It’s always amazing to me how one minute it’s December, and the next minute it’s the start of the new year. We spent this transition time with our good friends Don and Carol, who drove over to visit. I cooked a ton of food and we ate so many appetizers we never got to the main course! It was great to spend time with Don and Carol and just get a chance to catch up. The pumpkin pie was great too!
Carol had some new Mary Magdalene oracle cards and she did readings for both Stevo and I. As usual, her readings were spot-on and reflected so much of what is going on for both of us right now. The Mary Magadalene cards are beautiful as well as functional. I also showed Carol a book I got on Amazon called “Healing Stones for the Vital Organs,” and we started talking about my bracelet business and how I could incorporate the stones associated with the organs into the bracelets I make.
I proceeded to whip out eight bracelets in the next few hours! I was totally inspired by Carol’s reading and Don’s belief that I can develop a booming bracelet business this year. With improved health and inspiration from friends and Stevo, I believe this can be a real growth year for me. I have put up several new bracelets in the Using Crystals section of my forum as well as the eight bracelets for supporting the energy of the organs, so check it out.
The challenge of the bracelet biz is that most people want to use credit cards to have an immediate sale, and I refuse to use Paypal. Several orgonite vendors have had money stolen from their bank accounts by Paypal. But, I figure if someone really needs a bracelet, they’ll take the time to get a money order from the post office or simply pop some cash in the mail. I’ve had lots of folks send me cash wrapped in foil, even from overseas, with no problems.
We’re off to Quartzsite in less than two weeks to stock up on beads so I’ll be ready for a good flow of business energy. I hope to be able to offer some post-Quartzsite coaching/bracelet combo specials, so stay tuned. It’s a lot of fun at Quartzsite, although a bit overwhelming to be around the very high energy of a lot of crystals in one place. Last time we went, I had to wear a grounding bracelet the whole time so I could focus. 
2010 was a difficult year for us, and we’re looking forward to a bit of an energetic breather in 2011. Life is always a challenge, though, and we are lucky to have our orgonite friends to support us.
Happy New Year!