A Dooney Year


Our Happy Girl

A Dooney year runs from June 25th to June 25th, as that is my birthday. :-) Carol has always said that on your birthday you should do things that you want to be doing the rest of your year. So today I have done a little work (coaching and made a bracelet), I’ve donated items to the charity store, I’ve talked to my loved ones, I’ve played with my dogs, I’ve worked in my garden, I’ve indulged myself a bit, I’m going to be dining with friends, I’ve done a bunch of boosting and I’ve done a bit of cleaning and organizing. It feels like it’s been a pretty good day.

No matter what is happening in your life, take some time to do your things on your birthday. We’ve had a tough month with the death of our beloved dog Molly and the imminent death of a beloved family member who has lived a good, long life. Endings are never easy. Stevo keeps reminding me to breathe, to ground, to bring in the Galactic Sun…all the things I know how to do but sometimes forget about in the heat of the moment.

What I do know is that everyone is going through something. I’m not alone in that. We can help each other through the tough times, and I find that sometimes it makes tough things easier if you help someone else too. I really appreciate all of you who boost us and send me nice comments and emails. You guys are great!

~ Dooney

Galactic Central Sun boosting

I haven’t posted in a while (again) because there has been so much going on here, from dental surgery and  painkillers (ugh!), to naughty dogs, to drac attacks and boosting with the Galactic Central Sun. This is a new technique Stevo is developing and he’s getting pretty badly attacked for it. If you check Stillness in the Storm and do a search on “galactic central sun” you’ll find some interesting information. Some stuff on that site is disinfo, but like everything out there you have to be discerning. Stevo has been bringing the energy of the galactic central sun into his space; in his words:

Bring a cord of this energy from the galactic central sun into your crown, 3 feet in diameter, down your grounding cord and into the center of the planet. It’s kinda like the transporter beam in the original StarTrek TV show.

He then uses this energy to boost out through the heart chakra, and it’s very powerful. It’s the next step beyond bringing the golden suns into his space, which is part of my Basic Grounding exercise. It seems that when you boost a target with this energy it’s much easier to get fast results. You almost don’t have to even think about the attackers if you are boosting someone who’s getting attacked. You just boost the target and the attackers are affected by the energy automatically. Anyway, it’s something for you boosters to try.

We figure Stevo’s on the right track because they are trying to stop him from doing this kind of energy work. He uses it to do planet-wide boosting as well. There was an incident with an MIB who injected him in the middle of the night, causing him enough pain to wake him up. Then in the morning there was a tell-tale red mark on his forehead. He’s been doing tons of detoxing to get rid of whatever they used in the injection (our intuition was a fast-acting cancer),  and he’s finding that more than ever he has to be on his spiritual path 24/7, no slacking.

I think that’s the message a lot of folks are getting nowadays. The farther you stray off your path the more painful life gets. This is a time when everyone is polarizing into those who are stuck in 3D and will remain that way, and those who are becoming the multi-dimensional, loving beings we are supposed to be. This is the time to do healthy things for your body, your physical vehicle, so that you can grow spiritually. To grow spiritually, you have to discipline your thoughts and actions, giving up anger and judgement and all the things that keep you stuck in 3D. Remember the big picture, and send out love as often as you can. Keep your space clear, breathe, and remember who you truly are.

You can do it!

~ Dooney :-)


Slowing down in the fast lane

I’ve been doing reading and dog training the past six weeks, which has kept me busy enough to forget to post. I’ve also been helping my etheric warrior friends who are being psychically attacked and as usual that has led us to some good targets. Everyone in my little circle has been attacked lately, including Jeff on EW who has the wonderful “Positive Changes” thread (link on the left sidebar). Don’s email was hacked, Francisco’s family was attacked, etc. So in between emergency chats I read “The O Manuscript” by Lars Muhl, who also wrote “The Law of Light” that I posted about previously.

It’s great information about Jesus and Mary Magdalene and spirituality. It’s an intense story. I had to stop reading just a few chapters from the end because there is so much to take in. Stevo’s already read it, and Don and Carol are reading it too. It’s rare that we are all reading the same stuff at the same time. I find that it has helped me slow down and think about things more. I say prayers more deliberately now. I watch my energy more. I look at the bigger picture more often. I think this is all good stuff. It’s so easy to get caught up in the day-to-day life tasks and responding to etheric attacks, and sometimes I forget to look at the overall picture.

Sometimes I wonder, what the heck am I doing with my life? Then I think about all the stories on EW and all the things Stevo and I have experienced, and I remember that I’m fighting for freedom. Oh yeah, huh. :-)

~ Dooney

P.S. Welcome to all my new subscribers!

Learning new things

It’s always good to learn something new and I’ve had a lot of that going on lately. An alert reader sent me an interesting link to an article about getting rid of implants (thanks B!). I tried it out and it seemed to do something. I felt a very strong pulsing in my 6th chakra, which is a good sign to me that a lot of energy is moving. The technique can be found here:


There is some newagey stuff on the site and some disinformation but I think this technique is probably genuine. The only thing I would change is to bring golden light in where it says to bring white light in. Golden light is just a bit safer as white light can attract negative entities (according to Carol and others) and golden light seems to be impervious to any negative entities. You’ll have to experiment and see what works for you.

It’s interesting to me where the author talks about there not being any more physical implants on people because I’d have to say that in the past few years I’ve hardly ever found implants on people anymore. Also, the 3rd and 6th chakras are the ones I see most commonly attacked, and lots of folks have complaints about the backs of their necks. Once you read the implant clearing technique you’ll see the parallels.

In other news, Carol told us about a great book called “The Law of Light” by Lars Muhl and we have found it to be very good reading. It’s all about the secret teachings of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. There are some really good prayers and ideas in there that we have been taking to heart. This has lead me to a new kind of boosting which is more neutral, more grounded and more effective than ever. You need to read the book (it’s a fast read), but basically the new boosting is about taking ego completely out of the picture and just presenting yourself as pure Love to a target. It’s hard to explain. I simply exist while boosting, in the highest state of Love that I can be, and it simply melts the target!

This may not suffice as practical boosting advice, but it kind of expands on the “apostrophe” post I did a few posts ago. I think that experience was a preview for reading the Law of Light information and understanding more and more what that was all about.

IMG_1825The latest development in our house is that we got a new puppy, Sunshine, who is a 5-month-old yellow lab. We now have three yellow labs! It was totally unexpected but when we saw her we couldn’t resist her. So now we are learning anew how to be good pack leaders according to Cesar Milan’s excellent training techniques, and Sunshine is bringing joy to us and (finally) to Sammy and Molly. They weren’t sure about this intruder at first but they are liking her now. Our dogs are good reminders to us of what unconditional love looks like. It’s a good opportunity for us to practice our neutrality (calmness) and strength (assertiveness). I’ve always appreciated the way Cesar reads the energy of people and dogs. Thanks to his techniques, I can walk all three dogs by myself and have them heeling almost perfectly.

Due to some unfortunate family events, Stevo and I are being reminded how to breathe through challenges and how to live in the moment. You can’t do anything about the past or the future, you can only do something in the moment, and more often than not that something is breathing. Never forget that your breath is your connection to spirit. Inspiration means breathing and it also means to be filled with spirit. That’s no coincidence. The more you breathe, the more you will be in the flow of the moment, and things will flow with you and around you. It’s one of the biggest challenges we have as a spirit in a body.

~ Dooney


Essential oils – etheric helpers

Stevo and I have used essential oils for a long time as our first aid kit. Tea tree, peppermint, lavender…the basics. We’ve also used other oils that I blend myself for things like chest congestion, liver clearing, etc. Many years ago we bought a bunch of Mikel Zayat oil blends and really enjoyed using them. I put a link up on the left sidebar if you want to check out his oils. With the increasing attacks on us I decided to get out all of our blends and start putting them to use on a daily basis.

I recently ordered a few blends that he didn’t have years ago, namely the Mary Magdalen and Archangel Michael blends. I was thrilled to see those. Have you noticed how Mary Magdalene is now showing up in mainstream culture more? Anyway, there are all sorts of blends for all the chakras and for many emotional and physical conditions. I find the following ones particularly helpful for attacks:

Fearless (which is now called Fearless II) – I put this on my 3rd chakra area to help with feelings of fear. Wonderful!
White Light
3rd & 4th Chakra
Mary Magdalen
Archangel Michael

Mikel Zayat does have some newagey stuff on his site but if you ignore that stuff (especially the Drunvalo stuff) and use his oils, I think you will find that they are great etheric helpers. I’ll use anything I can to keep the wankers off our backs so that we can do the work we are meant to do to help save the planet. Mikel uses a lot of evergreen oils so a lot of the blends have a very woodsy scent, but they are therapeutic grade oils and are very clean and high energy. You only have to use one or two drops at a time so they last for a long time.

~ Dooney

Nighttime attacks

The Powers That Ain’t attacked both my dogs last night in the middle of the night. Luckily, my insomniac husband and I were still awake so we were able to deal with it. Honestly, do those wankers really have nothing better to do?? It started with Sammy getting hives on the top of his head. Then Molly went outside several times to vomit. Then they were both shaking. Usually we have to deal with one shaking dog at a time but last night was a double whammy (isn’t that a great piece of slang?). I started playing my emerald singing bowl mp3 through our Slim Spurling harmonizer, and we each got hold of a dog and started helping them run their energy. They were both wagging their tails slightly so I knew it couldn’t be too bad.

The funny thing is that when they get attacked, Sammy gets really quiet, and slinks around and his eyes get really big. Last night he was looking around like he expected a monster to jump out at him at any minute. Molly, on the other hand, gets really agitated. She won’t sit still and she wants constant petting. Another weird thing that happened is that she started frantically sniffing Sammy, all over his body, like she could smell something bad (or interesting, it’s hard to tell with a dog). We figured she can actually smell the energy of the attackers, who were alien insects in this case.

So we did what we usually do. We run a hand down their back, from the top of their head all the way to the tailbone. At the same time we talk to them about grounding and bringing in golden suns and send them images at the same time. This time it only took about 20 minutes to stop the attacks. I put on their collars that have an HP and a piece of danburite taped on, and I also played our singing bowl in real time and that seemed to settle them down quite a bit. I didn’t panic this time, I just dealt with it. I wonder if TPTA are getting really desperate. Why else would they expend so much energy to hassle us by attacking our dogs? That’s the best they can do now, and it’s really pitiful. Remember, TPTA hate to be laughed at or scorned in any way. If you can make fun of them you are coming from a stronger position. DON’T GO INTO FEAR! If you learn one thing from reading my blog, learn that. Practice it. Bring golden suns into your 3rd chakra until you can laugh about the whole thing. Get a bigger perspective. Then boost!

~ Dooney

Bracelets to the rescue

We made a mistake the other night and watched what turned out to be a very violent movie. We usually avoid violence and never watch slasher movies, but this movie had some good actors in it and we thought it would be okay. Wrong! From the very first scene I knew we should have turned it off but we didn’t. You know how some movies just feel evil from the start? This was one of them. I should have followed my instinct, and about half an hour later we did turn it off and I was in tears. The scene that finally did it was so graphic and so realistic that I can’t believe someone thought it was worth putting on film. I have spent the past few days trying to get the images out of my head.

So here’s the thing about movies: there can be an energy from them that is like an etheric assault. It’s done on purpose, so you have to protect yourself from it. What happened to me was that I was almost immediately attacked energetically because the disturbing scene in the movie hit me in my 3rd chakra and left it vulnerable to attack. The chat group helped me on Sunday and I was finally able to stop thinking about that awful scene. But today I was challenged again. I have blown up a lot of roses in the past few days, and run my energy constantly, just trying to get out from under the continued assault. I’ve played my emerald singing bowl, I’ve used my golden lemurian, but nothing worked for more than 5 minutes.

Finally, I remembered to put on some bracelets! I don’t know why sometimes it takes me so long to do the obvious. I put on my Heart Protection, Love & Compassion, and Emotional Healing bracelets – all heart stones. Stevo told me to forgive myself for letting the movie images get to me. I also decided to forgive the people that made the movie for making something so evil. Within about 10 minutes my dark mood lifted considerably and I was able to take a deep breath for the first time in two days. I haven’t obsessed about that movie since.

So you have to be careful. It’s risky to expose yourself to any kind of media because it is so controlled and is used as a weapon against us. We usually are very picky about what we will watch. We don’t watch commercial TV at all, haven’t for about 17 years. We select movies and TV shows on Netflix or Amazon that we feel have some kind of good purpose. But sometimes we get caught. I thought I’d better blog about this to show you what can happen if you aren’t discerning about what you let into your space. It can happen to anyone. Someone has been running my energy for me since I saw that movie. That is completely unacceptable and I’ve had to fight to get control again. It was a good reminder.

~ Dooney

“I’ve had an apostrophe!”

I love that line from the movie “Hook”, where Bob Hoskins talks about having an apostrophe instead of an epiphany. I had an epiphany of sorts early this morning and after you read about it you might say “Duh, Dooney, knew that all along”!. :-) I was woken up around 6am, pre-dawn, by my dog Molly who was shaking badly. I got her to lay back down on her bed and after determining that she wasn’t hurt, I realized she was being psychically attacked. Again. Sigh….

I spent the next hour running energy on her, over and over, grounding her, and bringing in golden suns. She stopped shaking once for a few minutes then started up again. So I kept going. I also started boosting her attackers. Our chat group had just gotten a line on one of Stevo’s persistent attackers on Sunday and we whacked him with love energy pretty hard, and I think it was him or his associates retaliating by hitting Molly.

So, as usual I started to go into fear a little bit, wondering if a run to the emergency vet was going to be needed after all. Then, I gave myself a pep talk. I was worried, I was tired, shivering and cramped from bending over Molly for an hour in the dark. But I knew I was going to have to just stop whining about it and take care of business. So I boosted and boosted and boosted. I started to realize that my energy was expanding the more I let go of being worried and uncomfortable. It was pure boosting. And it just kept getting bigger and bigger.

I was Mavericks boosting, which is my term for using a giant ocean wave to wash over my attackers. I got an image of Giant Dooney, my alter-ego boosting buddy, riding a surfboard on the Mavericks wave. I saw my dogs Charlie and Black Jack, who died years ago, on another surfboard. I started to feel so connected to everything, and that’s when I had my “apostrophe”.

I started to see everything as an ocean of consciousness; all that you see – people, animals, plants, rocks, earth, cars, buildings, every material thing – is a wave coming up out of that ocean of consciousness. We are separate waves but all part of the same ocean. Some waves flow together, like me and Stevo. :-) Some waves clash and one overtakes the other. Some waves die out as soon as they are born. And some waves take the long ride into the shore before they subside and rejoin the ocean. So I spent the day thinking about all these analogies and trying to feel it in 3D, all the time, even around other people.

It’s hard! It’s so hard to keep that perspective. But while I was out and about running errands I tried to see just the people as ocean waves, and I tried to feel how we are connected. Even the “bad” guys are waves in the same ocean. All the agents and aliens that attack us are waves in the same ocean. I have known that we are all one intellectually, but this is the first time I have really felt it this strong. So, now I have a new paradigm to practice feeling on a daily basis. How much easier will life flow for me if I can stay in this frame of mind? Do you ever have a day where everything goes right and everything seems easy? And then you have a day where absolutely nothing goes right? I think maybe those types of days are ones where we are really in the flow of that ocean consciousness, with waves flowing together, or we are just crashing against all the other waves in our lives.

This is probably already obvious to some of you, as is was to Stevo, but is was very empowering for me to feel it so strongly for myself. Maybe I’ve just gotten to the point where I am getting good enough at conquering fear, which is so very important. I got to a level of neutrality in my boosting that I’ve never attained before. It was easy to see my attackers as just another manifestation of the whole. There was no angst, just love. It was not surprising to me that as soon as I gained this perspective while boosting, Molly relaxed, stopped shaking and went to sleep. She woke up later and was totally fine.

It was just another interesting day for a spiritual warrior! :-)


Messing with my links

I’ve had a couple of broken links on my site brought to my attention recently, so I was checking links on a few pages and found that all the internal page links on the top my Etheric Exercises page had been stripped out. I know the links were there and they worked because I always, without exception, check a link after I add it to make sure it works, especially the links that help a user navigate the site internally. Two links on my left sidebar, including Stillness in the Storm and Mark Passio’s homepage had one character stripped out, which made them broken links. I find it very interesting that all my exercise links and two really good information links were messed with.

I do appreciate you readers bringing it to my attention. There is usually so much going on in my life that I don’t really think about checking my website information as often as I should. This kind of stuff happens rather routinely, i.e. website glitches, computer glitches, things being moved in the house, things breaking for no reason. Carol has had her car keys hidden more times than she can count. :-) I think the lesson is just to breathe, be patient, stay calm and not let things like this get you in a twist. It’s kind of funny to us that sometimes these niggling problems are the worst thing they can throw at us. I’m just glad we’re not dead!

~ Dooney

13th dimensional grounding

Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a fun and safe celebration…

I talked a little bit about 13D grounding in one of my posts about the recent attacks on our dogs, but I wanted to go a little more in-depth. As I posted previously, when our dog Molly was being attacked we were helping her ground and run her energy, and we felt like we weren’t getting anywhere. So I had the intuition that we needed to ground Molly in every dimension, from 3D up to 13D. We focused on her and did the grounding in 3D, i.e. the tailbone grounding cord, send all foreign energy down the cord, fill up with 8th chakra golden sun. The basics. Then we did the same by moving our energy up to her 4D aspect, then her 5D aspect, and so on. Once you get up to 13D and have grounded out that dimension and filled up with the golden sun, then it’s a good idea to breathe energy in from your feet, all the way up to 13D and back down again. It kind of connects and integrates all your dimensional aspects and you feel very grounded. Don’t forget to fill up with your own energy any time you ground!

Moving from 3D to the higher dimensions is covered in my exercise for Accessing Higher Dimensions, and you need to be familiar with how to do that before you try 13D grounding. Once you read and practice that exercise and feel comfortable moving to the higher dimensions, this 13D grounding instruction will make more sense. To access someone else’s dimensional aspect (their energetic aspect) you simply put yourself in their space (with their permission) and run their energy and yours together. It’s all imagination, remember.

Now, the fun part is that once you are familiar with how to do this, you can run energy in each dimension for yourself or someone else. You can do healings in each dimension, clear auras in each dimension, etc. There’s really no limit. A note about permission:  I always say that you need a person’s permission to do a healing on them or run their energy. If that person is a baby or a small child, or a pet, you can’t get their verbal permission. So what you do is ask their Higher Self for permission. If you are that baby’s parent, or that pet’s owner, permission to help them is implied, but it’s always a good idea to check with their Higher Self.

We found after working on Molly in all dimensions that the attack on her was stopped, so we started using it on ourselves and it was pretty helpful in dramatically slowing or stopping an attack. It’s also very energizing to work on your energy system that way. It’s typical that as they revise their attack strategies we revise our defense strategies, so we end up learning how to do all sorts of new things. Oops, I don’t think they wanted that…

So the 13D grounding isn’t complicated if you already know how to ground and you already know how to access the higher dimensions. You can learn all this by simply following my exercises, or you can get a coaching session to help you learn.

Have fun!
~ Dooney
