Interdimensional visitor

It’s nothing new to have one of these interdimemsional visitors pop in to our space, but I wanted to write about it to illustrate how I handle a situation like this, because I get a lot of questions about it. What happened is that Carol became aware of being attacked by some weird aliens that she hasn’t seen before. We talked about it a bit, and that night I got a visit from one of them. Now, you might think that this is just a case of the power of suggestion, in which Carol tells me something and then I start to believe it because she believes it. However, that isn’t what happens between two balanced physics, or anyone who’s balanced really.

What happens when we talk about stuff like this is that my focus turns to something I hadn’t been focusing on, and once I focus on it, I can see it. I have had the experience with other people and balanced psychics where that wasn’t the case. I ask my heart to do the discerning to see if what I am hearing is true for me. That’s what all of us should be doing when we take in information. It doesn’t mean their information is wrong, it’s just not true for me.

In any case, that night I couldn’t sleep (and didn’t until after dawn) and as I was laying there in bed running my energy, I suddenly got an image in my mind of someone standing outside the window that is at the head of my bed, and that someone was a tall, bug-like (not mantis) alien. I felt it standing there as sure as if I was standing next to someone in a crowd. This is what they do. They send you images of what they want your reality to be. I get home-invasion images a lot when Stevo travels and I’m home alone. This guy wanted to scare me by showing me that he was right outside the window, and that I was vulnerable.

So, when you feel a presence like that it’s really easy to go into fear. If you go into fear, you are going to manifest whatever it is that the entity/visitor wants you to manifest. They use our energy against us! This is really important to know, because you need to stop helping them to harass and terrorize you.

Here’s what I did once I perceived this visitor. First, I began to breathe deep belly breaths. I didn’t try to boost right away, I just made sure I was not going into fear. I kept telling myself “don’t look, don’t look” because I knew that if I actually saw someone standing there it would be harder to stay out of fear. (This also happened once with a ghost who was standing next to my bed.) My guess is that even if I had looked I wouldn’t see anyone, that they would be cloaked. We’ve had several cloaked visitors this summer. Standing on the back porch, Stevo has smelled cigarette smoke several times. Our nearest neighbor is about 300 yards away and neither of us smoke, so it’s pretty obvious. He’s also heard footsteps in the house at night.

Anyway, I did my belly breathing, listening to the breath going in and out of my body, feeling my belly rise and fall. Then I focused on my heart center and imagined it glowing like a sun from within. Next, I said hello to the earth, the sun, the galactic sun and the universe, and then said hello to my infinite self that exists beyond the universe. Then and only then did I begin to boost. I imagined that each molecule in my body was a galaxy in the universe. I breathed Love into all those molecules and all those galaxies until we were all resonating together. (This feels great, by the way, and you can do it anytime)

Then I turned my attention to my visitor. I said silently “I am a creator being and I am infinitely more powerful than you. You have no power over me and I do not give you permission to be in my space.” I kept breathing and radiating Love with no anger or particular outcome expected. In less than a minute, I perceived this visitors energy shrinking, faster and faster, until he just blinked out of my space and my awareness. After that, I just kept breathing and running energy for a while, then I fell asleep. I have not felt this presence since then. This whole process took maybe ten minutes, maybe less, from the time I perceived the visitor.

So, this is how I get a predator out of my space. Make no mistake, these entities, aliens and other unwelcome visitors are simply here to feed on your energy. I get a lot of emails from people who are under severe attack, and this is the only way I know how to stop it immediately. It helps immensely that I have a lot of orgonite around me, both near my person and on my property. Orgonite gives you the breathing room (literally) to use your energy and your heart to deal with these attacks. You don’t need to learn a complicated mediation or ritual. You need to breathe. Everything starts there. Use whatever method you need to get into your heart space. Boost with Love. If you use it correctly there is nothing more powerful in the Universe and beyond. Practice this so that you have the skill when it’s crunch time (in the middle of the night, for instance!).

~ Dooney

Challenging times…still

IMG_0949This is the forest fire that is marching over the hills towards our house. I can’t tell you how much energy work we have done on this fire. We’ve been able to slow it down but it keeps coming and at times it’s hard not to panic. Carol is currently pointing the super CBs, that we made last weekend, at the fire. There has been a ton of smoke over her area from all the fires around Spokane but she said the air has been clear and pure about 10 miles out around her house. We actually got a blue hole over her house before we even finished pouring those CBs. You’ll be hearing more about those in the near future. :-)

Stevo and I are both sure that there is heavy-duty beaming weaponry being used to advance this fire, apart from rather obvious human operators on the ground who are lighting fires, both overtly and covertly. For one, the rain clouds that have formed in past few weeks just evaporate when they get close to our mountains. Secondly, we are having summer temps in September. I’ve lived here more than 18 years and we’ve never had weird temps like this. It was over 70 degrees last night at 11:30. Usually by now we are getting frost in the mornings. So something really unusual it happening and I don’t think it’s natural. Some days, we’ll walk outside when the thermometer says 80 degrees, and it feels like it’s almost 100 degrees. It feels like being in a microwave oven, Stevo says. That, combined with the HAARPy clouds we’re seeing again is another thing that convinces us this is weaponized weather. So, like I said in my last post we’re pretty much going it alone here except for the very welcome boosting of friends and readers. Another big THANK YOU to those folks!

IMG_0937For those of you who aren’t familiar with the blue hole phenomenon, here’s a pic of one that was over our house last Saturday when I got home from my trip to Carol’s. This is one of the more dramatic ones I’ve ever seen. :-)  It looks fake, right? So I know that Stevo and I are doing the right things, we just have to stick with it long enough and have faith that we are doing the right thing and not give in to panic. It sounds like a war zone here with all the helicopters going back and forth to the fire with water buckets, or accelerant, who knows? We’ve seen dark black smoke on occasion, which means that some kind of petrochemical is burning, such as gasoline or, more likely, diesel. When trees are burning it’s white smoke.

IMG_0950I took a break after starting this post and went downtown for a little while. As I drove away, I saw all this HAARP, which wasn’t there an hour before. Again, this is really unusual for us. About an hour later I came back, and the sky is full of rainclouds. We are forecast to have rain for a while starting tomorrow, along with normal fall temps. So maybe we have outlasted the wankers and will finally get back to a normal weather pattern. With all the fires, floods, hurricanes and earthquakes lately, it seems like they just wanted to destroy everything. Well, they don’t get their wish! Don’t give up folks…we can do this!

~ Dooney


Galactic Central Sun boosting

I haven’t posted in a while (again) because there has been so much going on here, from dental surgery and  painkillers (ugh!), to naughty dogs, to drac attacks and boosting with the Galactic Central Sun. This is a new technique Stevo is developing and he’s getting pretty badly attacked for it. If you check Stillness in the Storm and do a search on “galactic central sun” you’ll find some interesting information. Some stuff on that site is disinfo, but like everything out there you have to be discerning. Stevo has been bringing the energy of the galactic central sun into his space; in his words:

Bring a cord of this energy from the galactic central sun into your crown, 3 feet in diameter, down your grounding cord and into the center of the planet. It’s kinda like the transporter beam in the original StarTrek TV show.

He then uses this energy to boost out through the heart chakra, and it’s very powerful. It’s the next step beyond bringing the golden suns into his space, which is part of my Basic Grounding exercise. It seems that when you boost a target with this energy it’s much easier to get fast results. You almost don’t have to even think about the attackers if you are boosting someone who’s getting attacked. You just boost the target and the attackers are affected by the energy automatically. Anyway, it’s something for you boosters to try.

We figure Stevo’s on the right track because they are trying to stop him from doing this kind of energy work. He uses it to do planet-wide boosting as well. There was an incident with an MIB who injected him in the middle of the night, causing him enough pain to wake him up. Then in the morning there was a tell-tale red mark on his forehead. He’s been doing tons of detoxing to get rid of whatever they used in the injection (our intuition was a fast-acting cancer),  and he’s finding that more than ever he has to be on his spiritual path 24/7, no slacking.

I think that’s the message a lot of folks are getting nowadays. The farther you stray off your path the more painful life gets. This is a time when everyone is polarizing into those who are stuck in 3D and will remain that way, and those who are becoming the multi-dimensional, loving beings we are supposed to be. This is the time to do healthy things for your body, your physical vehicle, so that you can grow spiritually. To grow spiritually, you have to discipline your thoughts and actions, giving up anger and judgement and all the things that keep you stuck in 3D. Remember the big picture, and send out love as often as you can. Keep your space clear, breathe, and remember who you truly are.

You can do it!

~ Dooney :-)


Learning new things

It’s always good to learn something new and I’ve had a lot of that going on lately. An alert reader sent me an interesting link to an article about getting rid of implants (thanks B!). I tried it out and it seemed to do something. I felt a very strong pulsing in my 6th chakra, which is a good sign to me that a lot of energy is moving. The technique can be found here:

There is some newagey stuff on the site and some disinformation but I think this technique is probably genuine. The only thing I would change is to bring golden light in where it says to bring white light in. Golden light is just a bit safer as white light can attract negative entities (according to Carol and others) and golden light seems to be impervious to any negative entities. You’ll have to experiment and see what works for you.

It’s interesting to me where the author talks about there not being any more physical implants on people because I’d have to say that in the past few years I’ve hardly ever found implants on people anymore. Also, the 3rd and 6th chakras are the ones I see most commonly attacked, and lots of folks have complaints about the backs of their necks. Once you read the implant clearing technique you’ll see the parallels.

In other news, Carol told us about a great book called “The Law of Light” by Lars Muhl and we have found it to be very good reading. It’s all about the secret teachings of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. There are some really good prayers and ideas in there that we have been taking to heart. This has lead me to a new kind of boosting which is more neutral, more grounded and more effective than ever. You need to read the book (it’s a fast read), but basically the new boosting is about taking ego completely out of the picture and just presenting yourself as pure Love to a target. It’s hard to explain. I simply exist while boosting, in the highest state of Love that I can be, and it simply melts the target!

This may not suffice as practical boosting advice, but it kind of expands on the “apostrophe” post I did a few posts ago. I think that experience was a preview for reading the Law of Light information and understanding more and more what that was all about.

IMG_1825The latest development in our house is that we got a new puppy, Sunshine, who is a 5-month-old yellow lab. We now have three yellow labs! It was totally unexpected but when we saw her we couldn’t resist her. So now we are learning anew how to be good pack leaders according to Cesar Milan’s excellent training techniques, and Sunshine is bringing joy to us and (finally) to Sammy and Molly. They weren’t sure about this intruder at first but they are liking her now. Our dogs are good reminders to us of what unconditional love looks like. It’s a good opportunity for us to practice our neutrality (calmness) and strength (assertiveness). I’ve always appreciated the way Cesar reads the energy of people and dogs. Thanks to his techniques, I can walk all three dogs by myself and have them heeling almost perfectly.

Due to some unfortunate family events, Stevo and I are being reminded how to breathe through challenges and how to live in the moment. You can’t do anything about the past or the future, you can only do something in the moment, and more often than not that something is breathing. Never forget that your breath is your connection to spirit. Inspiration means breathing and it also means to be filled with spirit. That’s no coincidence. The more you breathe, the more you will be in the flow of the moment, and things will flow with you and around you. It’s one of the biggest challenges we have as a spirit in a body.

~ Dooney


Nighttime attacks

The Powers That Ain’t attacked both my dogs last night in the middle of the night. Luckily, my insomniac husband and I were still awake so we were able to deal with it. Honestly, do those wankers really have nothing better to do?? It started with Sammy getting hives on the top of his head. Then Molly went outside several times to vomit. Then they were both shaking. Usually we have to deal with one shaking dog at a time but last night was a double whammy (isn’t that a great piece of slang?). I started playing my emerald singing bowl mp3 through our Slim Spurling harmonizer, and we each got hold of a dog and started helping them run their energy. They were both wagging their tails slightly so I knew it couldn’t be too bad.

The funny thing is that when they get attacked, Sammy gets really quiet, and slinks around and his eyes get really big. Last night he was looking around like he expected a monster to jump out at him at any minute. Molly, on the other hand, gets really agitated. She won’t sit still and she wants constant petting. Another weird thing that happened is that she started frantically sniffing Sammy, all over his body, like she could smell something bad (or interesting, it’s hard to tell with a dog). We figured she can actually smell the energy of the attackers, who were alien insects in this case.

So we did what we usually do. We run a hand down their back, from the top of their head all the way to the tailbone. At the same time we talk to them about grounding and bringing in golden suns and send them images at the same time. This time it only took about 20 minutes to stop the attacks. I put on their collars that have an HP and a piece of danburite taped on, and I also played our singing bowl in real time and that seemed to settle them down quite a bit. I didn’t panic this time, I just dealt with it. I wonder if TPTA are getting really desperate. Why else would they expend so much energy to hassle us by attacking our dogs? That’s the best they can do now, and it’s really pitiful. Remember, TPTA hate to be laughed at or scorned in any way. If you can make fun of them you are coming from a stronger position. DON’T GO INTO FEAR! If you learn one thing from reading my blog, learn that. Practice it. Bring golden suns into your 3rd chakra until you can laugh about the whole thing. Get a bigger perspective. Then boost!

~ Dooney

“I’ve had an apostrophe!”

I love that line from the movie “Hook”, where Bob Hoskins talks about having an apostrophe instead of an epiphany. I had an epiphany of sorts early this morning and after you read about it you might say “Duh, Dooney, knew that all along”!. :-) I was woken up around 6am, pre-dawn, by my dog Molly who was shaking badly. I got her to lay back down on her bed and after determining that she wasn’t hurt, I realized she was being psychically attacked. Again. Sigh….

I spent the next hour running energy on her, over and over, grounding her, and bringing in golden suns. She stopped shaking once for a few minutes then started up again. So I kept going. I also started boosting her attackers. Our chat group had just gotten a line on one of Stevo’s persistent attackers on Sunday and we whacked him with love energy pretty hard, and I think it was him or his associates retaliating by hitting Molly.

So, as usual I started to go into fear a little bit, wondering if a run to the emergency vet was going to be needed after all. Then, I gave myself a pep talk. I was worried, I was tired, shivering and cramped from bending over Molly for an hour in the dark. But I knew I was going to have to just stop whining about it and take care of business. So I boosted and boosted and boosted. I started to realize that my energy was expanding the more I let go of being worried and uncomfortable. It was pure boosting. And it just kept getting bigger and bigger.

I was Mavericks boosting, which is my term for using a giant ocean wave to wash over my attackers. I got an image of Giant Dooney, my alter-ego boosting buddy, riding a surfboard on the Mavericks wave. I saw my dogs Charlie and Black Jack, who died years ago, on another surfboard. I started to feel so connected to everything, and that’s when I had my “apostrophe”.

I started to see everything as an ocean of consciousness; all that you see – people, animals, plants, rocks, earth, cars, buildings, every material thing – is a wave coming up out of that ocean of consciousness. We are separate waves but all part of the same ocean. Some waves flow together, like me and Stevo. :-) Some waves clash and one overtakes the other. Some waves die out as soon as they are born. And some waves take the long ride into the shore before they subside and rejoin the ocean. So I spent the day thinking about all these analogies and trying to feel it in 3D, all the time, even around other people.

It’s hard! It’s so hard to keep that perspective. But while I was out and about running errands I tried to see just the people as ocean waves, and I tried to feel how we are connected. Even the “bad” guys are waves in the same ocean. All the agents and aliens that attack us are waves in the same ocean. I have known that we are all one intellectually, but this is the first time I have really felt it this strong. So, now I have a new paradigm to practice feeling on a daily basis. How much easier will life flow for me if I can stay in this frame of mind? Do you ever have a day where everything goes right and everything seems easy? And then you have a day where absolutely nothing goes right? I think maybe those types of days are ones where we are really in the flow of that ocean consciousness, with waves flowing together, or we are just crashing against all the other waves in our lives.

This is probably already obvious to some of you, as is was to Stevo, but is was very empowering for me to feel it so strongly for myself. Maybe I’ve just gotten to the point where I am getting good enough at conquering fear, which is so very important. I got to a level of neutrality in my boosting that I’ve never attained before. It was easy to see my attackers as just another manifestation of the whole. There was no angst, just love. It was not surprising to me that as soon as I gained this perspective while boosting, Molly relaxed, stopped shaking and went to sleep. She woke up later and was totally fine.

It was just another interesting day for a spiritual warrior! :-)


Night terrors? Boost ’em baby!

Everybody in my chat group is getting attacked pretty hard lately. Last night I was sent some disturbing visions and dreams. While I was half awake I was sent the image of someone standing next to my bed who was going to attack me physically. I wasn’t fully alert but I realized right away that I had to boost that image away so that it wouldn’t become real. So I boosted and boosted that image until I couldn’t see it anymore. This is a pretty common form of attack. They come at you while you are vulnerable because it’s easy to go into fear and hard to fight back. So when you are tired or sick, or even just have some mild physical problem that they can take advantage of, they will attack. They will also play upon your fears. For a long time I kept getting an image of a man standing in the back of my closet waiting to attack me. I finally realized that they use my closet to scare me and have been doing that since I was a little kid. Now when I go in my closet I stick my tongue out at the image of that man. I refuse to be afraid of my closet! :-)

I think the trick is to not worry all the time about being attacked, but to develop the ability to respond immediately, no matter what. After I boosted the creepy attacker image away last night, I fell asleep and had an awful dream about one of my dogs being killed. That segued into another dream about my dog Charlie (who died 5 years ago) being killed in some terrible manner. As soon as I woke up I boosted those images. I knew if I didn’t the dreams would haunt me for days.

As humans, we are emotional and heartfelt. It’s okay to be that way. It’s what makes us the awesome, multi-dimensional beings we are. But it means that we are vulnerable to things that hurt our hearts. I’ve been dealing with that all my life and I finally know now that it doesn’t mean there is something wrong with me. It means there is something right. And now I have boosting as a tool to deal with the people (and non-people) in this world who think it’s okay to hurt others.

If you have ever prayed, you know how to boost. If you’ve ever sent good thoughts to someone, you know how to boost. Check out my Basic Boosting exercise (link on the right sidebar) and get a Master’s degree in boosting. Then get busy! :-)

~ Dooney

Blue Hole & Emerald boosting

In yesterday’s chat we were inspired to use the Blue Hole boosting energy (see this post) along with Emerald crystal energy (see this post) to boost some attackers off our chat group. It seemed to be very powerful, and we had never used that combination of energy before. This is one of the great things about humans…our imaginations give us a wonderful capacity for invention and creation. That’s something the darksiders never get. The more they harass us, the more creative we become. The combined blue-green energy is incredibly beautiful!

Anyway, shorty after we started boosting one of our chatters got visited by a black helicopter. Several minutes later, another one showed up. It was nice confirmation. This type of boosting seems to get rid of energy cords very quickly, especially once you do it from 13D. I really encourage everyone to read and practice my exercise for accessing higher dimensions, or find another way to do it since my way is not the only way. :-)

I think it’s vital that we start expressing the multi-dimensional aspect of our abilities sooner rather than later. I’ve been kind of pushing people to do it in my chats and coaching sessions because it feels urgent to me that we learn this. I think it’s going to help us deal with the rising energy on the planet, and it will also help us to help other people who are not quite there yet. I think since we are more energy-sensitive and aware, it’s going to be our job to help others get through whatever transition is coming. Actually, I believe we are already in the transition and that’s why the world seems so much more crazy these days.

Give this boosting a try and see how it feels to you. After the chat we got heavily chem-sprayed and had to point to of our CB’s straight up in the sky to clear it up. They always do that when we make them unhappy with our boosting, so we know we hit the mark yesterday.


Earth Chakra meditation

earthbandsStevo has been doing a new kind of mediation that I wanted to share with you. The wankers are keeping him awake at night, still, so he’s using the time constructively and coming up with new ways to send out Love energy. This one is pretty cool (well, they all are) and I hope many of you will start trying it out.

Basically, you imagine the earth with two bands of energy around it, curved from top to bottom on the vertical axis. These bands go around and around the earth, crossing over each other as they pass around the earth, one going in one direction, one going in the other direction. One is male and one is female.

My Photoshopped pic is a bit crude, but I hope you get the idea. In Stevo’s words:

I’ve been working to heal the planetary grid, chakras, vortices, below ground to 10 mile depth and above ground 10 miles up. I’ve been finding good results too with grounding my heart chakra to the center of the earth.  Not via straight lines however, but rather using a vesica pisces (cat pupil shape) curved, feminine lines.  Going from left side of heart chakra down to center of planet, and from there, back up to the right side of heart chakra.

Stevo got attacked really hard after he started doing this meditation, so I think he’s onto something. I hope you will try it and add to it.

Happy Boosting!
~ Dooney