Downloading MP3 files

Just a quick note to let you know you can now download my mp3 and .wav files under the Etheric Rescue Tips. There’s a link there to the Download MP3 Files page. I highly recommend that those of you who are suffering radionics attacks download all three files and use the Square wave file first. It’s my first line of defense against heavy radionics attacks. I use it with a Slim Spurling harmonizer for maximum effect. I don’t have the time or energy to answer all your emails and I’m sorry for that. But I am putting my energy into putting as much info on my website as I can so that I can reach more people, so please use the information that is already up here. Use my boosting techniques, Etheric Rescue Tips and crystal suggestions on the crystal page to help you out. Use the Prayer Against Darkness on the right sidebar. I moved it up to the top so it’s easy to find.

Get together with someone who you can pray with. Let go of your ego and your fear and simply be Love. I know how much of a challenge this all is. I am right there in the thick of it with you. But I’m learning to let go of what is holding me back, and learning to let go of the drama, and it has helped a lot.

Goddess Bless You! You are all wonderful beings…

~ Dooney

5D transition

Stevo and I have been very challenged in the last 6 months and we’re both really feeling that this is a transition time to 5D. Things are getting more and more polarized, especially when dealing with PJ folks (sorry but it’s true). This seems to be a time that requires true compassion and unconditional love and that is a challenge for anyone, I think. Everyone I have talked to about it feels the same way – it’s hard just to get through the day with your spirit intact! :-)

I think we’re just meant to really be practicing what we’re preaching:  breathing, grounding, boosting, love, compassion, mindfulness, discernment, etc. And not just once in a while, but moment-to-moment. I’ve gotten a lot of emails from folks who are really under the gun and I know how it feels because we are too. I can barely deal with keeping our life together with the daily attacks we are under, so I haven’t been able to respond to anyone’s call for help. All I can is let you know how we are handling it, and maybe you will read something that will help you or resonate with you.

For starters, you should be grounding several times a day. We have found lately that grounding while your feet are in live water (a river or lake, or the ocean, no pipes) helps a lot. Our favorite thing is to dunk in cold water because nobody wants to be in your space when you’re doing that! Try that if you are being attacked a lot or feel corded.

Prayer seems to help us quite a bit, and especially if we hold hands and pray together. I use the Prayer Against Darkness that is on my right sidebar, and that has worked amazingly well for me. I can feel an attack stop immediately, especially if I am lighting a candle at the time. But two of us praying together seems very powerful.

Read my Etheric Rescue tips on the left sidebar and do that stuff. Read about boosting, read everything you can on my site. I’ve already put a lot of information out there but if that stuff doesn’t work for you keep searching. I try to post about other people doing good work so that you can read other stuff and research what other people are doing. What Stevo and I are doing is what works for us. Maybe it will work for you too, but you might need to use other resources as well.

We’ve been getting a lot of insights about this transition and we’re really finding that leaving the ego behind and letting go of all your past hurts, resentments, anger, fear, etc. is really helpful. It doesn’t mean you have to forget about it or just “get over it” as PJ people are fond of saying. It just means that you don’t have to let that stuff rule your life anymore; in fact if you don’t let go you will continue this 3D existence which doesn’t serve you anymore. Here’s a perfect example:

The other night I couldn’t sleep. I just could not close my eyes and go to sleep as I normally do. It might have been because of the full moon energy, but in any case I was still awake as the sky got light. Usually when that happens I’m doing Life Review. You know about that I’m sure; every hurt and every mistake, every regret is played out in your head while you’re laying there in the dark. What a waste of time! So what I did was push those thoughts away and breathe. I prayed to Mary Magdalene and Mother Goddess to protect me and help me radiate Love to the world. I kept feeling that there were bugs crawling on me and I heard footsteps downstairs. They’ve been sending fake bug images to me and Stevo lately. He saw a huge spider crawling on him but then it disappeared. I had a beetle crawling on me, then it disappeared – just stupid gaslighting stuff to make us lose our space.

So I breathed, I prayed and I radiated. I rejected the reality they were trying to set up for me and I chose to create my own reality. I figured if I wasn’t going to sleep I’d do some good energy work. That’s all you have to do. It’s simple but not easy. The steps are simple but consciously taking the steps moment-to-moment is not easy. That’s how I see things right now…it’s time to go full steam ahead spiritually and not be a victim and not be ruled by your ego. This is difficult stuff!  :-)

I’m praying for you….

~ Dooney

Calling All Goddesses

I guess I’m gonna need some Goddess help to get my website working! I’ve been trying to get it fixed with no success so I apologize for the spotty performance of my site. I haven’t been able to post for.a month. What I’ve been working on is calling in Goddess energy any way I can. One thing that has helped is that we got a gorgeous Mary Magdalene statue and put it in our front yard – and got attacked immediately! It’s pretty routine for us to get attacked daily but it’s interesting to notice what makes them really mad. Apparently, Mary Magdalene energy really pisses them off. But having her energy on our property in that way has helped us get better at defending ourselves. I’ve also been reconfiguring my labyrinth so that the entrance is on the East side. I read in the Divine Sophia book that you should always enter a sacred circle from the East, and my entrance was on the South side. In the two days I’ve been moving rocks to change this, my head has been hurting like it’s going to explode, so I must be on the right track. I noticed right away, as soon as I began the new configuration, that the energy was much better.

They’ve been making Stevo’s head hurt a lot too, lately, so he’s been taking refuge in our Airstream. I’ve had to go out there for some relief as well. Another thing we’ve discovered is EM-1, which is an amazing microbe product that you can use to fertilize plants, clean anything, detox anything, including your gut. And I’m pretty sure we’re being punished for getting that and telling people about it. Look it up and see what you think. I also want to say a quick work about Clearwater Cultures, which is a small company that makes probiotic soaps, shampoos and creams. Lovely, wonderful products that are all organic, natural and very high quality. Visit their site at I’m not paid to say this, just want everyone to know about them because they have high integrity products.

I’m trying to cram a bunch of stuff into this post because I don’t know how long it will be before I get to post again. :-) I haven’t been coaching or making bracelets yet because I am just not up to it. It’s been a stressful, weird year so far and I’m not in a good place to coach people. So I hope you are reading and practicing my exercises and using the Etheric Rescue Tips. There are a lot of good things happening on the planet, so please don’t lose hope. This is a tough time to be awake, but I think all our work will be worth it. Stevo and I are doing our best to hold the Love energy on the planet, and the best thing you can do is work on yourself and radiate Love!

~ Dooney

More deep breaths

It takes a lot of focus to keep breathing consciously these days. I know a lot of you are feeling the same pressure with the rising energy on the planet. And, you have to deal with direct psychic attacks. We are finding that we have to be so “on” all the time – there’s no wiggle room anymore for the etheric warriors. Just remember, this is your etheric masters program. There are so many people waking up all at once, that I think it’s our job (those of us who are aware) to be beacons of light for those who are just opening their eyes.

Thanks for all of you who emailed or commented about my site…Wordpress upgraded itself today so I’m hoping things run a little better. When my chat group looked at the issue briefly we saw lots of Mkids on the computer lines, so I’ve been boosting them every day. It’s kind of funny to watch them fall off their chairs! It’s this small-time hassle stuff that you have to contend with that can make you crazy, so I’ve just been breathing and staying calm. I realize that I’ll get my words out there when the time is right. The most important thing is to keep breathing. And you have to practice, practice, practice your etheric techniques, whether you use mine or someone else’s. They have to be second nature when you get into an energy situation and need your skills.

I wanted to a little more about the book I recommended in my last post, “Return of the Divine Sophia: Healing the Earth through the Lost Wisdom Teachings of Jesus, Isis and Mary Magdalene” by Tricia McCannon. This book is amazing, and goes into the whole history of how the feminine aspect has been removed from organized religion and how the feminine energy on the planet has been suppressed and actively degraded over thousands of years. Some of it is hard to read, especially if you are a woman, because the death and torture that has occurred is very distressing. But, there is a lot of good information in there about how to call the Divine Feminine back onto the planet, and Stevo and I are starting to implement some of these techniques.

For one thing, I have to move my labyrinth around, because the opening is in the south and should be in the east for a sacred circle. That will be a good summer project. :- ) We’re also going to be setting up some altars, and we bought a four-foot-high Mary Magdalene statue for our garden. The Divine Sophia book has a lot of fascinating information about the various goddesses, all of whom are basically manifesting the same energy on the earth, again and again, to give us another chance to “get it”. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have!

~ Dooney

Catalog of weirdness

Well I haven’t been able to upload the pics I wanted to post but I thought I’d try to list some of the things that have been going on for us lately. Number one weird thing is the gaslighting that they are trying to do on us. We are being very closely watched now and strange things are happening at home and on the road. For example, my labyrinth HP disappeared several months ago, and while we were traveling in January it showed up in Stevo’s suitcase in a small, clear plastic ziploc. Neither one of us put it there, it just showed up. Then of course the Lucifer spitting thing happened. In the past two months at home we’ve had things disappear and reappear, such as my favorite dowsing tool. These are things that are always in the same place, every day, and one day they simply aren’t there. You look around and after you’ve looked in the same spot three times, it’s there when you look again. Typical gaslighting.

On our recent trip from which we just returned, we did a lot of gifting in the southwest, and we were being followed and chemtrailed a lot. It gets pretty obvious when there is a perfectly blue sky and as soon as you step outside a chemtrail plane goes over. It’s happened to us so many times that we don’t see it as coincidence anymore. I wanted to post pictures of the people that followed us, and the chemtrails but that will have to wait I guess.

Other things that have happened:  Stevo has been hanging out in our Airstream because it protects him from attack, and while he is out there he hears banging on the door (not me) and the trailer rocks back and forth sometimes. While that was happening to him, I was in the house upstairs and hearing noises downstairs, such as little thumps and things moving around. All my animals were upstairs with me so I know it wasn’t them. Also typical gaslighting.

I bought some wine at the grocery store the other day and I picked up one bottle of red and one of white. I distinctly remember checking out with one of each. By the time I got home a few hours later, after hanging out with Carol at a psychic fair, I had two bottles of the red. Just random weird stuff that has no explanation. Why do they do this? It’s dumb.

We’ve been talking about it a lot and we think what is happening is that all these little things are designed to put us into fear. Little pokes and prods and “scary” things. We don’t go into fear because we know that if we respond to things like that, they’ll get in our space,  then they’ll try something bigger and more dramatic. That’s how you can literally manifest all your fears into the physical and we refuse to do that. You have to say “NO” to the fear. They’ll send me pictures of bad stuff that can happen, like finding Stevo dead in the trailer. I just stop the thoughts as soon as I have them. We simply can’t afford to give in to fear at all now because things are so polarized and thoughts are manifesting so much more quickly. We have been warned, and Carol has been warned, to be very, very careful now, not just of our actions but also of our thoughts. We’ve had really good stuff manifest almost instantly lately, like within a day, and we know that “bad” stuff can manifest just as quickly.

Other stuff:  You might have noticed that my website has been down a lot lately. I upgraded to newer WordPress software and it hasn’t been the same since, even though I restored to an older backup that doesn’t include the new software. So, lots of challenges getting my thoughts and experiences out on my blog, and obviously they don’t want me telling you stuff. I’ll keep trying though.

I’m going to do another post about a great book we picked up in Tucson at Carol’s urging: “Return of the Divine Sophia” by Tricia McCannon. It’s sparked something in me and Stevo and in Carol too I think, and we are all really focused on the Divine Feminine right now. I highly recommend it.

That’s all for now!

~ Dooney

Road Games

I’ve been trying to post for the last week and have finally gotten to this stage….I hope this post goes up. I’ve got stuff to tell you and obviously someone doesn’t want me to do so. :-)  I’ll hit “publish” now and if it’s successful enough to break the spell I’ll post more with pictures.

Wish me luck!

~ Dooney

It’s all real…

Stevo and I got home today after almost 5 weeks on the road, out in the world. Whew! I’d have to say it was a very challenging but rewarding trip. We were hoping to be able to relax and have some down time, but between picking up a travel trailer, learning all about it, learning how to tow it, trying to shine our light on people, being out in the crazy world, dealing with an unhappy ghost, gifting, and being attacked as hard as we’ve ever been attacked, it turned out to be more stressful than we had hoped.  Oh well!

One thing that saved the day was having Carol with us almost the whole time. To to say she is our best friend doesn’t even begin to cover it. Carol is hands-down the most loving, generous and courageous person I have ever met. The world would be a lesser place without her in it. Someone close to her passed away while we were traveling, and that person didn’t want to let go, so she latched on to Carol and myself pretty strongly. It was a great learning experience in how to keep my space clear and I feel so much more capable than I did a month ago. I’d have to say that Stevo and I are different people than when we started this trip. We were forced to confront fear, uncertainty and doubt and I feel like we passed some kind of test. And…

I can say without reservation now, that everything I have written about in this blog, all our experiences and speculations and wonderings, have been verified. The supernatural experience we had in our trailer when the very evil entity that we are calling “Lucifer” showered us with water, or poison or whatever it was, has proven to me beyond a doubt that it’s all real. Ghosts, higher dimensions, alternate reality, energy, attacks…all of it is real. I have never had something so concrete and real happen to me that cannot be explained in conventional terms. I have had dreams, I’ve had visitations and glimpses of an alternate reality, but now I know. It’s all real. Maybe that was the whole purpose of this trip.

We feel more committed than ever to bringing Heaven on Earth into this reality. I know now that all I have to do is dream, and breathe and believe, and I can manifest anything I need. You can be in the flow or out of the flow, and I choose to be in the flow. You can do this too! Everything Stevo and I have dreamt about in the past 6 months has come to pass. Now, we are going to dream even bigger and we are going to make our dream of Love and Peace a reality in this world. I hope you will join us. Thank you SO MUCH for your prayers and love and support. You are wonderful!

~ Dooney

I think I saw a UFO

We’re leaving the Sedona area and as we were driving along I was looking at the sky observing the effects of our recent gifting. Things are definitely better as the chemtrails are having a hard time sticking. There’s more work to do here but we need to head home. Anyway, I saw a very shiny silver object in the sky and figured it was sunlight reflecting off an airplane. It was kind of strangely shaped but I didn’t think much of that until it disappeared. As I was looking at it, it simply faded away. It wasn’t an airplane that banked and lost the sun reflection, it simply wasn’t there anymore. There was nothing in the sky. Weird.

Weve also had this Lemurian cloud ship escorting us. Nice! IMG_0427

More gifting and attacks

Just a quick post to say we found another nasty tower in Sedona today. They attacked us hard this morning and have been heavily chemtrailing the area back into whiteout. We did this tower and now it looks like it will rain. 😊

Okay can’t seem to post the pic so I will do it later. On with the tower search! By the way our dogs got really agitated when we got near two radio towers that we busted first. As soon as we gifted they calmed right down.

~ Dooney

UPDATE 2-6-17

Here are the pics I couldn’t upload the other day:

Nasty tower in town

Weird streaky sky after gifting the nasty tower

Beautiful sunlight that broke through after gifting the vortex at Bell Rock

And the oppressive clouds starting to break up

Really wild dark cloud ships that showed up…it was almost like a sky battle

More wild clouds and a lame attempt at a chemtrail. The dark cloud in the top of the pic looks like some kind of bird! Sedona also had a nice rainstorm last night which was not forecast. This is all typical after gifting with orgonite.

Cool! 😀

Gifting adventures in the Southwest

I’ve been a bit remiss in posting about some of the gifting we’ve done on our trip, which is still in progress. We’re not quite ready to go home! A few weeks ago we drove into Albuquerque, New Mexico and saw two large weatherballs right next to the highway just outside of town. I continued (driving Carol’s truck) into town to get us checked into our hotel. Stevo and Carol (in Stevo’s truck with the dogs) took a detour along a frontage road to get to the weatherballs. They found that the weatherballs were surrounded by a shabby, run-down collection of houses, which is kind of weird. Weatherballs are usually on the tops of mountains and kind of hard to reach. They gifted thoroughly in the area, and noticed a black SUV with blacked out windows parked nearby, with the motor running, and the guy in the driver’s seat was staring at them and talking on the phone. They were pretty conspicuous in this neighborhood in Stevo’s fairly new blue truck.

The next thing that happened was that a drone flew over and hovered over them for several minutes. It was pretty obvious to them that the guy in the black SUV called in the drone. It didn’t do anything but watch. Kind of interesting and a first for both Carol and Stevo to be stalked by a drone.

We’re in Sedona now and Carol has gone home to be with family. Stevo and I went out yesterday to explore a bit and ended up walking to one of the famous vortices (plural of vortex) in the area. This area is known for New Age nonsense, but I’d have to say that there is indeed a palpable energy here. As soon as we came over the pass to get here and could see the famous red rocks in the distance I started feeling it. I was a bit woozy and off balance.

IMG_0352 These towers were just along the path you walk to get to the vortex, so an easy target. You can see all the chemcrud behind them. The sky was fairly whited out. They had starting chemtrailing all over the sky as soon as we got to our campground the day before, and they kept spraying even after dark. There was enough moonlight to see the trails. I don’t think it’s any accident that they located three towers right near a vortex. As we were walking there our dogs started to get very agitated, whining and pulling on their leashes for no reason. When we got to where the vortex is centered and climbed up a big ol’ rock for the view, I actually started to feel better. However, there were some pseudo-newagey people there who wouldn’t stop talking and let the rest of us have a peaceful moment. And there were several dogs who got agitated enough to bark at other dogs, my Sammy being one of those (much to my embarrassment). We want to go back there and see if the energy is better now that we gifted around the vortex. Stevo did his gifting thing while I kept a hold of the dogs.

IMG_0329Here’s the view across the valley from along that trail…again pretty cruddy with chemtrails. Sedona is an absolutely beautiful place and you can feel the energy from the earth very easily here. We actually ran into a woman on this trail who noticed Stevo’s necklaces, one of those being an Ankh, two being HP’s and a few other lovely gemstone pendants. She stopped him to ask about his necklaces and they got to talking. She said she was helping some people who wanted to feel the vortex energy but couldn’t. She made them stand still and ground and just feel, instead of talking. It was so cool to talk to someone who was so aware, and not newagey at all. Just practical. That’s really what it’s all about. It’s not mystical and ritual unless you want it to be.

IMG_0349Here’s the same view on our way back from the vortex about 45 minutes later. This dramatic clearing actually started happening within about 10 minutes of us gifting the towers. I was talking to Carol about Sedona and she said in her experience a lot of people have done energy work to try and help the vortices here but most of them don’t know what they are doing and have actually sometimes made things worse. I think that orgonite, from my experience of gifting, is the fastest and most reliable way to change earth energy from negative to positive. I hope that our gifting here will help.


IMG_0353After we got back to town and did a little food shopping, we saw these beautiful sylphs in the sunset. You can just barely see those three towers way in the background on the left. The chem crud totally cleared up and the white out just kind of rolled back from the sky. Today the sky has been perfectly clear and blue, just like we remember when we were kids. We’re looking forward to doing some more gifting in the next few days and seeing some more confirmations. It’s no surprise to us that this sort of dramatic change happens but it’s always fun to watch!

I wanted also to say a few words about my last post about our weird “Lucifer” experience. We all agreed that it’s probably the weirdest thing that’s ever happened to any of us. For Carol, that’s saying a lot! She’s had a lot of weird things happen in her life. Lucifer is the word we chose to describe the energy that came into our camper, but you could call it anything that means “pure evil”. There is no mistaking that kind of energy. Stevo felt this was a direct challenge for him personally and he let us know that he was willing to defend against that energy no matter what. We told him we would stand with him. We were all a little leery of going to sleep, not knowing what might happen on the etheric. Carol and Stevo have both had many experiences of someone trying to kill them in the etheric realm while they were sleeping. Needless to say, none of us slept that night. But I’m happy to report that we are all still alive! In addition to wearing Morgonite, we were also all wearing some form of Ametrine as we had been experiencing other energy attacks on the trip. Carol and I found some beautful Ametrine pendants and bracelets in Tucson. It was really worth the trip to get some powerful etheric tools.

~ Dooney