Will the strangeness ever end?
I have to believe so…
We’ve had so many weird things happen lately that it’s become almost commonplace so I forget to blog about it all. For instance, a week or so ago, one of the HHG’s that we have in the house that a friend made for us (thanks Miguel!) appeared on our back deck. Just sitting there, in the middle of the back deck. I asked Stevo if he put it out there and he said no. So. I’m pretty sure it wasn’t one of the dogs because they couldn’t reach it where it was in the house and I don’t think either one of them could have fit it in their mouth, carried it out and set it down right side up in the exact middle of the deck. Okay…
I don’t know if it was friend or foe who moved the HHG but it doesn’t really matter. I took a pic of it and put it up on one of the posts on the deck and there it stays. That’s the kind of thing they used to do to freak me out, and I’m kind of amused if that was the intention. It’s like the tennis balls that kept disappearing and reappearing in my pasture last summer. Ho hum…
Another thing that happened was that one evening Stevo and I were looking at the stars and noticed that we could see a LOT more stars than usual. We have spent a lot of time looking at the sky, day and night, for the past 20 years, and we both noticed separately that the background field of stars, beyond the really bright ones you see all the time, is really visible. Has anyone else noticed this? We are supposed to be able to see only about 2,000 stars, even in a dark night sky, but I swear we could see many thousands more in the dark sky between the bright stars. It’s like a whole other layer of reality is visible now. Just wondering if anyone else has seen that.
Weird thing Number 3 is that last Thursday evening, Stevo, myself and our dog Sammy were all hit with significant back pain at the same time. To me, that signals the start of an attack. I feel that we were beamed with some kind of weapon. Carol was also attacked around that time and a few days earlier our friend Jeff who does the Positive Changes thread on EW was attacked as well. When several people in our little group are all attacked at the same time we take notice. For all of us to experience back pain is even more telling. Sammy recovered the next day, but Stevo and I have battled the aftereffects, even with all of Stevo’s training as a healer. He was out of pain today and I am slowly getting there.
So what does all of this mean? I think it just means that we are in the middle of a lot of change. Life, or reality, as we have known it is already changing. We’re not waiting for the Big Event, we are living it. So our way of handling it is to…you guessed it, BREATHE! I know I talk about his a lot but it’s really the best way I know to being in energy from the earth and your co-creator of this reality. Getting caught up in the drama of life just prolongs your lesson, so breathe, center yourself and work on being neutral. Neutral doesn’t mean you don’t care. It just means you are in a better space to deal with whatever comes your way.
Recently, every keyboard I use in my life has been giving me fits. My phone, my iPad, and my computer keyboard are all having issues. The other day I solved the iPad issue. I plugged in an external keyboard to solve my laptop issue. I’m right now updating my phone OS to hopefully solve my phone issue. I’ve had to just stay calm, laugh about it and move forward. It’s not usually easy to do that with the bigger issues of life. Keyboard issues are definitely a First World Problem. 
As I mentioned in my last post, Stevo and I are exploring the information put out by George Kavassilas, who I guess has been around for a while. He’s new to us. There’s so much information out there that you really just have to follow your heart about what you want to explore and who you want to listen to in your explorations. And try to have some fun!
~ Dooney