Happy Solstice! (A little late)


Beautiful Winter in our front yard!

This is the first year that Stevo and I are trying to start some Winter Solstice traditions. I’m a little late in posting because life is like that sometimes. I tried to make Solstice cards on my color printer to send out to family and friends but my printer pooped out before I could print more than a few cards. Then I tried to use the color copier down at the drugstore but they don’t let civilians use it and the ladies at the counter were clueless and too busy to help. Oh well. Next year I’ll plan better.

We did manage to have a nice dinner, a nice outdoor fire in the firepit, some champagne and some homemade eggnog. And we made some thoughtful toasts and wished for World Peace. Not too bad a start! I wanted to light up my labyrinth and walk it but it’s covered in about a foot of snow and I wasn’t able to find the outline. Again, a little planning is needed.

It’s kind of difficult to start new traditions, I think, but it’s a good challenge. It gets me out of the traditions that don’t really resonate with me anymore and gets me thinking a little more independently. I think everyone should celebrate the things that make sense to them. Stevo and I tend not to limit our thankfulness and loving words and helping people activities to just one day a year. We like to practice those things year-round because that’s what makes sense to us. What are your traditions?

~ Dooney

The Never-ending Story

Doggie attacks are over but concentrated Stevo and Dooney attacks continue. :-) I think we must have done something to really piss of The Powers That Ain’t! We had time to take a couple of deep breaths when they finally left our dogs alone, only to have to start super-boosting again once they started attacking us. The attacks get really old after a while and I got a bit overwhelmed. I might have even gotten a bit whiney about it all. :-)

Everyone gets overwhelmed with their life at times and the only thing to do is to keep breathing and keep doing the work. Our chat group helped us identify the nature of the attacks, and this time is was a transparent web that they were putting around our bodies and our home. Carol and Don had the web around them also. We found that fire melts that web nicely, so I started using a flaming double-helix and a flaming dodec while boosting to get rid of the webs. Nothing works 100 percent of the time, but the boosting techniques we use help a lot.

I feel pretty lucky with the life I have and that I get to share it with Stevo. There are a lot of folks out there dealing with much more immediate physical challenges, like getting enough to eat. Stevo calls our gripes First World Problems, you know, like “internet slowness” or “the printer won’t print”. It’s good to keep things in perspective. Some people wouldn’t be able to handle our seemingly never-ending attacks, but we are fortunate that we have the skills to deal with it together.

~ Dooney

Doggie update

Thanks to all of you who have sent prayers and boosts for my beasties….they are doing fine. They get attacked usually right before we go to bed and as soon as we get up in the morning. It’s a pretty feeble attack, just a zing or two and we boost right away and it stops. Molly pretty much shrugs it off but Sammy is still on a learning curve. He gets this look on his face like “I’m dying, Mama, save me!” and his whole body clenches up and he shakes a bit, but as soon as I run energy on him he starts to relax. He’s trying really hard. He will wag his tail in the middle of an attack to let me know he’s okay but he still has that funny look on his face.

What I’m doing now is talking to him while I’m running energy on him to let him know what to do. I run my hands from the top of his head to his tailbone to show him how to run his energy. I light up each of his chakras. I send him mental pictures while I’m talking. I keep telling him “you have to fight it off, you can’t let them take over your space”, which I think is good advice for anyone who is being attacked with energy. The tools we use, such as the HP and the danburite, do help but really you have to take control of your space and no one person or thing can do that for you. It’s your job to control your own space. So just remember that NO ONE has the right to be in your space. That is your domain, unequivocally.

It’s been a good learning opportunity for all of us. Stevo and I are used to defending our space but our dogs are now becoming etheric warriors too! I personally wouldn’t want to run across Molly in a dark alley, if you know what I mean. :-)

~ Dooney

Cowardly attacks

Once again our dogs are being psychically attacked by the bug race, those stick-legged cowards. It started yesterday morning with Sammy. After we got up in the morning and went downstairs for coffee and a warm fire, I noticed him shaking while he was lying on his bed. I ascertained that there was no obvious physical reason, like a hurt toe or painful belly, so Stevo and I started boosting him. I took off my gold Danburite necklace and put it on him. That seemed to take care of the attack fairly quickly.

It’s easy to tell when things like this are attacks. They come on suddenly and after you boost things are just as suddenly better. Now, if it was a latent physical problem, that can come on quickly but generally just gets worse until you take the dog to the vet or do some other physical remedy. When the dog suddenly stops shaking, gets up, wags their tail and has life in their eyes again, it’s pretty obvious that it was psychic energy.

Sammy was shaking again this morning, so we did more work on him, including putting the danburite necklace back on, and putting on his collar which has a Carol Croft HP attached to it. He recovered pretty quickly and I went out for several hours to run errands, leaving Stevo at home to hold down the fort. When I got back, Molly was gagging and spit up a little bile. Stevo said she had been gagging for about 15 minutes. We determined months ago that when she gags like this she is actually trying to get rid of energy (our vet couldn’t figure out why it was happening). A few minutes later she started shaking.

I got her to lie down on her dog bed near the woodstove, put the Danburite and my Mary Magdalenel HP on her and Stevo and I started boosting her. Her energy system was a total mess, with big black chunks of energy that looked like boulders in between her chakras. Her actual chakras were in good shape, with strong energy, but the energy was not flowing through her body due to these boulders. She wouldn’t lie flat and she was panting and shaking.

Okay, so the reason our dogs get attacked like this is to put me into fear. They know Stevo will be okay and just do the energy work that needs to be done. But I get extremely fearful because of what happened to our dog Charlie 5 years ago, when he was murdered, basically, during a full moon. We just had a full moon yesterday and they use that energy of the moon to pull off these types of shenanigans. So it’s always a big challenge for me to do the energy work and not go into fear. I’m happy to report that I’ve been doing pretty good this time with these attacks on my dogs (kids). I was able to stay focused, not go into fear, and deliver a whoopin’ to the insects who were all over my dogs.

The insect energy is really very distinctive, so it is usually pretty easy to determine who is attacking. It feels different from Triad energy, which feels different from Jesuit energy, which feels different from drac energy…you get the idea. We had to pull out all the stops this evening to get them to stop attacking Molly. We did the emerald singing bowl, the Environmental Clearing, and another radionic-type machine involving dodecs. Molly started to get better but we couldn’t get all the bug energy out of her space with our boosting.

Stevo suggested I go to 13D to boost (duh, Dooney, how come I don’t remember that in the heat of the moment?) because they frequently attack from the 4th, 5th and 6th dimensions, and you have to go to those dimensions to clear out all the energy. So while I was doing that, I realized that I needed to clear Molly’s energy in each dimension, grounding the aspect of her that exists in each dimension and filling up that aspect with the golden sun energy.

That led Stevo and I to a discussion of multi-dimensional grounding. When I’m in 13D and boosting I will frequently breathe up from my feet all the way up to 13D, then back down and out through my tailbone, kind of a super-grounding if you will. My chat buddies have tried that and have really liked how it feels and I have taught it to a number of coaching clients. What I haven’t done when doing the super-grounding is include each aspect of myself that exists in the other dimensions. I asked Stevo if he thought that should be done one-by-one, i.e. for 4D, 5D, and so on. Stevo thought it would work to simply postulate that when you do the breath from the earth in through your feet and all the way up to 13D and then breathe back down, that you are grounding each dimensional aspect of yourself. Then when you fill up with the golden sun from above, fill up each dimensional aspect. All it takes is the idea, the imagination, then it happens.

So, I did this with Molly and her energy finally cleared completely. Her breathing slowed, and she fell asleep. She had been fighting sleep like a little kid who doesn’t want to go to bed. When dogs feel that bad that won’t sleep because they think they are going to die if they fall asleep. She finally relaxed and laid all the way on her side. I went over to her and rubbed her whole body and she stretched out. She is now resting comfortably, but she’s completely wiped out.

Molly tends to try and take the etheric hits for us. She’s a Lab, so she has lots of courage and stamina, and heart. I know that she would give her life for us if she had to. But this was the worst etheric attack she’s experienced. I noted to Stevo that we wouldn’t have realized about doing the multi-dimensional grounding if this hadn’t happened. He said once again how the attacks on us are simply our etheric PhD program. We wouldn’t have the boosting chops we have now if they hadn’t attacked us so hard.

So once again, The Powers That Ain’t provided us with a perfect learning situation that will hasten their own demise. I wanted to blog about it right away because this is the kind of information I’m meant to share with you. I have felt for a long time that it’s really important for everyone to learn how to do the higher dimensional stuff, so please try my exercise for accessing higher dimensions, and then do the multi-dimensional grounding. Have fun!

~ Dooney

Paris Terrorist Theatrics

It’s absolutely horrible that 132 people died in Paris during “terrorist” attacks last week. As soon as I heard about the attacks I started sending Love energy out. I get really pissed off when they manage to pull off dastardly deeds like this one, but the only thing I can do about it is to try and effect the energy that the situation creates. The fear and grief that is generated by something like this is food for the energy vampires that run the planet.

Today our chat group looked at the situation and we saw immediately that they were trying to create a well of souls in Paris. A well of souls is basically a trap for departed spirits that keeps grief, death and misery anchored into a certain area. We find wells like this any place there has been a battle, a massacre, or anywhere a lot of people have died. They use that energy to survive, so we do whatever we can to starve them. We cleared the Paris well pretty quickly with boosting and then looked to see who was behind this entire theatrical production. I felt that it was Triad engineered so we simply boosted the Triad energy. We are very familiar with their energy signature as we have dealt with many Triad attacks.

Francisco suggested boosting with the Belize blue hole energy, which we have been using since he and Don gifted the blue hole last December. It really seemed to calm the hot, red energy that I saw in Paris. We decided to let the blue hole stay there for a while until the situation calms down. I’m sure we haven’t finished boosting this situation and the repercussions yet to come.

One of our group put up a link to a really interesting blog that you might want to read: https://truthernews.wordpress.com/2015/11/15/10-reasons-why-the-paris-terror-attacks-were-executed-by-the-cia/

So, please don’t buy into the fear that this may generate. If you feel bad, bring golden suns into your body until the feeling goes away. Then start sending out Love. I was traveling when this all happened and as I was heading home, going through airports and being stuck on airplanes, I simply grounded, cleared my space, filled up with golden suns and then radiated. I imagined myself to be a big bubble of light. If you do that, you will affect the energy of everyone around you. Then they will affect the energy of everyone around them. You are doing a public service if you radiate your energy while in public.

It was pretty hard to be out in public after these attacks, but I think it was a personal challenge for me. Although I found it hard to do, I did do it and I was glad to have the tools to be able to do it.

~ Dooney

Danburite – our new best friend

I haven’t posted in a while (oops!) because things have been kind of intense in our house lately. With the wonderful help of my weekly chat group, we figured out that all of us in the chat have been assaulted with an etheric “goo” (different from the goo associated with implants) that has really interfered with our lives, businesses and happiness. We first noticed the goo on Stevo last year, and it was a clear film that was covering his aura and making it impossible for him to sleep. We neglected to check him for goo for quite a while, but when we did so this summer, the clear goo was back. I think they made it clear so that it was harder for us to see in his aura.

We realized we would have to check for this goo frequently on Stevo to get him back to a normal sleep pattern and get his etheric and physical strength back to 100%. Suddenly, the goo started appearing on all the chatters. And it appeared as a black goo, not clear. To me this black energy felt like black magic. The original clear goo came from the insect race, and the black goo seemed to be from the Triad hierarchy. These two groups are the main ones assaulting the chatters right now. They have even attacked some of the EW posters as well.

We have dealt with this goo in three steps:
1. boosting each chatter with the double-helix ribbons of energy (a.k.a. the blender) – see this page for details
2. boosting each chatter with the Creator Vortex to clear out energy – see this page for details
3. Wearing the danburite gemstone for protection

I have advised everyone being attacked with goo to wear danburite on their body at all times. Stevo and I have noticed that if he takes the danburite off even for a few minutes the goo starts to come back. As soon as he puts it on the goo starts to dissipate. We are both wearing gold danburite, but white or pink will work too. Carol has a few danburite pendants on her site at www.crystalinsights.net and she has access to more. Or you can check eBay or other crystal sites on the internet.

I also have a lovely pendant of white danburite and pink tourmaline that Stevo bought for me many years ago, and I routinely wear that when I have to go out in the big, wide world. We really do rely on our crystal friends for a lot of etheric help, especially our golden lemurians (also available on Carol’s site). You can’t just buy a crystal and think everything is okay, though. You have to work with the crystal, talk to it and ask it for help. You have to take an active part in your protection and recovery. I think people sometimes forget that.

The Something Big that I last posted about hasn’t happened yet, and I still don’t know what it is, but more and more folks have told me that they feel it too, even PJ folks. As usual, my advice is to ground, and breathe…and get some danburite! :-)

~ Dooney

Something Big

Maybe you have felt it…so many folks I have talked to have felt some kind of big energy. My acupuncturist told me that a lot of people he sees, people who aren’t even energy-sensitive, have felt it. People are having death dreams. People are fighting off fear, despair and hopelessness.

It’s been happening for a couple of years now. The energy has been ramping up. I know I keep saying “something big is coming” but it feels like this is different. I could be wrong, but this feels more definite, and more immediate. I don’t know what’s going to happen but I have some ideas about what you can do about it.

Breathe. Ground. Love. It’s just that simple. This is our challenge, folks. This is what we have been preparing for. It’s easy to be successful when things are calm. The real challenge is to be successful with your energy work when things get crazy. Can you stay in present time? Can you stay in your heart? My personal life has been challenging the past two years, and it’s not letting up. I am constantly gauging my success. Some days I do better than others. All of my personal issues are being challenged. I think everyone is being challenged in this way, whether they recognize it or not. Everyone is going through something. Maybe we can learn to have compassion for our fellow humans, knowing that they are going through tough times too.

More than ever, it’s important to do the work. I know how easy it is to get caught up in personal drama. I think I am the original Drama Queen. Luckily, I have some resources to call upon and some experience dealing with this energy. I invite you to peruse the exercises on my website, especially the grounding and boosting exercises. Find a way to deal with the energy instead of ignoring it. In a way, I feel privileged to be here on the earth at this time. We are here now because we are the ones who have the strength and the spirit to deal with this energy. We are here to usher in the incredible energy that is coming onto the planet. Emotions are running high, so make sure your space is clear. Ground, work on your chakras, bring in golden sun energy from your 8th chakra. Stick to the basics and you will come through it okay, but you must live consciously!

~ Dooney

Ghost Whisperer

Carol was visiting recently (always a treat) and while she was here my dad who died two years ago decided to visit also. This has happened before when I have visited her house. I think my dad is stuck between worlds and not able to move on. When I’m around Carol he knows that he can reach me through her, so he comes around. What happened was that I was lying in bed, not asleep, or I had just woken up from sleep (don’t remember) and I felt that someone was walking up to the side of the bed and was reaching out to touch me on the shoulder. I got kind of scared for a second, then I realized it was my dad and I relaxed. I said out loud “Just go away Dad”. That sounds kind of harsh doesn’t it? He’s been hanging around since he died and I don’t always have the patience I should have, especially in the middle of the night.

I asked Carol the next morning if she has felt my dad around since she’s been visiting and she said he’s been bugging her too. It’s kind of tough because he won’t believe (and never did) that there is anything after you die, he didn’t believe in God, and now he’s trying to stay latched onto this world. Stubborn. I think maybe he’s waiting for my mom to join him, but she’s nowhere near ready to go. So I imagine I will continue to feel him around from time to time. I’ve tried to get him to move on but he doesn’t believe in it, so he won’t go.

The second night Carol was here, I was awake again in the middle of the night (thank you insomnia, ugh) and I heard footsteps in the hallway, and I heard the door to our laundry room open (it’s kind of noisy). I didn’t hear the door close, though. When we all got up in the morning I asked Carol and Stevo if they had been walking around in the middle of the night and they both said no. I was the first one up and the laundry room door was still closed. Carol said my dad did come into her room that night, which can only be reached from the hallway by opening the laundry room door.

I’ve had stuff like this happen a lot at Carol’s house and just a few times here at our house. It’s not really scary, just more surprising. It’s happened enough times that I don’t question anymore whether it’s real, it’s just something that happens. I was telling this to another friend today and she pointed out how on TV or in the movies they make it seem so creepy and scary. But it’s not really that way. I suppose it could be if a really evil entity is trying to scare you, but I think you have to learn to not immediately go into fear, or if you do go into fear, to get out of it quickly.

Carol had told us about a TV show from the ’90s called “The Others” and I was able to find the full episodes on Youtube. It’s an interesting show and the characters drop a lot of gems in the dialogue, one of which was that demons can only get to you if you go into fear. The show was only on for 13 episodes and then got cancelled, but the shows that did air were interesting and worth watching. They do go in for the creep factor a bit, but the show is also almost a primer for the new psychic.

Anyway I sometimes tease Carol about being the Ghost Whisperer. Wouldn’t that be a great name for a TV show?

~ Dooney

It was good while it lasted

I guess posting about not being attacked put somebody on alert because we started getting attacked again…oh well! The truth is that attacks pop up all the time, most of the time when we are in a vulnerable state. Then they can sneak right in on top of that vulnerability and get into your space. Stevo had that happen the other day when he heard some distressing news about a patient. Almost right away he started to feel nauseated but it wasn’t until a bit later that he mentioned it to me and we looked for an attack. Sure enough, they had gotten to his 3rd chakra and attacked it when he was stressing over the bad news.

It’s impossible to stop all of those kinds of attacks, but as I’ve said in the past, the key is to recognize when it’s happening, deal with it quickly and heal the area of your energy system that was attacked. A few hours after my last post where I was talking about fear, I got a chance to practice what I preach. Stevo went for a bike ride in the woods and rather than being gone for his normal 2-hour ride, he was gone for 4 hours. That’s all I needed for the worrywart in me to come out. I imagined him attacked by a mountain lion, or having a bad crash and lying on the bike trail unconscious. Typical Dooney. :-)

So, I knew I was going into fear and I did my best to fight it. I grounded, I brought golden suns into my 3rd chakra, etc. It helped but I didn’t really relax until Stevo got home. It’s a bit scary to go out in the world and be vulnerable in a car or on a bike when you get attacked as much as we do, but you gotta live your life. Carol and Don are my heroes because they travel all over and Don flies his small planes! Those guys win the bravery award…

I was kind of laughing at myself, though, because I had just posted about this whole fear issue then got a good lesson in it. (“God is happy, Sabu, he plays with us” – Name that movie). I then had to immediately do an in-person coaching and be on the ball for that. So you have to always be ready to respond to whatever gets thrown at you, right?

Lucky for me I’ve gotten good on-the-job training from the NWO wankers. I don’t think that’s how they wanted it to work though, haha.

~ Dooney

A bit of a break…for now

Ever since our birthdays in late June, Stevo and I have enjoyed a bit of a respite from heavy etheric attacks. According to the Cards of Destiny, the energy in your life changes on your birthday and the challenges you were dealing with from one birthday to the next change to a different set of challenges. Oh joy! :-)

Actually, I find the Cards to be very accurate in my life and other folks have told me the same thing. This coming year is apparently going to be more challenging for Stevo and myself, and this past year has been preparation for that. It doesn’t mean we have to go into fear about it, but just be aware that things are probably going to come up that we have to handle with grace and courage.

That’s the real challenge of life isn’t it? I was talking to a friend the other day who was worried about the rumored FEMA camps in the U.S. and all the other intense information that’s out there on the internet right now. I told her there is always going to be some fear challenge out there, especially for those who are awake, but the key is to not get stuck in the fear vibe. Fear is normal but I think the trick is to feel it, process it and move beyond it.

Most of the information out there is meant to put you in fear, so that the darksiders can feed off of it. That’s how they work. They literally feed their energy system on your fear. That’s why there’s so much bad news out there. So, do your best to cut off their energy supply – don’t let them feed on your fear. It’s a simple concept but not really easy to do. It takes focus and commitment, and you have to learn the etheric skills to do it. Bad things are going to happen in life sometimes, sure. It’s not all rainbows and unicorns out there, but how you deal with it is the key.

~ Dooney