Lucifer spit on us!!

Okay, this might sound weird but welcome to my life. Stevo, Carol and I were sitting here in our new (to us) travel trailer enjoying an episode of The Librarians when our dog Sunny bristled up and starting barking at the ceiling. Two seconds later, the three of us were hit in the face with drops of water,  as if they were sprayed from the ceiling. No vents or windows were open. It’s not raining, the skies are clear. We all reared back and looked at each other in astonishment. This was beyond strange.

We’re out here in the world, doing our mission of shining our light, and gathering our crystal tools at the gem shows in Tucson. I think maybe we struck a nerve! We all felt this was a malevolent act, a possible poisoning. We wiped off the “water” with wet paper towels. As I’m writing this Carol pointed out that we are all wearing Morgonite which is a stone that mellows you out. We didn’t go into fear when this happened. We lit some protective candles, said some prayers and opened a bottle of wine to toast Jesus.

We were able to laugh and make jokes about this right away. Is this the best they can do? You have to remember not to go into fear when things like this happen. They have already lost and they know it. We are operating from the perspective that 5D is already here. We are living it. We are there. You just have to adjust your perspective a bit and keep breathing.

I’m posting this from my phone because I couldn’t get on the internet from my computer. Thhhhpppptttt! to you Lucifer.  Whomever you believe embodies evil, you have to remember that NOTHING is more powerful than Love.

~ Dooney

P.S. When we arrived at this RV park in Tucson the lady next door who helped us park our rig introduced herself as Mary, told Steve he looked really familiar to her, then told me a little bit later that her cat Lucy was actually a boy who’s name is actually Lucifer! There are no coincidences folks.

This is why we do the work

The article below is a great overview of what I feel is happening on the planet and why. This is why Stevo and I have been doing group chats for the past 12 years and gifting orgonite. This is why we get attacked almost every day. I have always known that we are not meant to live in a dark, depressing world and we are not meant to be slaves, and we are NOT meant to kill each other. This is a long article but please take time to read it if you want some good insights into what is happening.

Stevo and I are currently traveling with Carol and on a break from our usual lives because we felt it was time for us to go out in the world and shine our light so that we can model Hope and Love for others. It’s been a difficult transition, especially for two Cancer homebodies who like their shell, but we felt very strongly that we had to do this, so we are following Spirit and having faith. Every day is a challenge to breathe, to Love, to stay focused, to help others. We are being compelled to conquer our fears and doubts and get out there to help people. Here’s a great affirmation from the article:

The game has been realized, and the end result is already set in stone. Humanity has already won, we only need to continue spreading the information, and more importantly, shine the light. This understanding changes everything. Nothing is ever the same after you recognize the true reality of the world. Not only does this point to the hidden hand directing humanity, this is direct confirmation of the amazing abilities built into the DNA of humanity, the amazing abilities build into YOU!

So please, please, have faith, spread Love, breathe, awaken and most importantly DON’T GIVE UP!

Love to you all,


Sitting in judgement

Stevo and I have talked a lot this year about how easy it is to go into judgement of others. It happens all the time, and in just a split second, before you even realize what is happening. A great way to stop doing that is to breathe, of course. 😊 Conscious breathing brings your focus inward so that you’re not concerned so much by other people’s business, and more concerned by what is your business – your own energy.

As I write this I’m sitting in the Denver airport watching crowds and crowds of people going by. It’s really easy to do snap judgements on each person but here’s an interesting exercise I’m doing. I find one thing positive about each person I look at, like ” nice shoes” or “pretty hair”. It’s amazing how quickly you start to look at the positive aspects of people  instead of judging them. It’s a little exhausting too, unless you breathe. It’s a great way to radiate Love when you are out in public. I’ve been out and about in the world for four days now, and even with all the craziness on the planet right now I have seen a lot of people being really nice to each other. Maybe it’s just leftover holiday spirit but I’m hoping that it’s a lift in general consciousness.

Anyway, try this little exercise when you’re in a crowd and have a little time to kill. It’s a good way to flex your spiritual muscles! 

By the way, Stevo asked me to check out the energy coming from underground here, and I would have to say it’s about 1000% better than the last time I was at this airport. The dark, icky energy just isn’t perceivable time anymore. A good sign I think!

~ Dooney

On The Road

Stevo and I are going on the road to take a break, re-charge our batteries and with any luck make some cool videos that I can share here. We’ve been fighting the etheric fight for 12 years straight, and it’s time for us to go out and shine our light on more people and get them breathing, loving and forgiving too. There are many people around the world doing the same kind of work, and it feels like the tide has turned, but we need some help!  :-)  Stevo and I have taken the breathing I’ve talked about in my last few posts to a new level, and we are literally manifesting our dreams at an astonishing rate. It’s scary and thrilling at the same time. It’s possible for you to do the same thing. Start breathing and link one breath to the next and just keep going.

Stevo and I believe that when you really do the breathing, you are transitioning to a 5D reality. Your 3D reality fades a bit and you start operating from a 5D perspective where anything is possible. And then you can shine Love on everyone around you and they start to resonate to that 5D energy, or if they can’t handle it and are afraid, they fade back into 3D. This is it, folks. We are at the crossroads and you have to choose Love or Fear. Which reality do you want? It’s a simple choice for me, but it’s a hard road to travel in the sense that you have to be awake every minute. There’s no more time for indecision and doubts. This is the time for you to manifest Heaven on Earth.

I’ll be taking a break from coaching and making bracelets too, but I’ll let you know when I’m back in the saddle for that work.

Breathe!  :-)

~ Dooney

Ten deep breaths

I mentioned in the Devils Tower gifting video that Steve has been telling me “just do ten deep breaths.” What we’re finding out now is that life requires many, many more breaths than that. I think it’s going to take hundreds and maybe thousands of deep breaths to get through the energy and the growth that is happening on the planet. I realized that while I was doing the etheric breathing and running energy I wasn’t actually physically breathing. I wasn’t pushing my stomach out and my chest out to take a full deep breath. Believe me it makes all the difference in the world
What I want to tell you is that breathing is the simplest thing you can do to change your life, but it is the hardest thing to remember to do. If you can remember to breathe every moment, Then you’ll be on your way to learning the most important spiritual lesson to learn.

I’ve had a lot of people emailing me who are in distress and under severe attack. And all I can tell them besides using the tools I have on my website is to breathe and forgive. I think maybe people don’t want to hear that because it sounds too simple but it’s one of the most powerful things you can do. Just be in your body and Breathe.

Devil’s Tower Gifting Video – Part 2

Here’s the gifting part of our gifting video! I wanted to video this mission and publish it just to show people what we deal with on a regular basis. The attacks and interference we experienced on this trip are typical of the kind of energy we and other gifters around the world contend with as etheric warriors. I think if you have enough tools in your etheric toolbox, such as the grounding, boosting and protection exercises we do, you can overcome obstacles and achieve your gifting goals. Carol said to me that she hasn’t seen the kind of overt surveillance we experienced since she and Don first started gifting many years ago. I think it’s just a sign of how desperate and disorganized they have become, and the space-time technique we were using on this trip confounded them to the point where they were running around us like Keystone Cops, trying to keep track of us. The thing to keep in mind is that even if they see you and follow you, they won’t be able to identify your gifting spots and interfere with your ultimate goal if you are protecting yourself. Carol’s perception is that once you bury the orgonite, the earth takes it in and it can’t be found at that point.

Thanks for watching!

Devil’s Tower Gifting Video – Part 1

Check out the video of the trip Carol and I recently took to Devil’s Tower, Wyoming, where we did some much-needed gifting. It’s always a good idea to gift a place that has “devil” or “hell” in the name. Those places are invariably corrupted and need some orgonite! Many thanks to Don for making earthpipes and sending them to us so we could get the job done. This Part 1 video includes some techniques for dealing with psychic attack.

Please keep in mind that this is an amateur video done by an amateur (namely, me). I edited the video on the drive back and there was a lot of traffic noise on the video…I’m learning as I go! 

Fun on the radio

I did a radio interview the other day, which was a little nerve-wracking but turned out to be fun. I”m not used to putting myself out there like that but I figured it was time I took a courage step in that direction. The show was aired on a radio station in New York and it’s on the In Other News website at Geoff Brady, the producer who interviewed me, has also interviewed several other etheric warriors on his show and has some really interesting topics on that website, so be sure to check it out. I also put up links on EW to those shows. Stevo, Carol and I did an interview together on Patrick Timpone’s in 2008 and I put that link up on EW as well. That was a fun show to do, and it was my very first radio experience, but I was with my two mentors so it was a little less scary. :-)  This interview was my first solo effort. Many thanks to Geoff for making it such a fun experience. :-)

~ Dooney

Keep On Keepin’ On

Things continue to be interesting as we go through the summer. Aside from our technological difficulties, we seem to be getting challenged on just about every aspect of life. I wake up and wonder what today’s test is going to be on. :-)  It’s really making me realize how many times I tend to lose my space in the course of the day. The dogs are acting up, the cat jumps on the counter and breaks a glass, a noisy car speeds past us when I’m walking the dogs on the road, someone says something rude, my computer crashes – whatever it is, I’m monitoring my own reactions more closely these days and trying to stay more neutral and grounded in every moment.

It’s just not that easy.

That doesn’t mean that I don’t keep trying, because I do. I feel that the most important thing we can as a more awake and aware community of people is to learn how to stay in our hearts and anchor love on the planet. Things are getting more and more crazy and I think it’s our job to hold the energy of peace and love so that when challenges happen, we can be there to help everyone along. I feel it’s that simple. We are the ones holding the Light. That sounds kind of newagey but I don’t know how else to say it. We have to keep our heads while everyone else is losing their mind. To do that, you have to be discerning and you can’t go into fear or judgement. You have to be the one standing there saying “Everything is already okay. Just breathe.”

Remember that for every terrible event you hear about on the news there is something really good happening in the world. If you need a boost, read the Postive Changes That Are Occurring thread on I have a link to that thread on the left sidebar. This is an incredible time to be alive and awake!

~ Dooney

“People all over the world,
Join hands,
Get on the Love Train”
– The O’Jays

Hack Attack!

One of the frustrating things about relying on technology and being an etheric warrior is that it makes you vulnerable to annoying hacking attacks. Lately, it has manifested in my life in a couple of ways. Carol was visiting a few days ago and I had the opportunity to record her and Stevo talking candidly about life, the universe and everything. :-)  It was a couple of great hours of recording the thoughts of two very grounded and stable psychics. Unfortunately, when I tried to replay the recordings I found only silence. Apparently, this is a bug in the Kindle I was using for recording, but subsequent events convinced me it was more than that.

On July 3rd, while Carol, Stevo and I were sitting around my dining room table having a glass of wine and a great talk, someone hacked into my password-protected wi-fi network and streamed movies for 8 hours, using all my data allowance, including and extra 5GB that I had purchased that very day. The next day, we were put on data restriction, and I found all this out when I called my ISP to find out what was going on. We’ve never been hacked quite so blatantly before, except for one incident many years ago. Shortly after we met Don and Carol for the first time I was sitting at my computer writing in a document file, and the page started to fill up with carriage returns. I took my hands off the keyboard and the page continued to fill. The Return key wasn’t stuck, so there wasn’t any reason the keyboard should still be producing carriage returns when I wasn’t touching it.

That was the first time I really knew that hacking was real and could happen at any time. We’ve had a lot of little things happen over the years, usually coinciding with a particularly successful chat session. When we hit a really big target in our chat session we tend to get “punished” the next day with this kind of annoyance (and others). As it happens, the day that the hacking of our network occurred was just a few hours after my Sunday chat group had kicked the stuffing out of the NWO.

I immediately switched our network to an old-school wired ethernet network. Stevo and I had both been thinking about going back to a wired network for a while but hadn’t done anything about it. We ignored the whispers, so we got the shout! :-)  I have to say, I feel quite a bit of relief not having wi-fi in my house. You can’t avoid it in public – it’s everywhere – but at least in our own house we can have a bit of EMF relief. I say a “bit” since I realize all of our wiring and electronics give off EMF’s too. We mitigate some of that with orgonite, earthing, and with products from

The thing to remember about annoying attacks like this is not to go into anger. That’s what they want….you, tearing your hair out in front of your computer, not breathing, not grounding and totally losing your mind. I get so frustrated with technology sometimes, and they know it’s a good way to tweak me and shove me off my path, even if it’s only for a day. So, I’m learning to just not take it so seriously. Is it really that big a deal if I can’t check my email or stream a movie at that moment? No. It’s a bigger deal that I’m letting myself go into anger instead of staying in a calm, loving heart space. So attacks like this can be a good training session for staying grounded and staying in your heart. So thank you to the Powers That Were for my continuing classes in my Doctorate of the Heart program!  😉

~ Dooney