Etheric attack – will they ever give up?

Stevo and I experienced another rather harsh attack this past week, with Stevo bearing the brunt of it. First of all, his mid-back was hurting and he was unable to get it resolved with all his usual self-therapies. Secondly, the business phone stopped ringing. Completely. This never happens unless we are under attack. Of course, it took us several days to realize this! We asked Don and Carol to chat with us last night and Carol found 9 etheric knives in Stevo’s back (ouch!) a ship over our house and and energy beam coming from the south end of our valley aimed at us. I had known yesterday morning that Stevo had knives in his back, but I didn’t know how many and I was unable to remove them myself.

After the four of us boosted for a while, Stevo’s pain level went down from a 10 to a 5 and as of this morning it was a 2. Major improvement. And, the phone rang first thing! It’s not always easy to know you are under attack when it’s happening, even if you’re psychic. 3D life intrudes in a major way and it’s a challenge to always be clear. We’ve had an especially hard time of it this past year, with several major losses and anxiety-producing situations, along with my battle with diabetes. We are so glad to have great friends like Don and Carol, who will drop whatever they are doing to help us. Thanks you two!

We’re going to gift the facility that was beaming us, and we used Ben Morton’s Orgone Candles to boost the ship overhead and it skeedadled right away. The beam aimed at us was using the ship to get to us, so once the ship was gone the beam was disabled. They have to think up new ways to get to us these days because we have done so much work to protect our space and property. They have been trying to destroy Stevo’s biz since 2004 and it hasn’t worked yet.

~ Dooney

Messages from the Angel Cards

I happened to pull out my Angel Cards the day Don and Carol came to visit, just a few days before Charlie’s death. While we were all sitting around the living room, I pulled out a card and it said “Courage”. I wondered out loud what I was going to need courage for. Two days later I found out.

The day of Charlie’s death, after we had spent 3-1/2 hours digging his grave (rocky soil, big dog) we were sitting in the living room again, just in shock and pain. I pulled out another card: “Release”. That’s about all I could do at that point. The next day: “Peace”.

Thanks Angels,
~ Dooney

R.I.P. Montauk – at last!

Wow! That’s all I can say about yesterday’s chat (8-1-10). Stevo and I drove over to Don and Carol’s on Saturday with A., who is visiting from Austria. We had a great time getting to know him in person, having worked with him online for several years. After our usual breakfast at Michael D’s on Sunday morning, we settled in Don’s workshop office for the Sunday chat. Shortly after we started, B. joined us as well. It got kind of crowded in there with six people, five computers and a rambunctious puppy (Sammy). :-) (Names are abbreviated for privacy)

By the time we all got settled and in the chat room, they were boosting a deep vortex under Montauk. We saw a huge well of souls attached to that vortex and started boosting to get rid of it and release those souls. There was a lot of sludge in that vortex, covering up a wheel and it’s associated crystal as well. We did a lot of focused boosting and I got the impression that the crystal was a giant lapis. A. thought it might be sapphire, and B. saw malachite and sodalite. F. saw it as clear quartz. What we finally figured out was that someone was beaming energy into the crystal from all these different types of crystals and infusing the clear quartz crystal with the properties of the other crystals we were seeing. Very strange.

We then saw that there was an alternate earth reality being mirrored from this vortex. This is very hard to explain but I will try to put it into words. The six of us in Don’s office were talking about what we were seeing and it seems that each of us was seeing a different aspect of what was going on. As we talked more about it, the picture became clearer. We saw a twist of energy, like the shape of a Mobius coil, coming from the center of our planet – a black hole – and going out to another planet, where it became a mirror image. So there were two earth realities, and what we eventually realized is that this was caused by the original Philedelphia Experiment in 1943. This explains why no matter how many times we worked on Montauk we could never get rid of that dark energy. It just kept filling up again from that alternate earth reality. What we needed to do was merge these two earth realities back into one and close that time loop that has been causing so many problems.

With concerted boosting from the whole chat group, we did just that, pulling the energy of the mirror planet back through the black hole at the core of our earth and merging the two realities together. Everyone felt relief. It was a real interdimensional project that we had to feel our way through. Basically, we think we shut down the Montauk time travel mechanism. It will be very interesting to see what happens in the world in the next few weeks. Montauk has effected so many people for so long.

I don’t think we could have done this particular task yesterday without the gathering at Don and Carol’s. For some reason the timing was right – A. visiting from Austria, B. from Idaho and me and Stevo finally getting tuned back into the world after our recent loss. Group chatting is very effective, but group chatting in person is even more powerful. We always have a big chat day when several of us manage to get together in person.

After we were done with Montauk we spent some time boosting a group of dark masters in the Gobi desert who have been hassling F. (she got flown over a number of times during this chat). We managed to clear out that energy and even dealt what we hope was fatal blow to the Hag (witch) that was hiding there. All in all, a big day in the etheric realms!

~ Dooney

Goodbye to a dear friend

stevoandcharlieOur beloved dog Charlie died July 2nd of complications from a ruptured spleen. It was very sudden and quite a shock and we are still deeply grieving for him. Charlie was such a sweet and gentle soul, and we miss him every minute of every day. It feels like we’ve had one blow after another for the past year, and it’s very hard to maintain the etheric side of our lives when things like this happen.

Carol and Don had just visited us two days before Charlie died and the evening they were here we were hit with a HAARP storm with violent thunder and lightening and a wind that brought down three big pine trees on our property. I’m so glad Carol and Don got to see Charlie one more time. He really loved it when they visited, and Don always called him “Chuck”.

Charlie was 12-1/2 years old and had been our companion for almost all that time. In fact, we had him with us when we first came to the Bitterroot Valley and found the house we now live in. We drove up this road to go the trailhead at the end of the road so we could take Charlie for a walk and on the way up we saw the For Sale sign on this house. Two days later we made an offer and 45 days after that we moved in. One of Steve’s patients here who communicates with animals once told us that Charlie told her he had been here before, about 200 years ago. He said he was very happy to be back in this valley.

We will keep going on even though our hearts are broken, and hope that Charlie is happy now that he is free. I’ve had a few visits from him in my dreams and he just wants me to hug him. I hope he and Black Jack are together.

~ Dooney

This and that

I can’t believe it’s already been two weeks since my last post. Is it just me or is time speeding up? I mean, not just the normal I’m-getting-older-and-life-is-flying-by kind of speed, but a true compression of time that seems abnormal. Of course, I spend so much time napping I’m probably not the best judge of time passing. :-)

I just spent an hour and half cleaning out my email inbox, so if I still haven’t answered your email, try me again. I managed to be in my own chat room today as well, for a little more than two hours, which is a record for me lately. We worked on each other, starting with Stevo’s biz. It turned off like a switch this week, which usually means an etheric attack. They just love to tweak Stevo by threatening us financially. Our chat friends helped a lot today and the energy feels a lot better here. A local enemy who we boosted into oblivion many years ago seems to be actively working against us again, so we gave them another love treatment today. We also had an energy dome over our property, which is what they do to make us invisible. The two 108’s that Don made us help a lot with these kinds of attacks, and it seems that this time they worked their black magic outside the sphere of the 108’s.

The thing about doing this kind of work is that you never really get a break from the attacks. I always warn people who say “I want to do what you do” that it’s not a picnic. Stevo and I just keep deciding to fight and we always find that it’s worth it. I know in my heart that we have helped a lot of people and saved a lot of lives and that’s all I need to get out of it.

Interesting weather happenings here in Montana….we’ve had a ton of rain and even so the local paper is crying about the “severe drought” we are experiencing. I swear, people don’t take the time to look out their windows. It’s just another example of the kind of fear-mongering spread by the media trying to get people all riled up. One DJ on a local radio station was making fun of the fear-mongers saying this is the wettest drought he’s ever seen. At least some people have their eyes open…

~ Dooney

Hello, sylphs

We tend to get a lot of sylph activity over our house, probably because of all the orgonite on our property, including three CB’s. Today we saw some beautiful ones right over us, while the rest of the valley had just blue sky and puffy clouds. I think they like our labyrinth, too. :-)

There’s been some controversy on the internet about sylphs, mainly because of some successful disinfo artists out there claiming to have a special connection to sylphs. I just see sylphs as another elemental, albeit advanced ones. I think they show up to get us to look up in the sky and see things from a different perspective. It’s easy to get caught up in what the NWO is doing and get all worried about it, but when you look up in the sky and see beautiful clouds, blue sky and sylphs, all seems right with the world. They remind me that’s it’s a big sky, and a big world out there.

~ Dooney

A year without Black Jack

It’s hard to believe, but it’s been a year since Black Jack died. We still miss him every day, even though we have Sammy, the Vanilla Gorilla, to play with and to distract us. We believe Black Jack has been here with us, teaching Sammy how to be a part of the family. Sammy checks on me much the way Black Jack used to, making sure I’m okay and that he knows where I am.

I had probably eight lucid dreams in which Black Jack visited me to let me know he was okay. I haven’t had one for several months now, so I feel like he’s moved on from caretaking me. And, I feel like I’ve moved out of that deep grief. What a special being he was and is. He taught me a lot about unconditional love, and I hope someday to be as good at it as he was.

We love you Wubbie!
~ Dooney

Why don’t you answer me?

I haven’t been very responsive to emails lately and I’m issuing a blanket apology. :-)  I am frequently not feeling well, and email goes to the bottom of the priority list when it takes all my energy to simply make sure everyone is fed and has clean clothes. Naps are my number one activity lately. About once a month I go through my inbox and try to answer anything that I’ve missed. So if I haven’t answered your email, please be patient. I try to get to everyone.

If you are under attack and having lots of problems, please do the following:

1. Read and practice the basic grounding exercise at least once a day.

2. Look at my recommendations for using crystals…a lot of them are for protection.

3. Read the Rose technique, the Triangle exercise and the Dodec exercise and practice those for clearing and protection.

4. Read and practice the boosting exercises. This is the best way to get someone off your back who is attacking you. You can’t be a victim…you’ve got to fight for your life.

There is a lot you can do for yourself, but it takes work. Someone I coached recently was kind of disappointed that I couldn’t solve all problems in one session, and I told them that this type of thing takes hard work on their part. I’m just the coach. You have to take the responsibilty to do the work and take control of your life. It’s hard work and it’s not fun, but if you want to be free you have to fight. I think a lot of spiritually-minded people have been brainwashed into believing that they shouldn’t fight. But the strongest spiritual people I know are those who have done exactly that.

It’s like getting healthy…no one can do the work for you. I’m lucky to have a coach like Stevo and even so, it’s been hell getting healthy. You can’t give up, folks. Fight for your life and your birthright….freedom!

~ Dooney

Getting personal

I haven’t blogged about my daily life as much as I thought I would simply because I thought it would be boring. My mom has a blog that has something like a thousand unique readers a month. She writes about her life with my dad on the road (they live in their motor home) and if she doesn’t blog for a while people email her, concerned that she’s not blogging.  :-)  My mom is great writer and her blog is interesting. It’s at You can read all about my family, and Stevo and I occasionally rate an appearance. We live 1800 miles away so we don’t get to see everyone that often. I have a great family and although I don’t think they really understand my etheric life, they love me and are always there for me, especially during the toughest times of my life.

Nothing brings home to you the passing of time like watching kids grow up. One of my nieces just graduated from college last weekend and her brother graduates in a few weeks. I remember the day they were each born. I remember changing their diapers and holding them in my arms. Now they are starting their own lives and making their way in the world. My oldest niece has a 4-year-old son. My sister is a grandma. My grandma and grandpa have a great-great grandchild. I can’t imagine what it is like to be their age and see life go on and on. I recently went through a box of photos from the past 20 years, organizing them all, and it made me happy and sad at the same time. Happy, because I’ve had a charmed life with lots of love and fun times. Sad, because time is passing and things change.

It made me realize that things have always been changing and always will change. The only thing I can control is how I choose to spend that time. For me, it’s now all about love, compassion, integrity and fighting for the kind of world I want my nieces and nephews to inherit.

~ Dooney

“Love is the key we must turn, Truth is the flame we must burn, Freedom the lesson we must learn.”  – Elton John

May chat stuff

I was able to be in a few chats in May, and one thing that we worked on a couple of times was the awful oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. We spent a lot of time boosting the elementals in the area, air, water and earth, to help find a solution to the problem. The elementals were really angry, anguished, and in despair, but they responded positively to our boosting. The one thing that I thought of is that stuff like this happens and grabs the worlds attention when the NWO wants to distract us from something big that is going down. So the lesson here is to keep your eyes and ears open for what else is going on. Usually it’s a sex scandal that they try to distract us with, but maybe even that’s getting old.  :-)

I’m pretty much out of the world news loop since I don’t watch TV and don’t read the newspaper. But the really important issues have a way of popping to my consciousness, via Stevo reading stuff on the internet or folks sending me email. The rest of it is just noise, as far as I’m concerned. I think it’s important that there are some people who pay a lot more attention to the news than I do. I think it’s my function to spend my time doing other things. That’s why the chat groups are so great…we have a diverse group of people and when we get together in the chat our skills and interests combine so that we get an amazing amount of work done. The synergy that happens in the chats is magical.

~ Dooney