plain old clear quartz

Clear quartz is probably the most common crystal out there and people tend to forget how powerful it is in pursuit of the more rare and colorful stones. I have read several things lately about clear quartz that reminded me that clear quartz has so many qualities that people are looking for in a crystal, especially the multi-dimensional quality.

According to my stone guru, Robert Simmons, it’s main properties are energy amplification (including it’s ability to transform mechanical energy into electromagnetic energy), programmability and memory. It’s a high consciousness stone, which is why I included it in my Higher Consciousness bracelet, and it’s also a stone of healing. Indigenous cultures all over the world have used it for healing and in religious ceremonies. Robert also says that clear quartz can be used for “almost any metaphysical purpose,” due to it’s ability to be programmed. Programming is nothing more than focusing on the crystal and asking it to help you reach a desired goal, whether that is prosperity, abundance, healing, etc. The more often you focus on that crystal and ask for what you want, the more quickly you will see your wishes manifest in 3D.

In my opinion, manifestation is simply putting enough energy on a thought to bring it from the etheric into the physcial matrix of 3D. There’s all this energy floating around out there and it takes focus to coalesce a thought into matter. Like Peter Gabriel said in a song “all of the buildings and all of the cars were once just a dream in somebody’s head.” That’s how manifesting works. Clear quartz just amplifies whatever you focus on. It is a stone of Light and it is also a stone of the Atlanteans. Once when we were chatting with Carol and Don, Carol asked if we had a clear quartz piece to use during the chat so I grabbed a lovely polished point that Stevo had bought a long time ago. I immediately perceived an old man standing near me and when I told Carol that, she said it was an Atlantean guide helping me.

Here are some variations of clear quartz from Roberts book:

Laser Wand – long, tapered, with fine terminations that focus energy like a beam for healing.

Generator – six equal sides forming a perfect point (see Carol’s Golden Lemurian Generator at at the bottom of the page), it’s an Earth energy battery, using the energy of the Earth’s aura, and you can use it to recharge your body’s “battery”.

Tabular – flat, broad sides, they act as a bridge of light and are good for healing, especially the meridian and chakra systems.

Double-terminated – comes to a point at each end, energy can flow in both directions, so can bridge blockages or gaps in your energy system, and can bring high consciousness energy in while grounding negative energy out.

Self-healed – one end is broken and has healed over with a growth of quartz crystal, good for healing work.

Raised and Sunken Record Keepers – have raised or sunken triangles on the main termination faces, raised record keepers let you access information within your body, sunken record keepers store information in the stone (mostly Atlantean).

Dow – one of the faces of the termination point is like a large “window” (see Carol’s personal collection Golden Lemurian dow), it’s a “sign of impending transformation and a quantum leap in consciousness and compassion”.

Portal – a seventh face on the termination that is shaped like a parallelogram, can be used to access other dimensions, times and realms of existence, activates the left or right side of the brain.

There are other quartz crystals outlined in the book but some of them are just too newagey sounding for me, but feel free to read up on your own. The point here is that there are so many things you can do with clear quartz, and it should be a big part of your crystal “toolbox”. I have numerous pieces of clear quartz, including a clear quartz dodec (small) that I picked up at a rock show.

Have fun exploring this wonderful stone!

~ Dooney

Do you have a travel crystal?

Before I was really into crystals a friend of mine who is a rockhound lent us her “travel crystal,” just a nice piece of clear, polished quartz that had been all over the world in a special silk pouch and had really good travel juju. We took it with us to Australia in 2000 and I almost lost it but managed to find it again. We picked out our own travel crystal and let it sit in the bag with our friends’ crystal to soak up some of the travel juju.

Once I was flying to California from Montana for a family emergency and I had to go through Salt Lake City, which is an awful airport (or at least it was then) and it was winter so the flight schedule was iffy. I was really worried about whether or not my connecting flight would even take off. I was sitting in the airport holding my travel crystal and basically just asking for it to get me on the plane. Our flight had already been delayed once and they had just announced that it would be a while before they knew the status of the flight. So there I was, rubbing my crystal and talking to it, probably looking like a flake, when all of sudden the flight was announced and boarding began!

That was the clearest incident for me of the travel crystal working. I generally leave it in the car since most of our travel is driving and then I carry other crystals with me when I fly. I think it’s a good idea to have one dedicated to travel. Pick one that you love and that has special energy for you. It doesn’t have to be quartz, but it can be whatever feels right to you.

~ Dooney

Beware the Smart Meter

One of the things I’ve been wanting to blog about is the new digital meters that the power companies are installing on houses. Our meter got changed out without us knowing about it or knowing how harmful they are. When Stevo was having trouble sleeping recently, Carol asked if we had a digital meter on our power line, and we found out we did. She said having one of those is like having a cell tower attached to your house because they put off so much EMF.

Recently, while Don and Carol were visiting, we tested the meter with muscle testing. Standing right next to the meter weakened a strong muscle. Then we tried a foot away, two feet away, then five feet away….still testing weak. So we wrapped the meter in several layers of regular aluminum foil. After doing that, I could stand right next to the meter and a strong muscle didn’t weaken. Surrounding the meter with TB’s did not produce the same effect of mitigating the muscle weakness….I’m not sure why.

A few weeks ago I noticed that someone (from the power company, I’m sure) had cut a hole in the aluminum foil to show the face of the meter. So that means they can’t read the meter from the street with the foil wrapped around it. I re-wrapped it, but I’m sure they’ll cut it away again next month. :-)

Stevo read online that these meters are not UL approved, and these meters have a tendency to send power spikes through the power lines. Without UL approval, your insurance company won’t cover any fire or other damage that is caused by a power spike. How do the power companies get away with using non-approved equipment? Good question. Carol also told me that if you catch them in the act of coming on your property to switch your meter, you can stand out there by the meter and demand that they leave the analog meter in place.

We’ve both been sleeping better since wrapping the meter. I guess the “wackos” in the tinfoil hats were onto something after all. :-)

~ Dooney

Sometimes three is better than one

My dodecing buddy who’s an active gifter had planted some earthpipes around a building he wanted to protect from an underground base that is directly underneath. He originally put one EP in each corner of the building and it seemed to help. When the attacks got worse and the you-know-what was hitting the fan, we ended up doing a group chat for him in which Stevo suggested putting a group of three EP’s at each corner of the building. This is something we’ve known about for a long time but I had forgotten about. I don’t know who originally came up with this idea. We heard it first from Carol and Don. If you are gifting a hard target, like a huge underground base, it can help to pound three EP’s in the ground together, in a triangle. For some reason, that really amps up the energy of the EP’s. I know it’s not always practical to use that many EP’s but it can be a lifesaver. Also, in placing EP’s the number 21 seems to be useful too. Many times in the past group chats we had advised people to put 21 EP’s around a target, sometimes in seven groups of three. Just something to try…my gifter friend found that it helped the energy in his building a lot!

~ Dooney

Back to Blogging….finally!

I haven’t been able to blog since February because I apparently needed to update my WordPress software. I finally got around to doing it today and voila! I’m back. The funny thing is that I’ve had a bunch of things I’ve wanted to blog about in the past six weeks, so of course I didn’t have access to my blog. Now I can’t remember one of those things!

I’ve been busy getting ready to garden and doing a lot of coaching and bracelet-making. I’ve been doing a lot of work with a gifter who’s getting attacked quite heavily, and I think we are finally making some headway in his situation. We’ve even done a group chat for him with Stevo, Don and Carol, and that was very helpful. I’ll be meeting him in person soon, and our combined boosting energy will get even stronger once we have met. We’ve been working together three or so times a week for several months and my skills have gotten even better. We’ve dodeced a lot of people and I’ve been getting even better at reading energy remotely.

There was a bead show here in Missoula so I went and spent a bunch of money on more beads, then I put out four more Limited Edition bracelets:  Kundalini Awakening, Aura Balancing, Stress Release and Inner Peace & Joy. I’ve got ideas for several more, so stay tuned. I have a lot of fun putting the bracelets together and imagining how they are going to help people. I always use myself as a guinea pig. :-)

Well, this will be a short post but now that I can blog again I hope to be doing so more often.

~ Dooney

Beads & Stuff

Well, a lot has happened in the past month. Sammy is almost completely recovered from being hit by a car, and we’ve been lucky enough to have a holistic vet friend working on him and Molly to fine-tune their health. She does chiropractic, cranial-sacral and acupuncture treaments. We have notice a marked improvement in both the dogs since our friend Dr. Linda has worked on them. Sammy is dealing with leftover minor owies from the accident, and Molly has a suspected torn ligament in one knee from some rough play with Sammy last fall. It was really interesting to watch Molly’s energy change after Dr. Linda inserted the acupuncture needles. Her energy began to flow much more freely and felt a lot stronger, much like what I feel after I work on someone’s chakras.

In other news, Carol and I traveled to Tucson for the gem shows and had a blast. It’s totally overwhelming to walk into a giant (and I mean big) tent with hundreds of vendors and a pocket full of cash, and know that there are hundreds of tents just like it spread out around Tucson. I was able to find beads I haven’t seen anywhere else, so I concentrated on buying those instead of getting the more readily available beads. When I got home I made some Limited Edition bracelets, which you can view and purchase on my site.

I’ve gotten some good feedback on my Higher Consciousness bracelet, which has clear and gold Azeztulite in it. This is a stone that is what Robert Simmons, author of “The Book of Stones”, calls a Stone for the New Consciousness (his other book). I actually got to meet Robert at his booth, which was actually a whole building, and tell him how much I enjoy his books. He gave me a great deal on the Azeztulite, otherwise I never would have been able to afford it and make bracelets for the etheric warriors. I need to do some more reading on Azeztulite, but I do know that it feels really good to wear it. It’s a stone that helps me get into 13D really quickly.

I also picked up four Golden Lemurian (healer) wands, a larimar ring and pendant, an azeztulite pendant, and a danburite/moldavite pendant, among other things. I got a great piece of apophyllite to use in my coaching work and a couple of small rough stones to try out. I also got several presents for Stevo since he couldn’t come to the show with us. I know I bought too much stuff, but it’s really hard to resist when you’re at the shows and the rocks are just sitting there, looking so wonderful!

In any case, time seems to be speeding up even more nowadays, and I’ve heard many people remarking on it. It’s already the end of February! Granted, I spent most of January in a sleep-deprived fog due to Sammy’s accident, but still…what’s up? It feels like the energy on the planet is so much more heightened and it just keeps spiraling up. It feels like the gray areas are melting away as people’s consciousness polarizes to one extreme or the other.

So the thing to remember now is simply to breathe, to be in present time, to keep focused on what you want to manifest in your life, and most importantly to keep Love foremost in your mind. Anything else that you send out is going to be counterproductive for you and the universe. It can be really difficult, which I have personally experienced. The low times are really low, and the high times are really high. There’s no more in-between, so focus on keeping your energy in the high frequency of love and you’ll be okay. Love, compassion, joy, and the other high frequency emotions are what will get you through this time of shifting energies.

~ Dooney

Energy, manifestation and the new year

2012 is already turning out to be a very interesting year. I’ve had several people remark to me that they have felt a significant change in the energy of the planet. I feel the same. What I perceive is that reality is manifesting more quickly than ever. In other words, whatever you think is happening almost immediately. This is a really good time to be very focused and pay attention to what kind of energy you are putting out there.

My life in the last week is a great example of this. Last Wednesday, our young dog Sammy was hit by a car on the road in front of our house. Luckily, he survived his run-in with a Suburban (!) with just a dislocated hip, bruises and road rash. He’s recovering nicely but is sore all over, so none of us are getting much sleep. The interesting part is that I had a vision of this happening the day before it happened.

I’ve always been a little afraid of this happening but the day before the accident I was outside with him and he was exploring the weeds on the side of the road. It’s generally not a problem to have him run loose as he usually comes when we call him. Suddenly, I was certain that a car was going to come along and hit him. I could see it happening. I got so panicked that I ran out to the road and made him come back to the house.

That night, I had a dream that Sammy was fighting with some neighbor dogs in our backyard, and I called him inside. When he came inside and I saw him, he had turned into our dog Charlie, who died in 2010. I hugged Charlie and cried, because I knew he was dead and I’ve missed him so much. Then he walked out of the room and when he came back in he had turned back into Sammy.

I mentioned the dream and the vision I had of Sammy getting hit to Stevo but we didn’t really talk about it. The next day, I was out running errands and got the awful call from Stevo that Sammy had been hit. The next few days were very stressful and hectic as Sammy was treated for shock, x-rayed, and then eventually put under anaesthesia so they could pop his hip back in. We’ve been incredibly sleep-deprived due to watching him around the clock. I’ve just been able to think about all this in the last few days and try to figure out what happened.

I’m not sure now if this was a precognitive vision or if my chronic fear of him getting hit made it happen. In the past year, my ability to see slightly into the future has gotten stronger, usually involving small details of life. This was something much stronger. So maybe it was a little bit of both. I was talking to Carol about it, and she said when you have a vision like that, you should talk about it with someone because that will take a lot of the energy off the vision and it will change the outcome of the vision. I think Stevo and I should have talked about it more. It’s likely that it was a deliberate act set up by whomever has been attacking us so hard for the past six months.

The dream that I had the night before it happened seemed significant to me also. I think it was Charlie telling me that he was watching over Sammy. Sammy should have been hurt much worse being hit by such a large vehicle. We’re very lucky he wasn’t killed outright. I think that was Charlie’s doing.

This has been a really good lesson for us – for me – in several ways. I need to pay more attention to the visions I have, even if I think it’s not likely that what I saw will happen. I can’t just say “Oh, I’m just being paranoid” or discount my vision in other ways. I also have learned that I can’t just believe we are invincible and can’t get hurt. It wasn’t smart to let Sammy run free near the road and we won’t do that anymore. He won’t be too happy about it but that’s they way it is. We have to take some reasonable precautions.

The other thing I’ve been remembering is that we all die eventually. If Sammy had died I would have felt awful, but he as a spirit would have been very happy. I try to remember that when I think of Charlie because I miss him so much. But every time he visits me in my dreams he’s very happy.

Yesterday I asked Stevo to show me where the accident happened. We stood in the road where it happened and I started to cry because I could feel Sammy’s pain and terror, Stevo’s terror at watching it happen and the driver’s terror in hitting a dog. I felt really bad that Stevo had to go through it alone. I let all those feelings pass through me and dissipate. And then I realized that the spot we were standing in was the exact spot where I had seen Sammy get hit in my vision.

~ Dooney

A Wild Ride

It’s been a rollercoaster month or so here at Casa Smith-Weise! After returning from my trip to see my grandparents I went over to Don and Carol’s to take the aura photos that are now on my site. I had to flex my bravery muscles to drive alone over the mountains in winter, but I did it and got some great photos as a result. Carol and I have been trying to get these photos done for most of this year, but something always stopped us. I found out why.

After posting the aura photos and posting about them on EW, I received orders for probably 50 bracelets in a week. I’ve been making bracelets every day, and it’s been so much fun! Perhaps you’ve read on EW about the business attacks that have been happening on many of the EW vendors since about the beginning of June. It’s affected my business as well, as I didn’t receive any bracelet orders for about 4 months after three months or so of steady orders. I still got coaching orders, but no bracelet orders, so they didn’t want me succeeding with the gemstones.

Well, the aura photos broke through that energy, and I think it’s because those photos are really instrumental in helping people understand the nature of human energy. So now I know why Carol and I had such a hard time getting this accomplished.

Stevo’s been getting personally attacked for about the last month or so, with huge energy cords in his third and fourth chakras that keep him awake all night. I finally discovered them and tried to wake myself up at night to help him but we finally had to get in the chat with Don and Carol to get the cords off of him. Then they started to attack me the same way. I was awake for almost 48 hours straight, but another chat with Don and Carol got them to stop attacking me. We also discovered the magic of burning various candle colors to help with our energy situation and we’ve been impressed with the results so were going to start selling the candles on my website.

So, who knows what will happen for the rest of this month? We’re just hanging onto each other and remembering to breathe. :-)

~ Dooney

Ghost Story II

A funny thing happened recently when I was visiting Don and Carol to do the aura photos on my site. They have a resident ghost who’s benign. He used to unroll the toilet paper in the bathroom for me in the middle of the night. :-) He hasn’t done that for a while, but on this last visit I woke up in the middle of the night and I felt someone watching me. Stevo was not on this trip so I was alone in the guest room. I was laying on my stomach and I thought to myself that if someone came over and touched my back I would scream like crazy. :-)  I just lay there with my eyes closed telling myself I was safe and not to look up. Suddenly, the feeling of being watched was gone and I went back to sleep.

I mentioned it to Carol in the morning and she said that the ghost guy used to sleep in that room when it was his house and he will stand in the doorway and watch whoever is in there. I’m glad it wasn’t one of the feds who like to pop in on Don and Carol and mess up things in their house. Maybe next time I’ll be brave enough to look at the ghost. :-)

~ Dooney

P.S. I realized after writing this a few weeks ago that the reason I knew someone was there is that I heard them moving around – I heard footsteps. That’s why I knew someone was watching me. Carol confirmed the next morning that neither she nor Don had been up in the middle of the night.